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  • solitary for life (actual life) scum, complete and utter scum.
  • Don't want to know the details, it makes me too angry.

    A candidate to be made into pedigree chum.
  • Sorry but I couldn't read beyond the first few lines.
  • Me neither SoundAs. Disgusting.
  • Same as you tried not to read to much of it ----awful---------------but how in this twisted UK is it correct that this scum bag`s name cant be printed to protect him !
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]Same as you tried not to read to much of it ----awful
    but how in this twisted UK is it correct that this scum bag`s name cant be printed to protect him !

    It will be once he's sentenced was only witheld up till now in order to give him a fair trial(or so as not to allow his legal team to suggest otherwise)....which he has now had.
  • I stopped after the first 2 lines....scum
  • Same as most on here, almost saw my full English again so sickening was that. Inhumane scum.
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    It will be once he's sentenced was only witheld up till now in order to give him a fair trial(or so as not to allow his legal team to suggest otherwise)....which he has now had.

    Not necessarily - it could still be withheld if it could potentially be used to identify the victim.

    I agree that it's a vile crime beyond any normal person's imagination. I can't imagine what sentence could act as a deterrent to someone that twisted, however.
  • Being allowed 1/2 hour each day with the rest of the inmates in the recreation area for the rest of his life seems fair.
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  • I'm normally opposed to capital punishment, but in this case it make me sick to think that taxpayers money is going to be used to feed this scum for the rest of his life. Can't there be some sort of Devil's Island solution, somewhere very cold and inhospitable and hundreds of miles from anywhere? A one way ticket and no-one has to worry about him any more.
  • [cite]Posted By: Stig[/cite]I'm normally opposed to capital punishment, but in this case it make me sick to think that taxpayers money is going to be used to feed this scum for the rest of his life. Can't there be some sort of Devil's Island solution, somewhere very cold and inhospitable and hundreds of miles from anywhere? A one way ticket and no-one has to worry about him any more.

    Plenty or cold inhospitable islands in the north Atlantic. Drop him off on one of those and forget him.
  • I cannot begin to think of a punishment that comes anywhere near to what this piece of filth has inflicted on two innocent children. I hope all three paticipants rot in hell
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: TelinOz[/cite]I cannot begin to think of a punishment that comes anywhere near to what this piece of filth has inflicted on two innocent children. I hope all three paticipants rot in hell[/quote]

    SPOT ON.
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