I’m confused. How many Aussies are there that want to buy us? Are they rich Aussies or poor Aussies? Should we be happy or not? Is it Muir & Muir or Muir v Muir?
I posted the following 40 pages ago, if it is the Aussie Muir, I feel good about it.
Was looking into articles about Andrew Muir, the Aussie. The more I read about him, the more I like him.
As mentioned earlier, he sold "The Good Guys" electronics chain (a family business his father founded) for $870 million cash about 17 months ago, which means he is liquid and very rich. Also was looking to sell $130 million of real estate one year ago but no word if he did, so he might even be worth a billion dollars (£700M.) Post-sale he bought a historic house for $17 million and a used jet for $10 mil, so he appears in the spending mood. Claims his main goal now is philanthropy. His role as director of Essondon Football Club is primarily focused on determining compensation for management. Big believer in good nutrition for children and operates charities in this area. Follower of "positive psychology." Usually likes to operate within a consortium because he likes to get as many minds into a project as possible. Does not like to give many interviews. Animal lover who has given money to stop rhino poaching in Africa.
Chill out people, the doom mongers, the naysayers, those who want to be the first to say 'I told you so'; things are happening towards a sale and have been for some time. Always look on the bright side of life, one step at a time and remember, patience is a virtue WIOTOS............. now where did I put that Moët .
Chill out people, the doom mongers, the naysayers, those who want to be the first to say 'I told you so'; things are happening towards a sale and have been for some time. Always look on the bright side of life, one step at a time and remember, patience is a virtue WIOTOS............. now where did I put that Moët .
When he does fuck off I shall miss your thread mate and will buy you a drink when we meet
That, for me, has been the most important comment/ news on this entire thread Nice one Blackpool, straight back at you to celebrate when the old duffer has gone
When he does fuck off I shall miss your thread mate and will buy you a drink when we meet
That, for me, has been the most important comment/ news on this entire thread Nice one Blackpool, straight back at you to celebrate when the old duffer has gone
You deserve plenty of pints just for your endurance. I am sure many more will buy you a beer.
Anyway enough of this get back to your weekend story
Right, can everyone stop posting on this thread for a couple of hours? I’m just about to go and play football and when I get back I can’t have 1000s of new posts to get through as I need to get to sleep and I will get it in the neck from mrs Justin because of the light of the iPad.
Football is my life It can be dangerous as a knife But if you have fun Anything can be done Every minute of it Is worth every hit Ever touch of the ball Makes me recall That goal That makes football my soul
My judgement is reserved until such time as I know the detail. Should it transpire that Duchatelet retains ownership of The Valley, CAFC will remain cast in shadow. If he sells both club and ground, I forecast a double rainbow. Let's hope that long spells of warm sunshine follow.
Let's hope that rainbow also brings a pot of gold.
If you want to enter, February dates have gone, some available in March, more availability after March, for the pessimists among you. The Jimmy Seed Story is the prize, early edition, not the Charlton reprint. Signed and commemorated on the historic occasion by a relative, if I can find one.
My judgement is reserved until such time as I know the detail. Should it transpire that Duchatelet retains ownership of The Valley, CAFC will remain cast in shadow. If he sells both club and ground, I forecast a double rainbow. Let's hope that long spells of warm sunshine follow.
Let's hope that rainbow also brings a pot of gold.
There was Belgian visionary, Who's talents were few and not many, He owns football clubs, But won't buy them any subs, Thank gawd he'll be gone in February.
My judgement is reserved until such time as I know the detail. Should it transpire that Duchatelet retains ownership of The Valley, CAFC will remain cast in shadow. If he sells both club and ground, I forecast a double rainbow. Let's hope that long spells of warm sunshine follow.
Let's hope that rainbow also brings a pot of gold.
I’d take frankensence and myhrr if it means that old prick has f***ed off.
Nice one Blackpool, straight back at you to celebrate when the old duffer has gone
I am sure many more will buy you a beer.
Anyway enough of this get back to your weekend story
Hope doth spring but fact is less
The future is unknown
So wait till news is on the OS
It can be dangerous as a knife
But if you have fun
Anything can be done
Every minute of it
Is worth every hit
Ever touch of the ball
Makes me recall
That goal
That makes football my soul
I prefer to say OW
The Jimmy Seed Story is the prize, early edition, not the Charlton reprint. Signed and commemorated on the historic occasion by a relative, if I can find one.
Dates that have already been taken:
29, 30, 31
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 12, 24, 25, 27, 28
1, 2, 7, 9, 15, 20, 23, 26, 30
3, 4, 6, 8, 15, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31
1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 12, 15, 16, 18, 24, 28, 30
1, 4, 13, 15,
I know we cannot wait
But it will all be worth it
When the buyers go "G'day mate!"
Who's talents were few and not many,
He owns football clubs,
But won't buy them any subs,
Thank gawd he'll be gone in February.
Through the back or the front
As long as you're gone
You yellow toothed cunt
However, lets be careful here folks, for all we know these "Aussie" investors could be just as bad.
We know nothing about them at all but what we DO know is that multi-millionaires did not acquire their cash by being mugs.
Early days.
I’d take frankensence and myhrr if it means that old prick has f***ed off.