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Teacher held on suspicion of pupil murder

edited July 2009 in Not Sports Related


  • "attempted". Be interesting to know what made him flip!
  • no excuses the kid is 14 cant exactly put up a fight, the teacher must have gone mental
  • Would not be surprised if they attacked the teacher first tbh! 14 year olds can put up a fight nla, or do you think the teacher just randomly decided to attack the pupils for the fun of it?
  • Got a few mates who are teachers. Can't believe what some of them have to put up with! Not pre-judging but something most have happened to make the teacher react as he has.
  • Last night it was claimed Harvey had a row with a girl who told him: "F*** off, you bald c***." She is then said to have ripped a text book.

  • Probably doesn't justify attempting to murder a child.
  • no a good ruler would have sufficed... to the girl for speaking to a teacher like that.

    my art teacher used to launch the blackboard rubber at our heads. always knew when it was coming tho and learned to dodge it.
  • Thanks for link Curb. Teacher clearly 'lost the plot'. Can't imagine it was his intension to murder though. If the 'children' had acted like 'children' should then there wuldn't have been an incident!
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]no a good ruler would have sufficed... to the girl for speaking to a teacher like that.

    my art teacher used to launch the blackboard rubber at our heads. always knew when it was coming tho and learned to dodge it.
    My art teacher used to lash me to my easel, with a bit of rope, tied round my ankle!
  • edited July 2009
    This is going to sound like a Daily Mail-esque rant, but I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. I was (you'll be unsurprised to learn) a right bastard to some of my teachers, and that was 20-odd years ago. The way my ten year old nephew talks to and about his teachers I dread to think what it must be like now. The wife's cousin is a teacher - they've emigrated now but she used to teach in Salisbury. She once had a fifteen year old boy tell her, at length, how he was going to follow her home and rape her. When she was telling us this story over dinner, her old man's knuckles went white - he must have heard it over and over again, but you could see that he still wanted to find the little c*** and beat him to death. At fifteen years of age, you know exactly what you're doing when you do something like that.

    Of course, that's slightly worse than calling someone a 'f***ing bald c***', then their mates ripping the piss out of him when he tries to confront her - but the fact is that kids are getting worse and this geezer had probably been teaching for donkeys years when the classroom was slighlty a less antagonistic environment than it is now. Its only natural that someone snaps every now and then. Not condoning what the bloke's done, but it certainly isn't 'attempted murder'.
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  • Everyone, & I mean everyone, has a breaking point.
  • I agree completely with Leroy, what some of these schools are like now I would shudder to think and it was 'challenging' enough when I were a lad (around 20 years ago).
  • If this was an old bloke with mental illness who had thrown a lump of metal at a child then repeatedly hit the fallen child in the head with the lump of metal would there be so much understanding or would be demanding the return of hanging? Just because he's a teacher and not care in the community, it seems we want him to be shown more consideration. Odd
  • was hit with just about everything they had when i was at school. Board rubber,cane,slipper,tee square,ruler sharpe edge up etc. never called a teacher a c--t and the thought of saying to any female i`ll rape you makes me feel sick. Similar thing happened to a cousins daughter in Lambeth school she was 14. The school refused to do anything until my cousin told them there is aprox 50 of us who just might turn up and sort it out ourselves ! The wooly left wont have it on here but there was the PC/ethnic element which the school refused to attempt to tackle.
  • The Sun had an absolutely brilliant sentence in it today, it read:

    'On the website Mr Harvey had been given five out of five - now down to 3.7.'

    Wonderful piece of journalism!
  • i hope the child is ok.
  • He's a cyclist according to the report.

    I've had a few run-ins as a pedestrian with the lycra clad psychopaths on pavements!

    That said one musn't pre judge it.
  • If they were allowed to discipline children and they knew it was possible, incidents like this and mentions of raping, as well as an actual rape of a teacher recently would be less likely. Still it is the teachers own union that was one of the first to call for the abolition of caning etc so maybe the members should take it up with them.
  • edited July 2009
    If corporal punishment was brought back into schools or even the non-violent discipline they get in the army then im sure it wouldnt have got to this stage. Got caned and got lines (not in the drug sense) in primary school so you never really stepped out of line let alone swore at the teachers- a look would be enough to instill the fear of God into you.

    By the time i got to secondary shool that was all done away with and the most youd get was detetnion. Two teachers had nervous breakdowns, many were assaulted and one even had her car flipped over in the car park. Whilst im sure 90% of school kids are good and might just get a bit lairy on occasions some of the rest are just scum who dont appear to get any discipline at home and certainly dont respect except their equally pathetic mates anyone let alone coppers or teachers.

    Not at all condoning what happened but quite understand how a person could reach breaking point and snap. Would anyone in another profession put up with being spoken to and treated the way a lot of teachers are now days in life in general, let alone on a daily basis at work, doubt it.
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  • I dont understand... what could she possibly doing alone that is a compromising position?
  • My girlfriend has been a teacher for 4 years and some of the things she's had to put up with are insane. 90% of teachers know the situation is fucked but don't kick up a stink because they've found themselves good schools on permananent contracts or are at the worst schools on temporary contracts and want to get out asap without blotting their copy book. BTW the worst school for discipline she teached at was Eltham Green which is quite a feet considering she's worked at Pupil Refereal Units too.
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]I dont understand... what could she possibly doing alone that is a compromising position?

    Probably involved a battery operated device :-)
  • [cite]Posted By: Covered End[/cite]
    Probably involved a battery operated device :-)

    I bet they haven't stopped "rabbitting" on about it since she was exposed.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]no excuses the kid is 14 cant exactly put up a fight, the teacher must have gone mental[/quote]

    r u joking have u seen the size of some of the ***** now. my lad ,at 1,2 has a mate taller than me
  • [cite]Posted By: RodneyCharltonTrotta[/cite]If corporal punishment was brought back into schools or even the non-violent discipline they get in the army then im sure it wouldnt have got to this stage. Got caned and got lines (not in the drug sense) in primary school so you never really stepped out of line let alone swore at the teachers- a look would be enough to instill the fear of God into you.

    By the time i got to secondary shool that was all done away with and the most youd get was detetnion. Two teachers had nervous breakdowns, many were assaulted and one even had her car flipped over in the car park. Whilst im sure 90% of school kids are good and might just get a bit lairy on occasions some of the rest are just scum who dont appear to get any discipline at home and certainly dont respect except their equally pathetic mates anyone let alone coppers or teachers.

    Not at all condoning what happened but quite understand how a person could reach breaking point and snap. Would anyone in another profession put up with being spoken to and treated the way a lot of teachers are now days in life in general, let alone on a daily basis at work, doubt it.
    No, but to be fair if I was going to kill a child as part of my job I'd not hurl bits of metal at him in front of a room of witnesses, I'd try to pick my moment. They get months of holiday every year and yet cannot even be bothered to properly plan the murder of a 14 year old child who is friends with someone who has sworn at them. It's little wonder this country is going to the dogs.
  • [cite]Posted By: valleygary[/cite]The Sun had an absolutely brilliant sentence in it today, it read:

    'On the website Mr Harvey had been given five out of five - now down to 3.7.'

    Wonderful piece of journalism!
    That is superb. I wonder if some of the kids went on and changed their vote (since I seen Mr 'Arvey bludgenoning one of my friends to def wiv a weight I've 'ad to take 'im darn from a "5" to a "2"). Or if a lot of new people have put on votes lowering his average. If it's the latter I wonder if some of him are rating him as a murderer (which he's plainly not very good at both in terms of getting-away-with-it and in actually failing to finish off a young lad).

    It seems unfair that after 30 years of teaching his ratings are suffering as a result of one attempted murder.
  • Oh mclovin... I know you're looking for a rise but honestly on and on and on you go. I havent got time to read back to see if anyone actually condoned what he did. just commenting on the state of schools today.
  • I was having a larf (based on Valleygary's observation) about the meaninglessness of Sun journalism, touchy.

    No need to trawl for a robust couter-argument.
  • Obviously the humour went way over my head.
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