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Darren Bent Staying

edited January 2007 in General Charlton

Good News!!!


  • I feel this is just another publicity stunt by the club.

    I dont think we were getting offers from clubs knowing he will be out for 7 weeks then low and behold it is down to 3/4 weeks.

    Still think he will go.
  • edited January 2007
    [cite]Posted By: Charltonparklane[/cite]I feel this is just another publicity stunt by the club.

    No, that's not the case.
  • it was just the first set of quotes got blown totally out of proportion by the media, something the club addressed on the website on friday
  • have to say I agree with CPL - I suspect that by saying he'll be back quicker than expected will drum up a bit more interest.
  • from what i have heard through another club, the interest in definately there, just maybe not at the price Charlton are asking.

    I don't think the press twisted Pardew's comments much at all, they were quite accurately interpreted.

    Maybe Pardew, or above him, have since had a change of heart, or realised that by selling Benty they would alienate the supporters further from where they already are.
  • As Pardew said, IF Bent was out for 2 months, then he would have to review the situation for the good of the team, the injury is clearing up quicker, so the point is now mute.
  • Am i the only one who feels that keeping Bent is a bad idea. I think we'd be much better off getting 12m in, buying 3-4 new players to form the basis of a new side and building for the future. If he stays, we'll have the same old shower of sh*t we've had all season and he can't even play for a month. We'll probably go down even if we do keep him but at least if we sell and get new players in, they'd be settled for the start of our promotion push next year.
  • Chris - I 100% agree with your post
  • Agree also, plus the fact we would get more now than at the end of the season when we be most likely relegated.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Chris_from_Sidcup[/cite]Am i the only one who feels that keeping Bent is a bad idea. I think we'd be much better off getting 12m in, buying 3-4 new players to form the basis of a new side and building for the future. If he stays, we'll have the same old shower of sh*t we've had all season and he can't even play for a month. We'll probably go down even if we do keep him but at least if we sell and get new players in, they'd be settled for the start of our promotion push next year.[/quote]

    agree totally. In my opinion with BigBent and JF Cashinthebank up front against Boro then we are fooked. They can't/won't score in a month of Sunday's. By the time Benty is back in four weeks we'll be all but down. He'll be off in the summer either way so cash in now and at least give us a chance. If we go down then we'll be stronger to return next season. Plus Pards is now saying we've in effect gotta look 'leftfield' as we havn't the money other clubs down the bottom have to spend.
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  • i reckon we'll sell him, finish 17th and then we'll all start moaning that if we kept him we would have qualified for Europe!!
  • Problem is Pards/Charlton in our current predicament will fail to attract a replacement of anywhere near Bents calibre no matter how much we have to spend, a bit like Parker. Therefore Bent if fit is worth such a lot to us.
  • I've had a few days to think about this and have probably changed my mind on reflection.

    Unless we get offered silly money, i definately think we should keep him.

    What is our situation at the moment ? We have a collection of players who are either not good enough, or don't want to be here. These are the ones we should be clearing out the club as quick as possible, not one who is good enough and wants to be here. Of course it won't give us enough to fund new players, but it will free up the wage bill which is a start.

    In my eyes, we're already down. That's not me being a doom-monger but being a realist. Selling Bent and bringing in 2, possibly 3 players with the money will not turn around our season.
    1. because there is no guarantee they will bed in straight away,
    2. we'll be losing our best player.

    we are also an extremely unattractive proposition at the moment. What player would genuinely want to come here right now for the right reasons ? It looks like in the case of Stokes, Sunderland are more attractive than us, and that's just one instance.
  • AFKA - you are spot on mate. Even Sunderland are more attractive than us!!
  • Stokes is Irish and i'd imagine Keane and Quinn are heroes of his. He's even turned down Celtic to go there. It can't be anything to do with the club.
  • [cite]Posted By: Chris_from_Sidcup[/cite] It can't be anything to do with the club.

    Really ? If i was Roy Keane, i'd be doing a hatchet job on us.

    Why do you want to join them ? Never join a club in decline....look at Leeds, QPR etc....their best players will be off, the fans will be on everyone's backs.....there will be pressure on you to perform right from the start.....if you don't keep them up you'll be wrongly seen as a're only young, yet they will be comparing you to Darren Bent unfairly from the'll be going into a team that is won't get hardly any service.....there is no stability, they might change manager's again.....come to me, i'll look after you.....less pressure and less spotlight to start....this is our plan for the club over then next 4 years....
  • AFKA - i meant he's obviously going there for the Keane/Quinn factor. If he was choosing where to go purely for the club then he'd go to Celtic.
  • I think keeping him is a great move. In the summer the increased Sky money will see transfer fees to premier league clubs increase because they have more cash to splash around. A 12m fee this window could quite conceivably increase to 15m plus in the summer.
  • that's a good point no one has picked up on Kigelia.
  • A most excellent point Kigelia.

    I am finding it hard to make my mind up, becuase having the money from a sale would enable us to start rebuildnig in earnest now so we can attack the Championship from the off in August. On the other hand DB is such a talisman, I think it would be hard to get this crowd of players to put in a semi-decent performance again if he goes. And it would be depressing for us fans.

    On balance I think I agree with Pards, if the injury is not too bad then keep Dazza :-) and see what we can make of the rest of this season. All we have to do is pray for a mircale Charlton win on Saturday.

    Perhpas we could sell Luke to raise some funds?
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  • There's always that promising youngster Lisbie. Surely the top 4 will be sniffing around him again in this transfer window. We'll be lucky to keep hold of him
  • [cite]Posted By: Chris_from_Sidcup[/cite]There's always that promising youngster Lisbie. Surely the top 4 will be sniffing around him again in this transfer window. We'll be lucky to keep hold of him

    NO.... We need to give him time to develop
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