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Another Bonkers Statement from Roland - the "The EFL must buy the club" one



  • I'm really disapointed, I was hoping Rolands idea would be accepted. I bought a second hand car a few years ago, and now the head gaskets gone, the EFL didnt warn me at the time, and I hoped they would buy it off me..... bugger!.
  • edited March 2019
    The EFL has to amend their rules, to make the fit and proper running of a club part of it. Not for unhappy fans moaning about a lack of transfer investment but for a serious dereliction of duty or financial irregularities. They could suspend an owner from involvement in football whilst an investigation takes place, they suspended the mad Leeds owner a few years back. 

    If they did that to RD, including family members, we would be in receivership in no time at all and free of him. Shame the EFL haven't got the balls and concern for the real stakeholders in their competition to implement stronger controls.
  • cfgs said:
    The EFL has to amend their rules, to make the fit and proper running of a club part of it. Not for unhappy fans moaning about a lack of transfer investment but for a serious dereliction of duty or financial irregularities. They could suspend an owner from involvement in football whilst an investigation takes place, they suspended the mad Leeds owner a few years back. 

    If they did that to RD, including family members, we would be in receivership in no time at all and free of him. Shame the EFL haven't got the balls and concern for the real stakeholders in their competition to implement stronger controls.
    The problem is, the EFL *is* the owners. They’ll never vote for anything that makes their lives more difficult. 
  • There is something they can do now actually. He's criticised the EFL directly, which is breaking their rules and they could charge him with bringing the game into disrepute. In theory, if they wanted to, they could charge him over and over until he retracts the statement, fining him each time he fails to comply. Roly is more than a little stubborn, so it could run and run.

    I'm not sure the EFL have the balls to do, but they could make his life difficult if they so chose.
    EFL also can't claim they're unaware of the breach as they have had it specifically brought to their attention, we're not relying on them having read any of the dozens of articles published in the last couple of weeks.
    The misconduct is there for all to see, I don't suppose the EFL sanction can be terribly stringent but for this transgression to go formally unpunished will speak volumes for the EFL's, integrity and that of the individuals concerned.
    I'll be fascinated to see how Harvey shapes up in this and where he turns up after his imminent departure from EFL.
    For all his interpersonal finesse, when face to face with Charlton fans and our grievances, we'll soon find out if he has any bollocks or just talks a load of bollocks.  He should be going to town on miscreants like douchebag, sisu at al.  Remains to be seen if he'll be protecting his own future in some football capacity or protecting clubs and the game itself from the deceitful and deluded.
    Not sure they would see getting into a slanging match with a mad man would serve them very well. They will politely decline his offer explaining why they cannot buy a member club due to conflict of interest. In terms of his claim he was misled re FFP, he is not taking any legal action in relation to that so they will not even explain their position is my guess.
    I'm not suggesting they get into a slanging match with the deceitful old buffoon, I'm suggesting they are duty bound to punish him for breaking their rules.
  • Problem is, Prague, whenever I have written to my MP about anything football-related, I get a stock answer of this sort

    As a recently-appointed member of Labour's Front Bench, M*** is not allowed to sign Early Day Motions. M*** will always follow up on the outcomes of EDMs he is requested to sign, and will see if there is anything else he can do to support each campaign

    To be fair, at the moment I don't think any of them of whatever party can see far beyond their Brexit noses, which is why so many domestic ills are now leaping up & biting them in the bum!!

  •  "As a competition organiser, the EFL regulates against dual interests and, having assessed the suggestion to take control of Charlton Athletic put forward by the club's owner Roland Duchatelet, the EFL Board has concluded that such an arrangement would raise a significant conflict of interest and as such is not one that could be considered....blah blah effing blah...In meantime, the ongoing EFL review continues and is expected to reach a conclusion before the end of the season."

    Entirely predictable, cynical abrogation of responsibility by a piss, weak shambles, bringing themselves into disrepute for not calling out douchebag's rampant lunacy for what it is.

    I'd have more respect for Harvey and his fellow trough feeders if they'd come straight out and said "tough luck Addicks, you're on your own, we're not giving a fig for any of this til it pays us to do so, jog on losers"  which is patently their position.

    The gravy train rolls on its biscuit wheels with those smug parasites flicking us V's from the windows.

    EFL's own unfitness for purpose ranks equally with the douchebag's and should attract equal vitriol, profanity and opprobrium throughout Saturday's televised fixture.  The time for mincing words, pulling punches and playing nicely is long past.  Call a spade a spade.

    Bunch of 'words the moderators have asked we refrain from using'.

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  • edited March 2019

     "As a competition organiser, the EFL regulates against dual interests and, having assessed the suggestion to take control of Charlton Athletic put forward by the club's owner Roland Duchatelet, the EFL Board has concluded that such an arrangement would raise a significant conflict of interest and as such is not one that could be considered....blah blah effing blah...In meantime, the ongoing EFL review continues and is expected to reach a conclusion before the end of the season."

    Entirely predictable, cynical abrogation of responsibility by a piss, weak shambles, bringing themselves into disrepute for not calling out douchebag's rampant lunacy for what it is.

    I'd have more respect for Harvey and his fellow trough feeders if they'd come straight out and said "tough luck Addicks, you're on your own, we're not giving a fig for any of this til it pays us to do so, jog on losers"  which is patently their position.

    The gravy train rolls on its biscuit wheels with those smug parasites flicking us V's from the windows.

    EFL's own unfitness for purpose ranks equally with the douchebag's and should attract equal vitriol, profanity and opprobrium throughout Saturday's televised fixture.  The time for mincing words, pulling punches and playing nicely is long past.  Call a spade a spade.

    Bunch of 'words the moderators have asked we refrain from using'.

    The EFL *is* fit for purpose, because its purpose is to represent the interests of the owners, i.e. themselves. 

    As @PragueAddick so cogently explained, ‘We need a football regulator who will make that happen, and that requires a political effort. The pathway is there. The current Ombudsman would like to see his role beefed up‘......
  • edited March 2019
    Wrong thread
  • Wrong thread
    Oh you’re right. Sorry. 
  • edited May 2019
    Another message from Duchatelet in the club website ... this time harking on about how he tried to sign Chris Wilder and congratulating him on promotion 

    but no no comment on bowyer/Jackson 
  • "He came close to joining us in the summer of 2016 when we selected him to be our manager but he decided to go to Sheffield United where he knew he would be welcomed by everybody"
  • “Look what you could have won you vinegar fishers, it’s all your fault, we could have been in the premier league now if it wasn’t for those meddling kids”

    Why, just why now Roland...
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  • edited May 2019
    Roland , the 2 per cent of your time you give is is absolute crap, you are a disgrace to your country and this club.

    2 per cent of your time, 100 per cent of my anger.
  • So Roland, the fact that he was born in Sheffield, supported United as a boy, and played for them has nothing to do with it? Nor the fact that you wouldn't confirm in writing to him that he would have total control over transfers? Why don't you crawl back into the pond you came from.
    Or rather than wasting time with this type of shite, sort out the more important matters

    i.e. Getting Bowyer, Aribo etc. to sign new contracts!!
  • Remember it’s the person on here’s fault for saying why would wilder want to join this mad house of a club.  What a deluded wanker Roland really is. He made the statement as if it would be us in the premier league now if we would have got wilder in.  Why can’t the bloke just shut up. He is sick in the head and has serious mental issues.  
  • After Roland fails (again) to offer a contract that is acceptable, the following statement will be released by The Duck Taped one.......... "Lee Bowyer came close to signing an extension to his current contract but he decided to go to Queens Park Rangers where he knew he would be welcomed by everybody" :wink:
  • This fellas people skills are shocking, any decent owner would be singing the praises publicly of Lee Bowyer, assuring the fans not too worry about his contract, as it will get sorted out in the next few days, Roland just keeps shooting him self in the foot, he just can’t help himself.
  • So Roland, the fact that he was born in Sheffield, supported United as a boy, and played for them has nothing to do with it? Nor the fact that you wouldn't confirm in writing to him that he would have total control over transfers? Why don't you crawl back into the pond you came from.
    Or rather than wasting time with this type of shite, sort out the more important matters

    i.e. Getting Bowyer, Aribo etc. to sign new contracts!!
    And selling the club and f***ing off. 
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Roland Out Forever!