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Demo in the Car Park - Ben watch your Back Mate

edited December 2006 in General Charlton
Well there were approximately 60 supporters having a demo in the Car Park last night Booing Varney & Murray & even my Dad when he came out to talk to them. Stuff like 'we want our money back' & 'sack the board' beeing sung. One supporter told my old man that's the worst Charlton team he had seen for 30 years. Obviously did not go to the Brighton game that ended 7-1 & could have been 15-1 then there fella. You only gauge how bad or good your team is on the most recent result. Judging by last night we were woeful no argument. One thig that does worry me though, a demonstration in the Car park however small shows that we are now on a very slippery slope, how many supporters next home game 300-500, 1,000, how long before it turns nasty, & cars start getting torched ala Millwall? Ben if you are reading this time, to start wearing that Santa disguise anyway.


  • we should all boycott boro away!
  • [cite]Posted By: Ketman[/cite]Well there were approximately 60 supporters having a demo in the Car Park last night Booing Varney & Murray & even my Dad when he came out to talk to them. Stuff like 'we want our money back' & 'sack the board' beeing sung. One supporter told my old man that's the worst Charlton team he had seen for 30 years. Obviously did not go to the Brighton game that ended 7-1 & could have been 15-1 then there fella. You only gauge how bad or good your team is on the most recent result. Judging by last night we were woeful no argument. One thig that does worry me though, a demonstration in the Car park however small shows that we are now on a very slippery slope, how many supporters next home game 300-500, 1,000, how long before it turns nasty, & cars start getting torched ala Millwall? Ben if you are reading this time, to start wearing that Santa disguise anyway.

    already suggestions elsewhere here that we should boycott the actual game re Fulham and protest outside instead. Sad state of affairs. Six months of ineptitude and bad mistakes is all it's taken to ruin what we've spent 15 years building.
  • please, no protests yet.

    organised protests are as low as we can get, they rarely have a positive outcome.

    They know the state we are in, they need a bit of time to sort things out. We can't demand changes every week something goes wrong. There is too much of the season left to go down this route.

    We haven't been this divided as a club for 21 years...
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKA Bartram[/cite]please, no protests yet.

    organised protests are as low as we can get, they rarely have a positive outcome.

    They know the state we are in, they need a bit of time to sort things out. We can't demand changes every week something goes wrong. There is too much of the season left to go down this route.

    We haven't been this divided as a club for 21 years...

    I agree, the fans made their point clearly and publicly last night. Now is the time to show that we are behind the team.
  • Protests are like new years eve parties - a build up to nothing unless someone starts some trouble and we all have a row. Otherwise everyone goes home thinking that was a pile of rubbish, why did I go?

    The club needs to find leaders both on and off the pitch and now.
  • Well I for one am boycotting Boro away :-)

    And I do think we should take to our seats late for the Fulham game.
  • the way were playingh at the moment you could'nt pay me to travel to boro away so boycotting it is very easy. I honestly cant believe on a large scale that people will boycott a home game though.. Not yet anyways.
  • Trust me on this, protests are viewed by a football club as just a few saddo's who haven't got homes to go to. If anything they make boards dig their heels in. This is not a time for protests outside the ground showing every opposing side that we're in a real mess (not that it isn't already glaringly obvious).

    Remember one thing about the crowd last night before you think it was 15k of true hard core Charlton fans. Cup games produce loads of kids who come in a group, kids who have no allegiance to any Club. I must have witnessed at least four groups of ten. One on the way to the Oak who started to sing Valley Floyd Road but had to give up half way as they realised none of them actually knew the words. Another group were sat in front of us, about fifteen all told, and they seemed more interested in goading the opposition fans with w*nker signs and watching the scrap in the Upper North than actually getting behind the team..............until the chant of 'Your not fit to wear the shirt' & then they all joined in with gusto. If you encourage these types to gang up & protest in front of the West Stand on match days, you are more likely to have a fight than an organised protest.

    As to whether that was the worst Charlton performance ever. I'm inclined to say yes. Only because we are supposed to have the best players we've ever been able to afford and yet still they play no better than the worst I've seen in a Charlton shirt.

    Having said all that. I am a Charlton supporter, something I will NEVER be ashamed of. And well done Wycombe Wanderers, you deserved that result and your team & your supporters are a credit to you!
  • It's not necessarily that it was the worst performance ever - we have been rubbish in the past. Its more that I feel the is the largest and fast decent that we have ever made and if the current people remain I can't see the decline ending at the Championship.
  • The problem for me is it's not even the worse Charlton team I've seen in the past 20 years, cause boy there been some dogs poo, but it's the most gutless and spineless
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  • from supposedly the best we've ever had...........................parp!

    gawd am so low
  • There were a lot of idiots there last night. I heard a good few people at the end of the game saying lets protest and they seemed really happy about it. A sad state of affairs.

    Also people saying sack the board what a load of bollocks. This club wouldn't be where it is without this board. Have a go at the players not the directors.
  • exactly jim... the board are fans like us and they must have watched that shower of shite last night and felt like crying!
  • Anyway - who's gonna sack the board? They own the bloody club!!!!!
  • we came into contact with peter varney after reading away, ketman and ollie asked him waht he thought, and he looked as gutted as the rest of us, and speechless at the shower that was on display. so i'd imagine he's in the same boat as us right now and probably at a loss as what to do for the best.

    i keep having these 2 second thoughts that i should go to boro....
  • [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]
    i keep having these 2 second thoughts that i should go to boro....

    If we're only taking 100 or so up there, it's not outside the realms of possibility that the players will see an empty away end, not feel any pressure, and actually start to perform.
  • i said that this morning there'll be no jeering, no one getting on there backs so they can try and peform calmly without anxious passing and runing round like headless chickens... could be faye's best game! and JFH might score and then bend down and kiss the ground and not celebrate the goal...

    oh god...
  • or, ironically, think that we don't care and perform even worse.
  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]or, ironically, think that we don't care and perform even worse.

    You think they can perform worse?
  • [cite]Posted By: Ketman[/cite] Ben if you are reading this time, to start wearing that Santa disguise anyway.

    Cheers P. Are you saying I have Santa's figure? ; - )

    Not sure if it was cos no one recognised me (most likely) or cos I'm 6'4'' and 16 stone but walked back from the East stand back up Harvey Gardens and Floyd Rd and no one said anything. It did cross my mind that maybe I should go the long way round especially as Joe was with me. Most people must have just thought "who's that nutter swearing his head off." Glad last night that I don't sit in the Directors' box as some of them got abuse I hear.

    Shame if anyone has to watch their back at the Valley especially those how have done so much for the club whatever you might think about their recent decision making.

    Curb it is spot on about the board. They are fans and it hurts them as bad as it does us.
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  • Why are fans not allowed to protest ? They have every right to do whatever they want.
  • "Why are fans not allowed to protest ? They have every right to do whatever they want."

    As long as it is lawful. To demonstrate lawfully you need to forewarn plod etc - otherwise you are viewed as rent a mob.
  • not to mention the health and safety issues involved with carrying flags, banners, placards, string, pritstick, paint, biros, marker pens.....I could go on

    if people require their own refreshments they have to make sure the bottles have no lids etc.....for every 10 people you have to have a chaparone/steward type bod

    its a whole lot more work than people realise....
  • And there might be bearded perpertrators!

    Sorry - in joke - anyone drinking nearish Charing Cross tonight?
  • I wasnt asking about the legal issues, I was asking about people telling other fans not to protest. If they want to leave them to it.
  • [cite]Posted By: Sco[/cite]And there might be bearded perpertrators!

    Sorry - in joke - anyone drinking nearish Charing Cross tonight?

  • i'm orf to the the-atre myself wot wot wot
  • [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]i'm orf to the the-atre myself wot wot wot

    tally ho, have marvellous time

    pip pip
  • Protesting is very sad,the directors have achieved a lot for our club,reminds me of the film all in the game with Ray Winstone in it,god i hope it never comes to that,they are fans as well
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