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How many 'missing' fans will actually return?



  • LuckyReds said:

    I hope I will.

    I'm a bit concerned about my general apathy towards the club: I'm not aware of our fixtures anymore, and games/results seem to sneak up on me and surprise me. For instance, I thought we drew 1-1 against Wimbledon for a good 3 or 4 days.

    It's worth pointing out that without CharltonLife I don't think I'd have any real link with the club anymore, short of a few t-shirts and a hoodie. It's a shame, as even last year it proved to be a good afternoon with the missus and one of the main ways I saw my brother - what with work commitments and clashed schedules, it was good to have a semi-regular football match.

    Unfortunately, I'm beginning to get in the habit of having some more free time of a weekend, and I'm sure there will be fans who slowly adopt new routines. I do think that even if Roland and Meire were to leave today, the effect on the club would be felt for a season or two. The longer they stay the worse it will get though. My only hope - and I'm sure it will happen - is that all the energy and creativity involved in the fight against Roland will be transferred towards regaining our status in the community and amongst fans.

    It's ironic really, every day that goes on our crowds fall and the club gets damaged more - yet the only form of legitimacy that the regime clings to is a "supporter group" aimed at increasing attendances to 20K. Target20K have a lot to answer for.

    Exactly how I'm feeling about the whole sorry situation.

    Even the three away games I've been to have hardly got the pulse racing.

  • Most will return with new owners, especially if/when we're back in the Championship. At the moment we have a tripple whammy of

    - RD and KM
    - 3rd division football - games against Fleetwood, Oldham, Wimbledon etc (no disrespect to those clubs) are massively less appealing than the teams in the Championship. Imagine this Saturday if we were playing Newcastle or Villa
    - We're playing awful hoofball
  • The longer it goes on the easier it is to stay away.
    The trouble is when Roland finally leaves we could be completely dismantled as a serious football club.
    It could take years to rebuild and there are no guarantees this could happen.
  • The second they leave I'm there. Until then unless a protest dictates it I won't be handing over a penny
  • In a few years time once he has done his bollocks and Katy gets bored he will sell.

    The crowd will then double overnight to about 7000!
  • WSS said:

    I honestly think that first game they go you could have 18-20k in the ground if it gets promoted and marketed properly

    The Conference South will never have seen a crowd like it!
  • The first game after they go will be a great occasion and one hell of a party. If the sale goes through spring/summer it'll be a season ticket for me the next season. Come on Roland, old chap, do the decent thing and eff off so we can all have a right old knees up!
  • iamdan said:

    Not sure, actually found the time with my wife pleasurable.

    How does the wife feel?? :wink:

    As for returning, I'll be back the minute they are gone!
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  • iamdan said:

    Not sure, actually found the time with my wife pleasurable.

  • I'll make time for the "we've got our club back" party, but sadly I'm finding other there things to do that supersede Charlton Athletic.
    ......*and I never thought I'd say those words*..............
  • edited September 2016
    Ask soapboxsam.

    Q. When is a boycott not a boycott ?

    A. It stops being a boycott when you find other things you would rather do
    when the match is being played.

    Q. Will fans and supporters who have gone AWOL return when Douchebag goes.

    A. Yes if it's a Peter Varney consortium or similar decent owner.
    No if he sells to a Katrien Meire Consortium.
  • When I started my boycott last season I used to think I would be back through the turnstiles the minute these owners have gone however the longer it goes on and the more I do at the weekends that does not include football I am beginning to have doubts.

    Let's see what happens once they have gone.

  • When we went back to the Valley it was a slow building process to win people back and to re engage local kids.
    Hopefully it won't be as long before Duchatelet goes but there will be a lag before average attendances increase markedly.
  • Exact same discussion was had when we were in Shitehurst/Boleyn.
    All be it, they were held in pubs/homes then.
    It may have taken a while but we recovered.
    We will again.
    Oh & yes I am annoyingly optimistic. Always have been ;-)
  • Even at £5 I bet there's no more than 15000/16000 on sat
    Club is totally f**ked
  • Without question, I will be back. But not until the Belgians have gone !!

    They're in my heart, they're in my soul, they'll be my friend when I grow old ...We're going through a sticky patch but it'll get better. Charlton 'til I die #50yearsaFan #BoycottContinues #RolandOUT #NotAPennyMore
  • Not going to matches because we are in the 3rd division and playing crap football, isn't much of a boycott, it's more the natural driftage that happens when clubs are poorly run, and fans get disinterested.

    All the people who are saying they've got other things to do, I totally understand, but if we were back in the PL and playing Arsenal on Saturday, they'd be desperate for tickets.
  • The whole point is to enjoy the "match day experience" as old squirel face says .I used love walking down floyd rd anticipating the excitement generated by a big crowd [it was possible with 8000 for back to the valley days].I suspect it is fun going to watch pompey at present with big crowds and a common purpose.I feel certain large numbers will return when the belgians are gone.certainly I and my family will return 100%
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  • As soon as these lot are gone I'll buy a season ticket/ half season ticket
  • I'll be buying one adult and at least one kids season ticket as soon as Roland sells.
  • Does everyone assume that Douchebag will sell to a knight in shining armour ? I really want him out but i wish i believed in fairy tales.
  • edited September 2016
    WSS said:

    I honestly think that first game they go you could have 18-20k in the ground if it gets promoted and marketed properly

    Only midweek homes but still doing the Saturday aways.

    Once these knobs p*** off I'll be back quicker that a rat up a drainpipe.

    BUT as others have posted, we need to be weary on who they sell to.
  • All the people who are saying they've got other things to do, I totally understand, but if we were back in the PL and playing Arsenal on Saturday, they'd be desperate for tickets.

    If we were in the PL I wouldn't feel the need to protest against RD as the system would have worked - as it is his loopy experiment has driven us into the third tier with no prospect of climbing back out. However, if we draw Arsenal at home in the FA Cup in January I still wouldn't go. Not a penny more until they're gone.
  • A season ticket for me and my grand-daughter when Roland truly sells up. At The Valley for Wimbledon (didn't enjoy the experience on any level) and I'm not going back to the Spring.
  • I'll be back. Walked out Tuesday saying it was the end, but will be there tomorrow. It's in the blood, not just because we were good once. It's my team.
  • Maybe those who have stayed should always get priority for high demand away games over those who stayed away.
  • As soon as these lot are gone I'll buy a season ticket/ half season ticket

    As soon as these lot are gone I'll buy a season ticket/ half season ticket

  • I will return it will be like the day we returned from the dark days away. Bring on the party!
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Roland Out Forever!