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Message to Roland



  • According to one CL member two weeks ago everyone who thinks Roland Duchatelet is spiteful is deluded ?

    Roland Duchatelet is a rich man who has been humiliated and exposed as a very poor owner not only by Charlton fans but primarily by Standard Liege fans.
    Plus the fact his young female mentor was ridiclued and did a runner into the middle of next week.

    I think the Siberian conditions many fans put ourselves through on that night in Woolwich (4 years ago ?) Which felt a dystopian winter was encircling OUR football club and could only end in tears.
    Plus the prophetic words of one fan who said he would accept League 2 if it got rid of Duchatelet and Meire. Be careful what you wish for as we were in the Championship then.

    Some very rich men like David Gold and Philip Green love flaunting the money, Duchatelet just likes the power it gives him and can't believe supporters aren't thankful for that.

    Spite, is the very motive that keeps him going.

    Yet another dangerous period in our history.

    We'll never know, but I don't think it has anything to do with spite.
    It's about money and trying to minimise losses.
    It's absolutely all to do with spite! He's an egomaniac who is utterly determined to pay us back for the embarrassment caused to him in his own country! He won't care that it's costing him (in relative terms) peanuts, all he wants is revenge.

    Yes, it may sound dramatic and fanciful, but I'm convinced that he's the architect of some of the 'sale' rumours (underpinned by very robust NDAs, hence little of any substance coming from any prospective buyers). He will be taking great pleasure in taking us 'to the edge' with rumours of imminent sales, then watching us implode when he surreptitiously pulls the plug on it. If he was really genuinely interested in selling it would have happened ages ago; probably even before the ill fated 'done deal' error of judgement.

    So I'm with soapboxsam on this. Duchatelet is being spiteful (to put it mildly). He's a nasty bit of work and there's simply no way he'd let us off scot free for the protests etc. Sadly, you could argue that we're reaping what we've sown in a perverse sort of way, and that without protests and pain etc, he'd have been long gone.

    For the record also, I was, and still am, 100% behind protest activity that has highlighted our plight under this monster. Has it done any good though? Sadly, I doubt it.

    I despise him with a passion.
    I tend to agree. I think we are now being punished for outwitting the club owning visionary Duchetalet.
  • edited February 2019
    We'll agree to disagree, but if he's acting out of spite I don't understand why he kept Bauer, Pearce, Fosu etc & allowed the acquisitions of Taylor, Williams, Cullen, Bielik etc etc etc. If it was me and I wanted to act out of spite, there's no way I'd acquire all them good players.
  • Douche,have a look at the match thread,if you sell our top scorer and dont replace him,thats what happens you massive arse clown
  • Protests NEED to start again

    I agree. I'm boiling now. I feel for Bowyer and JJ and the team. Roland please please please just piss off
  • Still need to buy a tank
  • Roland had a dream, to own a football team, so he brought us cheap and employed a ceo called Miere, he hates the fans, and failed with his plans,

    Now his selling Charlton, for 80 million pounds!

    No he ain't.
  • edited February 2019
    Card/fans forum need to put pressure on LDT at the next meeting.

    1.Why was a replcement not found for Grant, everyone knew he was going to go, why was Bowyer not given funds? We all know Josh isn't a ideal replacement, with all due respect he was not high up on the list.

    2.Does Roland enjoy faliure?

    3. Roland has untill the end of the season to sell, we've holted the protests for long enough.. at the end of the season or if we fall out of promotion race, then protests in Belguim and at Charlton restart in full force, take it to them.

    4. Aussies reporting to look at Notts? lower the price and let other parties in.

    @Airman Brown @Davo55 @Henry Irving
  • Card/fans forum need to put pressure on LDT at the next meeting.

    1.Why was a replcement not found for Grant, everyone knew he was going to go, why was Bowyer not given funds? We all know Josh isn't a ideal replacement, with all due respect he was not high up on the list.

    2.Does Roland enjoy faliure?

    3. Roland has untill the end of the season to sell, we've holted the protests for long enough.. at the end of the season or if we fall out of promotion race, then protests in Belguim and at Charlton restart in full force, take it to them.

    4. Aussies reporting to look at Notts? lower the price and let other parties in.

    @Airman Brown @Davo55 @Henry Irving

    Fuck the pressure, it’s past that point now, more needs to be done now, enoughs enough.
  • He needs to ask a reasonable price for the club before he kills it.
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  • Protests have to start again asap if we wait till the end of season thats too late.

    Belgium is best bet it hurts him more on his own doorstep,but saying that Portsmouth live on sky would be a good call but not in The Valley.

    Something along the lines of Brighton afew years ago.
  • Protests have to start again asap if we wait till the end of season thats too late.

    Belgium is best bet it hurts him more on his own doorstep,but saying that Portsmouth live on sky would be a good call but not in The Valley.

    Something along the lines of Brighton afew years ago.

    Admire your sentiments but I believe that protests -whether inside or outside The Valley - will have no effect on the mad Belgian. Been there, seen it and bought the t-shirt. Whilst imaginative and eye catching I really don't believe more plastic pigs and packets of crisps and marches with coffins are going to sway Roland. Not sure what CARD, or anyone else, can do. Suggestions on a postcard please.
  • I recall three Duchatelet winter windows when we missed out on our player due to the clock. Unbalanced squads are the issue you always get with this rubbish owner. Once is an accident, twice is a little careless, what is three times? I honestly don't believe the Belgian git actually has any idea what a great opportunity he had to get out of this with some money and credit.
  • I recall three Duchatelet winter windows when we missed out on our player due to the clock. Unbalanced squads are the issue you always get with this rubbish owner. Once is an accident, twice is a little careless, what is three times? I honestly don't believe the Belgian git actually has any idea what a great opportunity he had to get out of this with some money and credit.

    He doesn’t.

    Thought it was bad selling ( giving away) Kermongant, Stevens, Cousins and Morrison.

    My fear, looking at all the guys out of contract at the end of this season, who we “think” are ok/good for this league -

    we may not have seen anything yet.....
  • No point protesting in England, he isn't bothered, he doesn't even watch our games. He probably doesn't even know we lost today. You have to go for him in his back yard.

    Genuine Question.

    What form would this protest take?
  • Mametz said:

    No point protesting in England, he isn't bothered, he doesn't even watch our games. He probably doesn't even know we lost today. You have to go for him in his back yard.

    Genuine Question.

    What form would this protest take?
    Genuine obvious point! Why ask me? I'm sure people can put collective heads together and come up with something.
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  • The reason I asked the question is that you have suggested protesting in Belgium.

    Given that, it does reasonable to ask if you have anything in particular in mind.
  • Protest. Boycott. "Get behind the team"
    It all seems so fucking futile at the moment.
  • Mametz said:

    The reason I asked the question is that you have suggested protesting in Belgium.

    Given that, it does reasonable to ask if you have anything in particular in mind.

    I would have thought that in general terms - we should not be specific in an open forum - we should seek to inform the fine citizens of S-T that he is trashing Charlton before selling, in the same way he exited Standard. We should do that in a polite and respectful way which does not inconvenience them.

    He hates that.

    At the same time a small group, people who have done this before, can seek him out and urge him to exit in a way which does no further harm to the club
  • Mametz said:

    The reason I asked the question is that you have suggested protesting in Belgium.

    Given that, it does reasonable to ask if you have anything in particular in mind.

    I have said there is no point protesting in England so then it is down to proper fans to look at Belgium. If I had a plan I wouldn't tell an apologist for somebody who is trying to kill our club.
  • Mametz said:

    The reason I asked the question is that you have suggested protesting in Belgium.

    Given that, it does reasonable to ask if you have anything in particular in mind.

    I would have thought that in general terms - we should not be specific in an open forum - we should seek to inform the fine citizens of S-T that he is trashing Charlton before selling, in the same way he exited Standard. We should do that in a polite and respectful way which does not inconvenience them.

    He hates that.

    At the same time a small group, people who have done this before, can seek him out and urge him to exit in a way which does no further harm to the club
    In principle, I agree with you @PragueAddick, but one of the issues is the phrase I have highlighted. The burden of organising such events constantly falls on the same few shoulders, and these are people who, like the rest of us have lives away from Charlton - jobs, families. etc. - which they need to live. Help is not only needed on the day of the event (and that is not a foregone certainty when it involves a trip to S-T), but with ideas and the preparation of them.

    I know you will understand where I am coming from, as you have also been involved "at the sharp end" of previous actions, but there are a lot of people on this forum who are all too quick to call from behind their keyboard for OTHERS to come up with an instant plan for action because the team has - predictably - lost a match, when Roland has - again predictably - failed to make the necessary investment to equip the team for a realistic promotion push.

    Where were they a few weeks ago, when the planning for this eventuality needed to start?

    OK, better late than never, and if there are fans who have good ideas for a protest, then either take them to an existing protest group and offer to help with the donkey work of putting it into action, or form your own dedicated group to do it yourselves. As others have done with Black & White, Covered End Choir products,The2Percent, The Protest Fund, WAR, B20, ROT, and of course CARD.

    All just fans like the rest of us. All of them ordinary people driven by circumstances to move out of their comfort zones and take action.
  • Can we picket one of his interests?
  • cabbles said:

    Put me on the board at Melexis. I’m 37, have never worked in Manufacturing and have never run a company or had a leadership role in any great capacity.

    Pay me 200k a year for the privilege of it, let me come up with really good innovative ideas like live bands in the plants for the workers whilst they’re working. A big communal bed they can all lay on together, and allow me to pay each and every worker a £500k base salary, regardless of their position.

    Let me tell the shareholders that I’ll do it my way and they have to get used to it and after about 2 months when we’ve burned through all the profit and cash the company has in reserve because my ideas have been catastrophically incompetent and it becomes clear I don’t know what I’m doing, appoint my best mate who has also never worked in football or ran a business to come in and perform a range of cost cutting exercises like replacing microchips with marshmallows and only turning on one light bulb in each plant/building/office the company owns.

    Then let me ask £77 trillion for Melexis on the open market, with £40 trillion due up front and the remaining £37 trillion due when we start producing Unicorns

    Lol, 37! :wink:
  • Can we picket one of his interests?

    That sounds a good idea.
    What is the Belgian law on secondary picketing?
  • Mametz said:

    The reason I asked the question is that you have suggested protesting in Belgium.

    Given that, it does reasonable to ask if you have anything in particular in mind.

    I have said there is no point protesting in England so then it is down to proper fans to look at Belgium. If I had a plan I wouldn't tell an apologist for somebody who is trying to kill our club.
    If that last sentence is aimed at me, you might find it instructive to view my posting history.

    I have protested many times in Belgium to the point of being threatened with arrest. Before committing to the long journey to Belgium it is a very good idea to have a fairly shrewd outline of what you are going to do when you get there. I was merely asking if, in general terms if you had such plan.
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Roland Out Forever!