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Afternoon Kips



  • Definitely Kipper 😀
  • It’s been known.
  • I can't stand naps. Always feel awful after them, and far more tired than I was before. 
  • Bloody hell, CL never ceases to amaze me.
    Afternoon kip, wtaf.
    Go to bed in the afternoon?
    I'm changing my mind, I think Chippy may have a point after all.
    A siesta instead of lunch is one of life's greatest joys. 
  • If I could schedule it in I would be a frequent napper and I envy anyone who is 

    Sundays with an SE7 cooked hangover soent piloting the sofa occasionally setting it to auto pilot and sleeping through the GP, the night befores UFC and most of the football 

  • You’ve got to go the whole hog though, no half arsed snooze on the sofa but full-on, pyjamas on under the duvet in your bed kind of nap. Highly recommended.
    Ah no I'm the opposite, love falling asleep on the sofa watching a film or something. 

    If i try to properly go back to bed, I stupidly seem to wake back up a bit.
  • Definitely Kipper 😀

    Yes I think he was called kipper for that reason.
  • I'd just be grateful for proper night time sleeps tbh let alone get an hour in during the day. You lucky, lucky so and so's...
  • Sleep or beer during the day are the two things that ruin the rest of the day for me.
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  • I hear what you are saying, but for me when on holiday if I am just on the beach or by the pool I will have a few cold beers during the day and will definitely sleep on a sundowner. Doesn't seem to affect me 

    If I have a couple of beers say on a Saturday lunchtime I am written off for the day, makes me so lethargic 
  • Carter said:
    I hear what you are saying, but for me when on holiday if I am just on the beach or by the pool I will have a few cold beers during the day and will definitely sleep on a sundowner. Doesn't seem to affect me 

    If I have a couple of beers say on a Saturday lunchtime I am written off for the day, makes me so lethargic 
    I hate having one or two beers during the day and stopping - not in an alcoholic, "I want more" way, just, like you, find it makes me feel a bit rotten all afternoon.

    Whereas I'm fine in the evening to do the same weirdly.

  • I just need to nod off even just for literally a second and I find myself refreshed (but typically in trouble with my wife) The restorative powers of a single z is remarkable. 
  • Carter said:
    I hear what you are saying, but for me when on holiday if I am just on the beach or by the pool I will have a few cold beers during the day and will definitely sleep on a sundowner. Doesn't seem to affect me 

    If I have a couple of beers say on a Saturday lunchtime I am written off for the day, makes me so lethargic 
    I hate having one or two beers during the day and stopping - not in an alcoholic, "I want more" way, just, like you, find it makes me feel a bit rotten all afternoon.

    Whereas I'm fine in the evening to do the same weirdly.

    Yeah, I've never been able to have a few in the afternoon, stop then start up again in the evening. 

    Don't mind carrying through but that can prove dangerous.

  • I am not a very good sleeper at night (4-6 hours if lucky) so I really enjoy an afternoon nap. If I don't nap, I fall asleep watching the tv the minute it gets interesting...
  • I don't nap during the day, but fall asleep most evenings whilst watching tv.
  • This is a great thread , unfortunately reading it through is making me feel very.......
  • Haven’t had one on a Saturday afternoon for the last 5 months since Covid kicked in.
  • Carter said:
    I hear what you are saying, but for me when on holiday if I am just on the beach or by the pool I will have a few cold beers during the day and will definitely sleep on a sundowner. Doesn't seem to affect me 

    If I have a couple of beers say on a Saturday lunchtime I am written off for the day, makes me so lethargic 
    I hate having one or two beers during the day and stopping - not in an alcoholic, "I want more" way, just, like you, find it makes me feel a bit rotten all afternoon.

    Whereas I'm fine in the evening to do the same weirdly.

    I've got good at drinking, got a capacity for it matched by few of my chums 

    But stopping boozing is a session ender. Also eating seems to knock the thirst out of me as well thats more down to not having the space for the gassier lagers and ales available 

  • Carter said:
    I hear what you are saying, but for me when on holiday if I am just on the beach or by the pool I will have a few cold beers during the day and will definitely sleep on a sundowner. Doesn't seem to affect me 

    If I have a couple of beers say on a Saturday lunchtime I am written off for the day, makes me so lethargic 
    I hate having one or two beers during the day and stopping - not in an alcoholic, "I want more" way, just, like you, find it makes me feel a bit rotten all afternoon.

    Whereas I'm fine in the evening to do the same weirdly.

    Yeah, I've never been able to have a few in the afternoon, stop then start up again in the evening. 

    Don't mind following through but that can prove dangerous.

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  • This is a great thread , unfortunately reading it through is making me feel very aroused ...... I love watching people sleep. 

  • Had week off work. Been away two days and had a nap on sofa in afternoon on the other three. Also did on Sunday as well. I’m just permanently tired. 
  • Had week off work. Been away two days and had a nap on sofa in afternoon on the other three. Also did on Sunday as well. I’m just permanently tired. 
    Not surprised @AFKABartram!
    You must be exhausted keeping Charlton Towers operational, bringing in the grammar police when necessary, pushing the legal team and HofD to get a move on with the litigation, all whilst enjoying a Parkrun!
  • Had week off work. Been away two days and had a nap on sofa in afternoon on the other three. Also did on Sunday as well. I’m just permanently tired. 
    Not surprised @AFKABartram!
    You must be exhausted keeping Charlton Towers operational, bringing in the grammar police when necessary, pushing the legal team and HofD to get a move on with the litigation, all whilst enjoying a Parkrun!
    Sadly I’ve done very little of that since Covid escalated. Extremely thankful that our recruitment policy at CL Towers has proved A1 as others have done all the hard yards in recent months. And made a superb job of it. 
  • Had week off work. Been away two days and had a nap on sofa in afternoon on the other three. Also did on Sunday as well. I’m just permanently tired. 
    Not surprised @AFKABartram!
    You must be exhausted keeping Charlton Towers operational, bringing in the grammar police when necessary, pushing the legal team and HofD to get a move on with the litigation, all whilst enjoying a Parkrun!
    Sadly I’ve done very little of that since Covid escalated. Extremely thankful that our recruitment policy at CL Towers has proved A1 as others have done all the hard yards in recent months. And made a superb job of it. 
    So no excuse the??
    Brilliant recruitment programme though. Top class, one and all.
  • Bumping this discussion. How long do you nap for? Most refreshing for me is 1.25-1.5 hours. If I set me alarm for under an hour I keep looking at the clock.
  • Love a daytime nap - no chance in my house 
  • Bumping this discussion. How long do you nap for? Most refreshing for me is 1.25-1.5 hours. If I set me alarm for under an hour I keep looking at the clock.
    I'm about the same. Two hours max or I'm done for the day!
  • Cant be an afternoon shut eye before the old woman gets home
  • I used to get dangerously drowsy in the days I drove home from work.
    Now I am inclined some afternoons to nap setting the alarm for up to an hour.
    Of course you don’t fall asleep straight away, but if I get 20 minutes out of it that’s fine.
    Anything longer is more like an actual sleep, and hard to wake up from.
    For some reason the desire or need is usually somewhere between 4 and 7pm.
    Top tip.
    If you really need afternoon shuteye then I recommend  watching the Parliament channel and really trying to follow what’s going on, guaranteed to doze off after 5 minutes.
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