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  • [cite]Posted By: Friend Or Defoe[/cite]The chase is better than the catch IMO.

    You're doing something wrong mate ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: Plaaayer[/cite]Just a quick note to say that if anyones could give me these womens number that would be great so I could decide for myself. Mnay thanks! :-)

  • [cite]Posted By: Stu of HU16[/cite]

    You're doing something wrong mate ;-)
  • That sounds and looks incredibly sinister
  • I'm 50 this year (no I can't really believe it myself) and my sluttish days are well behind me (if they ever really started). I think what AFKA said makes a lot of sense regarding the grass always being greener. This year will also be my silver wedding aniversary and bar a few difficult times I have been happily married.

    I was going steady at 24 and married at 25, prior to that I enjoyed my freedom but I hoped to would find somebody to be soul mate for the rest of my life. Sex was very important then but what was more important for me was to find somebody to live with that I liked as friend. Through the years that has carried our relationship forward even through the dark times.

    If I was in my mid-twenties again, once I'd found the right person, I'd settle down again, in the meantime I'd have some fun!
  • edited April 2009
    i say rip the back out of anything that willingly wants it Carter and stuff whoever says otherwise Mate. They're only jealous. AND THIS goes for any woman as well. as long as you are carfeul and no bare back riding I say go fo rit
  • 1905 said "fill your boots" I agree. If you don`t there will be a time many years from now when you regret not doing so. Be careful and don`t hurt anyone and its perfectly ok.
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]1905 said "fill your boots" I agree. If you don`t there will be a time many years from now when you regret not doing so. Be careful and don`t hurt anyone and its perfectly ok.

    When you say 'don't hurt anyone' do you mean emotionally or physically?
  • Both big boy !!!! ;0)
  • [cite]Posted By: Carter[/cite]When you say 'don't hurt anyone' do you mean emotionally or physically?

    Sometimes that can't be helped ;-)
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  • Stu was physically hurt with that stonking great whale on top of him !!
  • [cite]Posted By: Stu of HU16[/cite]

    Sometimes that can't be helped ;-)

    Recovered yet?! ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]Stu was physically hurt with that stonking great whale on top of him !!

    That was more mentally hurt scared.
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]Stu was physically hurt with that stonking great whale on top of him !!

    He took it like a man, I salute you Stu!
  • [cite]Posted By: Carter[/cite]
    He took it like a man, I salute you Stu!

    Yeah me too, teek a boo son, dont listen to all the jealousers who mock. You nutsed in, they didnt so bleuh!
  • That's a point

    You hear a few tied up men in relationships saying they envy single men (those who actually interact with the opposite sex). You don't hear many single men actually voice that they are jealous of blokes coupled up.

    Fear of having the piss taken or just see that the men in relationships have had a lot of their persona and freedom stripped from them!
  • [cite]Posted By: Carter[/cite]That's a point

    You hear a few tied up men in relationships saying they envy single men (those who actually interact with the opposite sex). You don't hear many single men actually voice that they are jealous of blokes coupled up.

    Fear of having the piss taken or just see that the men in relationships have had a lot of their persona and freedom stripped from them!
    Bollocks. If anything I'm more confident around women than I was before I was married - women treat you with a bit less caution when you talk to them with a ring on your finger than without because they know that there's less chance of you just being a c*** just after a quick bunk-up. I had enough casual sex when I was younger to decide that it didn't really do anything for me - I'd much rather get to know a woman before avin it.

    Besides, any bloke who's in a marriage where they've got the arse that their 'freedom' has been taken away from them is a twat. Marriages are about compromise - there are things I stopped doing once I got married certainly - but that was through choice. If my wife ever TOLD me to stop doing something that I enjoyed I'd tell her to do one - and quite rightly would expect the same from her if I tried to lay down the law. I've had some grim times in the past few years with my missus, but overall, being married is absolutely f***ing awesome.
  • I was saying it more tongue in cheek, however whatever way you look at it there are things you can't do when you're married that you can when you're single.

    Might not be the case with you but I know a lot of blokes who are so ridiculously elated to be allowed out it's embarrasing! I veer towards your way of thinking and the day I find a woman that will not tell me off and accept me as a bit of a free spirit then I can't see the fun in being denied things you want (I'm not talking about shagging behind anyones back here) but I watch some of my mates have to lie just to meet down the local for an after-work de-brief. That can't be right can it?
  • Who was your mate in Greenwich that night Carter, who got summoned home!!
  • Woodsy! That is who I'm describing!!
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  • if you have a son and he's putting it about good on him, if it's your daughter you don't wanna know about it!!
  • CommentAuthorCentenary_Shirt CommentTime21 hours ago edited quote# 22
    Posted By: CAFCBourne

    50 birds wild huh ;-)

    Funny you should pull me up on that. I first wrote "over 100 women". But then I realised that no man would believe that a women would be capable of such debauchery.

    And certainly no woman would admit that to a man, knowing what sensitive little souls they are about such things.

    Now try and tell me that a) this is wrong and b) we live in an equal society.

    So that's how you got your user name!
  • [cite]Posted By: Carter[/cite]I was saying it more tongue in cheek, however whatever way you look at it there are things you can't do when you're married that you can when you're single.

    Might not be the case with you but I know a lot of blokes who are so ridiculously elated to be allowed out it's embarrasing! I veer towards your way of thinking and the day I find a woman that will not tell me off and accept me as a bit of a free spirit then I can't see the fun in being denied things you want (I'm not talking about shagging behind anyones back here) but I watch some of my mates have to lie just to meet down the local for an after-work de-brief. That can't be right can it?

    A mate of mine has to lie to his bird and tell he her's working out of the office for the day, just so he can go off and play golf with some other mates. Simply because otherwise she wouldn't let him have a day off without her having the same time off to do something together!!
  • There is my point.
  • edited November 2009
    I had an argument with a girl last night. She was saying how it's unfair that if a guy **** a different girl every week, he's a legend, but if a girl **** just two guys in a year, she's a slut. So in response I told her that if a key opens lots of locks, then it's a master key. But if a lock is opened by lots of keys, then it's a shitty lock. That shut her up!
  • [cite]Posted By: Friend Or Defoe[/cite]I told her that if a key opens lots of locks, then it's a master key. But if a lock is opened by lots of keys, then it's a shitty lock. That shut her up!

    love it!
  • I recon you should deffinitely put it about matey because life is too short! I'd say when you meet the right girl then get married but until then just have fun :)

    I've been with my girl for just over a year but I am considering ending it because i am just not into her. When i was single i wanted to be in a relationship just because everyone else was and i didn't wanna be the gooseberry and be the only singleton in the group. But now I wouldn't mind being single again for the simple fact that you get to do what you want without having to lie to anyone. You also save lots of money as you only have to pay for yourself and you have no one ponsing off you (girlfriend). Also, I am loosing my job in December and even tho my girl knows this she is still expecting me to spend £150 on her for xmas and she wants me to get her 10 presents. I am thinking of going to the pound shop and getting her 10 presents from there and pretending that i spent £150 on her lol
  • [cite]Posted By: davy[/cite]I recon you should deffinitely put it about matey because life is too short! I'd say when you meet the right girl then get married but until then just have fun :)

    I've been with my girl for just over a year but I am considering ending it because i am just not into her. When i was single i wanted to be in a relationship just because everyone else was and i didn't wanna be the gooseberry and be the only singleton in the group. But now I wouldn't mind being single again for the simple fact that you get to do what you want without having to lie to anyone. You also save lots of money as you only have to pay for yourself and you have no one ponsing off you (girlfriend). Also, I am loosing my job in December and even tho my girl knows this she is still expecting me to spend £150 on her for xmas and she wants me to get her 10 presents. I am thinking of going to the pound shop and getting her 10 presents from there and pretending that i spent £150 on her lol

    I'd end it today if i was you. If you're more concerned about spending money on her for xmas than how you actually feel about her then you're probably best off out of it
  • [cite]Posted By: davy[/cite]I recon you should deffinitely put it about matey because life is too short! I'd say when you meet the right girl then get married but until then just have fun :)

    I've been with my girl for just over a year but I am considering ending it because i am just not into her.

    Blimey, you've waited a year. I'd have given it 3 dates and if I wasn't "into her" by then she'd be history!!
  • ''Newt, its either a feast or a famine. Tuck in mate''
    Darren Osbourne, Hollyoaks, 2009.
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