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Positives from relegation...

1. We'll get rid of the plastics and have only true Charlton fans supporting the club.

2. Lots of new grounds to visit.

3. We can bring some of the youth team through without the pressure of having to play them in the Championship.

4. Fewer fans will mean that service will be faster at the Oak.



  • Black's all we can do right now!!
  • Southend away
  • If Gillingham get promoted we'll have a very nice short away trip for one game at least (especially those of us who live in Medway!)
  • blackpool fan in peace

    I thought our messageboard was full of doom and gloom but yours takes it to another level!

    I didn't think you were as bad as you are all saying - I think when you get thru this bad patch and settled with a permanent manager you'll be ok. Your squad has some really good players and when you get players like Zhi back it'll make a difference.

    I am still nervous for our season as we are relying on too many loan players. Today there were 6 in our squad and when they all go back to their parent clubs I really don't know what we'll do.

    I reckon we'll both be ok - my predictions for relegation are Doncaster, Forest and Norwich
  • 10 new grounds next year for me
  • Thanks "thatsmeinthe corner" but our expectations are a little bit higher than thee and perhaps hurts more considering we have only recently fallen from the promise land (being the Prem). Hope your right with your predictions though!

    Wished my bro was still alive as he loved Blackpool and always holidayed there, and was desperately wanting to see us play at Blackpool....;o(

    Live, love, laugh and be happy!

  • take lower north seats out as no need for seating in div 1
  • Can't argue with your sentiments, Solidgone!

    Good luck for the rest of the season

    signing off and going for a nice glass of red!


  • we'll be further away from the evil 'premiership'
    a chance to win more games and a more exciting league
    real football real fans
  • We get to play in the 1st round of the FA Cup.
  • Sponsored links:

  • the johnstones paint , crappy lower league competition thingy
  • edited December 2008
    a good cup run will see us to the third round with hopefully a dreamy tie with one of the bigger clubs like swansea or barnsley.
  • our away numbers wont look so embarassing at the smaller grounds (until we re visit the ground again)
  • [cite]Posted By: thatsmeinthecorner[/cite]blackpool fan in peace

    I thought our messageboard was full of doom and gloom but yours takes it to another level!

    I am still nervous for our season as we are relying on too many loan players. Today there were 6 in our squad and when they all go back to their parent clubs I really don't know what we'll do.

    can we claim the points, as i was led to believe you can only have 5 loan players in a squad.
  • Easier to park.
    Easier to get away.
    Less queuing for a pie, a pint and a piss at half time.
    More opportunities to have a change of seat at half time.
    More chance that I'll recognise the name of a VG or Jackpot winner (though I still think it's made up).
  • oh dear
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: paulbaconsarnie[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: thatsmeinthecorner[/cite]blackpool fan in peace

    I thought our messageboard was full of doom and gloom but yours takes it to another level!

    I am still nervous for our season as we are relying on too many loan players.[b]Today there were 6 in our squad[/b]and when they all go back to their parent clubs I really don't know what we'll do.


    can we claim the points, as i was led to believe you can only have 5 loan players in a squad.[/quote]

    nice try but 'fraid not Paulbaconsarnie - we thought the same thing earlier but because one of them is from a foreign country (Scotland!) it doesn't count!!! (you couldn't make it up could you?!)
  • [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]1. We'll get rid of the plastics and have only true Charlton fans supporting the club.

    2. Lots of new grounds to visit.

    3. We can bring some of the youth team through without the pressure of having to play them in the Championship.

    4. Fewer fans will mean that service will be faster at the Oak.


    At first I thought this post had been bumped from May 2007.....

    Lets not be under any illusion about what would happen should we be relegated. The last time we dropped down to the 3rd tier ('72) our attendances fell dramatically and it took almost 25yrs (granted we had the ground share thing) for them to get back to anywhere near a level that would allow this football club to think and act pro-actively.
  • Yup, Blackpool can have the extra loan player 'cos he's from Rangers.

    Can't help envying fans of clubs like Blackpool a bit at the moment, fewer expectations and every season they stay up they'll get a little bit stronger and be able to dream a little bit longer.

    I really worry that we just won't be strong enough to survive a drop into the third division - the new Sky/BBC TV deal which kicks in next season also means we'll suffer a bigger drop in income too.
  • [cite]Posted By: Charlton Dan[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]1. We'll get rid of the plastics and have only true Charlton fans supporting the club.

    2. Lots of new grounds to visit.

    3. We can bring some of the youth team through without the pressure of having to play them in the Championship.

    4. Fewer fans will mean that service will be faster at the Oak.


    At first I thought this post had been bumped from May 2007.....

    Lets not be under any illusion about what would happen should we be relegated. The last time we dropped down to the 3rd tier ('72) our attendances fell dramatically and it took almost 25yrs (granted we had the ground share thing) for them to get back to anywhere near a level that would allow this football club to think and act pro-actively.

    Thats what scares me......

    I appreciate I have gone a bit on the dark side, and of coures id support charlton in the conference and still try and find a link to commentary.....

    Onwards and up wards... Hope the players find a way to win one nil, completely against the run of play, with one off someones backside.....
  • Sponsored links:

  • [cite]Posted By: InspectorSands[/cite]
    Can't help envying fans of clubs like Blackpool a bit at the moment, fewer expectations and every season they stay up they'll get a little bit stronger and be able to dream a little bit longer.

    that's what you would think but it never is the case. Blackpool fans are more split than us, between the 'never had it so good camp' and those anti the chairman, who frequently protest or stay away. They were nearly 2,000 home fans down from when we played them last season.
  • [cite]Posted By: Charlton Dan[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]1.

    Lets not be under any illusion about what would happen should we be relegated. The last time we dropped down to the 3rd tier ('72) our attendances fell dramatically and it took almost 25yrs (granted we had the ground share thing) for them to get back to anywhere near a level that would allow this football club to think and act pro-actively.

    We where in the 3rd tier in '81 not sure what the attendance were like compared to the season before. Went straight back up in the first season.
  • [cite]Posted By: guinnessaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Charlton Dan[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]1.

    Lets not be under any illusion about what would happen should we be relegated. The last time we dropped down to the 3rd tier ('72) our attendances fell dramatically and it took almost 25yrs (granted we had the ground share thing) for them to get back to anywhere near a level that would allow this football club to think and act pro-actively.

    We where in the 3rd tier in '81 not sure what the attendance were like compared to the season before. Went straight back up in the first season.

    Youre right. My excuse is I was only 8 ;)
  • Absolutely no positives whatsoever to dropping down another league.

    But if that is where my team end up, then i will always follow.
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: InspectorSands[/cite]
    Can't help envying fans of clubs like Blackpool a bit at the moment, fewer expectations and every season they stay up they'll get a little bit stronger and be able to dream a little bit longer.

    that's what you would think but it never is the case. Blackpool fans are more split than us, between the 'never had it so good camp' and those anti the chairman, who frequently protest or stay away. They were nearly 2,000 home fans down from when we played them last season.

    Didn't realise that, forgot about the charming Oyston family.
  • [cite]Posted By: mascot88[/cite] I appreciate I have gone a bit on the dark side, and of coures id support charlton in the conference and still try and find a link to commentary.....

    Onwards and up wards... Hope the players find a way to win one nil, completely against the run of play, with one off someones backside.....

    Jeff Stelling was saying on saturday that every game doncaster have won this season has been by 1-0. Its enough at the moment for sure.
  • positives there aint any if we go down we are in deep shite , and the oak is a shite hole .
  • Put your energy behind turning this season round
  • - won't have to play Millwall
    - season ticket prices will drop
    - more games in the third division
    - far less moaners and booers
    - we might actually have a decent home season
    - a chance to rebuild without necessarily worrying about relegation
    - what little money we do have will go further
    - god it's desperate
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