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Would ya

edited June 2009 in Not Sports Related
I would, look closely ;)


  • Maria Carey and no from me.
  • [cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]Maria Carey and no from me.

    Your too fussy by far, and your right ;)
  • [cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]Maria Carey and no from me.

    Are you talking about no you wouldn't Mariah Carey full stop or no you wouldn't if she got made up like that?
    She's one hell of a good looking woman from what I've seen.
  • Dressed like that or dressed normally - NO!
  • Well of course she's been around for some years now but Jeez she was a tasty looking piece a few years back that's for sure....probably put on a few pounds since then...........I don't know.
  • M-1.jpg


    When did this forum change its name to the Charlton Gay Life forum?

    That picture was taken in April last year by the way.
  • edited June 2009
    come on, this forum is full of some of the oddest oddballs you could ever imagine , nothing should surprise you...
    i mean if mariah doesn't tickle your fancy ffs
  • It's not so much her looks, it's her (lack of) personality and talent.
  • [cite]Posted By: Algarveaddick[/cite]It's not so much her looks, it's her (lack of) personality and talent.

    LACK OF TALENT...Jeeezuz that girl has a really GREAT voice and has done since she was a kid....without doubt one of the top three of four female singers in the world today....So much talent it's frightening!
    I've seen her live she was sensational...not a bum note in the entire hour and a half she was on stage, perfect pitch and held the stage and audience with a huge performance.
    No talent Jeezuz H Algarve please tell me your joking.
  • She's a right Northern Moon-keh.

    If you were to do the business with her, then you'd need to learn to like mushy peas.
    And do pots.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Nope. Something very weird going on with that face (in the second picture).

    Reckon I could be persuaded.
  • I say fill ya boots...
  • think she'd have a bucket sized hole but yeah, still would.

    Absolute filth.
  • All night long and then twice for breakfast.
  • Fifteen years ago yes - in a heartbeat. Since she decided that she was a rude gyal and started knocking about with twats like P-Diddy - no.
  • You have no chance unless "u is a ganngsta man init"
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    LACK OF TALENT...Jeeezuz that girl has a really GREAT voice and has done since she was a kid....without doubt one of the top three of four female singers in the world today....So much talent it's frightening!
    I've seen her live she was sensational...not a bum note in the entire hour and a half she was on stage, perfect pitch and held the stage and audience with a huge performance.
    No talent Jeezuz H Algarve please tell me your joking.

    No, she is without emotion - I give you "Without You" sung with a smile on her face. Utter Rubbish. The emperors new clothes, just like Jackson.
  • not for me ill pass on this one......
  • The woman is a mental case, no thanks.
  • Sponsored links:

  • [cite]Posted By: Algarveaddick[/cite]
    No, she is without emotion - I give you "Without You" sung with a smile on her face. Utter Rubbish. The emperors new clothes, just like Jackson.

    I'm no fool P, or an Emporers New Clothes merchant when it comes to knowing sheer talent. I've been round the block too many times in the music world over too many years to not know talent from talentless....I'm not easily fooled when it comes to my music...I know a true star when I see or hear one. I think you are applying your dislike of her to her ability as a world class singer......which she clearly is.
    I fank yew!!!
  • Pah !!
    What do YOU know ?
  • thought it was would you what to make mad passionate love to her rather than have here sing at your birfday......still noooooooooooo to both.........or even a quicky in the bunker on dartford golf course !
  • Hey , we are all different SoundAs, sad old world and all that. I need music to move me, she doesn't, simple as that. Technically hits all the right notes at the right time, so do a lot of other people, and they do it with spirit and passion, she doesn't - well not to me anyway.
  • A celebration of artifice over substance.
  • I'll take the picture down if you cant be nice ;)
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