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Ipswich 7th December- No Streaming



  • It would be really interesting to get a breakdown on where people are streaming from.  My hunch is that a lot of the streamers are people like me who live far away and that the people who normally go to the home games with family and friends are less likely to get the stream because its just not the same as being in the ground and pre- and post-game activities.

    In a normal year I'll maybe go to 5 home games and so I've never considered buying a season ticket, but if the season ticket included free streaming I think I would be tempted.
  • addickson said:
    It would be really interesting to get a breakdown on where people are streaming from.  My hunch is that a lot of the streamers are people like me who live far away and that the people who normally go to the home games with family and friends are less likely to get the stream because its just not the same as being in the ground and pre- and post-game activities.

    In a normal year I'll maybe go to 5 home games and so I've never considered buying a season ticket, but if the season ticket included free streaming I think I would be tempted.
    Unfortunately this would result in a seat which was rarely used and normally empty - albeit fully paid for! 

    This is exactly what Shirty wants to avoid and I would agree on this one!

    But it would be nice to embrace streaming in the "normal" system with streaming season tickets available offering transfers to seats when desired together with the usual point system entitling them to first options on tickets for over subscribed play-off or away fixtures etc.
  • I have a ST and don't usually go midweek because a mixture of working from home in West London and a minor but annoying disability means that the journey is a pain and gets me home after midnight. If the Ipswich stream is turned off then I just won't be there and won't have paid an extra tenner. Equally, I'll be watching Tuesday and it seems odd to me that I am paying less than half what anyone is paying just for a ticket to get into the ground, before travel and food and drink. I think it would be fair to charge me whatever the rate for getting into Morecambe is. 

    I could imagine a scenario where a stream could become part of a ST package in some way. 

    What we can't do is turn the clock back, it's part of how entertainment will be sold now, whether we like it or not. 
  • Technically streaming is only available to overseas  football followers by agreement with the EFL on Saturdays. The EFL have agreed to streaming for away fans for midweek games only and not certain if this is only league 1 and 2.
  • msomerton said:
    Technically streaming is only available to overseas  football followers by agreement with the EFL on Saturdays. The EFL have agreed to streaming for away fans for midweek games only and not certain if this is only league 1 and 2.
    Yes, but the point is, it's online and the people on here with their VPNs are enjoying the coverage. All we are doing is choosing which barriers to put up. 
  • Technically I think we can all agree that the EFL are a bunch of wankers.
  • Years ago as a season ticket holder I made the decision to dip out of a lot of mid week games. Only due to logistics and the need to be able to get up and do my job the following day

    Now Greenwich Council have got their parking gestapo out on all the roads I used to park on and the train being an unfettered nightmare I'm consigned to no mid weekend and to be honest it also makes Saturday games a pain in the dick, not by any means impossible just another pain in the arse. Anyone who has stood waiting for a bus replacement as Gravesend will attest to this 

    Going to games is always my number 1 choice but I'm incredibly glad I can access a excellent quality stream of the game if I cannot make it 
  • edited November 2021
    Dazzler21 said:
    As the only income generator in a household with two kids in a not particularly cheap part of the country, I think I'd rather chip in a £10 weekly than around £100 to rush, battle traffic and sit in the cold. Sure the atmosphere can be great, but that doesn't remove my other costs and expenses and family comes first 
     Just re-read this and... Well...

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  • Just got the email through about watching the Morecambe game on Charlton live for £10.
    And then think what a mug I am going to the game and it costing over £400.
  • I'd like to attend, but midweek's are a no-no for me, as I'm up at 3am every morning, so I'll be watching this one in Amsterdam, or Berlin, Paris, US............
  • edited November 2021
    The cat’s out of the bag, simple as that. 

    If you ban it in the U.K., you’re going to get people using VPNs. If you scrap Charlton TV altogether, Charlton fans will just use the other team’s streaming service.

    I haven’t been to a game in person since 2017 and EFL streaming, whether it was other clubs iFollow or now CharltonTV, has been an absolute lifesaver for me.
  • Living in Spain, I was never going to see more than a game or two at the Valley, and my annual pilgrimmage home this year coincided with two away fixtures so no Valley for me. So I'm overjoyed at the streaming service for those of us living abroad (someone should tell them i'ts a big commute to get th the Valley from the Republic of Ireland so maybe throw them a free stream too!) and was even vaguely enjoying the experience under Adkins while lamenting that it arrived in our worst ever season. Now? get in there. And seriously, they need to consider opening it up for UK residents too. Technology grinds ever forward and football needs to adapt.
  • clb74 said:
    Just got the email through about watching the Morecambe game on Charlton live for £10.
    And then think what a mug I am going to the game and it costing over £400.
    Well done. Would be tempted myself if I were in UK and make a trip to the Lake District. One of my favorite places visited in UK. 
  • The cat’s out of the bag, simple as that. 

    If you ban it in the U.K., you’re going to get people using VPNs. If you scrap Charlton TV altogether, Charlton fans will just use the other team’s streaming service.

    I haven’t been to a game in person since 2017 and EFL streaming, whether it was other clubs iFollow or now CharltonTV, has been an absolute lifesaver for me.
    I don't know your circumstances and you don't have to say but I wondered why you haven't been to a game for four years.
  • What gives more funds to the club , signing up £60 for Charlton TV and £10 per home stream for league games = £290 
    or a season ticket in the covered end 🤷‍♂️

    Against that there’s only 1 ticket per household but kids season tickets are pretty cheap in the family stand .
  • I don't know your circumstances and you don't have to say but I wondered why you haven't been to a game for four years.
    Think Callum lives in the US of A 
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  • edited November 2021
    There are some big questions here. Firstly, currently does streaming add to our net income or reduce it? Secondly, if it doesn't add to our income, do projections show that it is likely to? I would imagine it does or is deemed to be likely to given the effort the club has put into it.

    Then you need to look at the answer to the question of whether it will grow our active support and whether there could be a move to clubs managing their own TV revenues to a greater extent, probably driven by the big clubs, good or bad it could happen.

    Putting bums on seats is ultimately driven by success. The better we do on the pitch the more people will watch us and I would be confident that will be at the Valley and via a stream. A the top of the Championship or in the Premier League, we will sell out most games. How do we know it? We have seen it where you pretty much had to have a season ticket to reliably see us play a few years back.
  • clb74 said:
    Just got the email through about watching the Morecambe game on Charlton live for £10.
    And then think what a mug I am going to the game and it costing over £400.
    Are you traveling up in a limo with strippers and cocaine?
  • I would imagine the service must increase revenue for the club, I can’t imagine more than a handful of people are staying at home and streaming if going to the game is a viable option. 

    The vast majority of those streaming wouldn’t be attending either way so almost all of the income would be ‘extra’ 
  • I think shirty5 probably meant well and meant those locally (whilst meaning well). 

    But hey ho lets cancel him. This forum sometimes. 🙈
  • MrOneLung said:
    Make it same price as a ticket 
    I see this the other way around. Make ticket prices cheaper not streaming more expensive. 

    The finances of football are all wrong as we know and making it an expensive hobby is not the answer. 

    It needs to be affordable for al. 
  • As a season ticket holder I will be looking to attend 18 home games.
    If streaming becomes available for all games I might attend 10 games at the Valley
    Do we want to take my season ticket money and not worry whether I attend the games or watch them on a stream?
    If streaming becomes available for all games we will have less fans in the ground.
    Is this good for the game?
  • Are you traveling up in a limo with strippers and cocaine?
    On reflection live streaming will never catch on. Now where is this limo picking up from later....
  • Are you traveling up in a limo with strippers and cocaine?
    Be nice.
    Train, hotel,ticket , spending money and 2 days off work.
  • edited November 2021
    2121 said:
    I think shirty5 probably meant well and meant those locally (whilst meaning well). 

    But hey ho lets cancel him. This forum sometimes. 🙈

    A lot of people appear to be missing the point here. 

    We had 23000 home fans last Saturday. The next home game on a Tuesday night we will be looking around 8000, whilst Ipswich have a full house in the away end. Those 8000 will make a hell of a noise. We need bums on seats to create an atmosphere. 

    Don’t panic. They won’t cancel the stream. I was not advocating cancelling the stream on a permanent basis. But just on a one off to try and get more people inside the Valley. 

    There is nothing sadly stopping watching all 46 league games on a VPN these days and there is nothing illegal about that, but technology has made it much easier for people not to get out of there armchairs and watch football live again in the flesh. 

    That’s a sad state of affairs 
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