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Abusive Tweets to Thomas

Some stupid bloke has sent him a tweet after the game saying ‘sack him you c—t ‘ 
what stone do these people live under ?? 


  • Some stupid bloke has sent him a tweet after the game saying ‘sack him you c—t ‘ 
    what stone do these people live under ?? 
  • Some stupid bloke has sent him a tweet after the game saying ‘sack him you c—t ‘ 
    what stone do these people live under ?? 
    Thats mild for twitter
  • edited September 2021
    What would you expect? Get off Twitter. It'll only get worse.

    Edit: Sounds like a threat. Don't mean it to but....
  • cabbles said:
    Anyone that tags TS in tweets who isn’t a 13 year old teenager is a bit odd 

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  • Are we even sure it's actually him tweeting anyway. Wasn't that questioned last season?
  • Talal said:
    Said before TS should've packed twitter in when he took over. Don't know why he persists with it. 
    Or tweet a reply telling them to f*** off
  • Maybe he enjoys and values the interaction and communication, even when the feedback is sometimes negative or irrational.

    And we also don't know how many of the more aggressive moaners he has muted already.

    Also, if he closed his account now he'd be accused of running away or of snubbing the fans by the same people.

    When Jean Tindell died I tagged him, along with a few others, on the Bromley Addicks tweet announcing that because I felt it was a topic he might want to learn about and be aware of.  He later "liked" 12 comments from other fans remembering Jean.   

    So just like all social media it has benefits as well as negatives and it is his choice.
    FYI when tagging him in things like the example you mention above, I don’t put you in the same bracket Henners.  I meant in the context of the tweet mentioned by Albury Addict.

  • Ignore them. Better for you and it pisses them off more than any put down ever could.
  • SantaClaus said:t
    Ignore them. Better for you and it pisses them off more than any put down ever could.
    Yep the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about
  • Why i don't have a twitter account its full of morons who make ridiculous statements. Like a lot of social media platforms.
  • There are some very sad people who think interaction with someone on social media makes them mates with the other person and it gives them the right to speak to them.
    Hopefully TS has a media manager running his accounts ( he does if he has any sense ) and will no nothing of these cowardly lunatics 
  • Just no need.
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