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80s Fancy Dress

edited July 2009 in Not Sports Related
Me and me pals are planning on going to Butlins bognor on the 20th Nov for one of their big weekends.

Plan is get smashed listening to Go West on Friday, drive 3 hours hungover to watch Charlton stuff Yeovil, drive back and get smashed again listening to Bad Manners. Hopefully some lady's will be involved somewhere along the lines.

Anyway, on sat everyone goes in fancy dress and was lookin for ideas of 80s type costumes?


  • Hannibal Lector ?

  • Strangely enough, I DJ'd an 80's theme party last Saturday in Dartford. Costume was easy for the girls, most of them came dressed similar to those of 'Fame'. A couple of others were dressed like the backing group in Robert Palmer's 'addicted to love'. In all honesty most of the blokes didn't have a clue and came dressed in any fancy dress they could find. I think the nearest to the 80's theme was a couple of lads dressed as Village People, even though YMCA was out in 1978! There were a couple of the lads that copied the Blues Brothers type look and kept asking me to play Madness.

    Not much help really am I, suppose look at some of the groups of that era and copy the look, or maybe go as Michael Jackson!
  • edited July 2009
    ;) apology's just looked at my record collection, The Bay city rollers were the 70s not the 80s.
  • [cite]Posted By: T.C.E[/cite];)[div class=Attachments id=Attachments_491123 noWrap=false][ul compact=false][div noWrap=false]bay_city_rollers.jpg[/div][/ul][/div]

    80's not 70's TCE!
  • [cite]Posted By: Essex_Al[/cite]

    80's not 70's TCE!

    your quicker than me ;)
  • Max Headroom! Easy. Oh & Bay City Rollers were early 70's, i know cos i got told off for wearing their socks in Infants 1 8-)
  • [cite]Posted By: KBslittlesis[/cite]Max Headroom! Easy. Oh & Bay City Rollers were early 70's, i know cos i got told off for wearing their socks in Infants 1 8-)

    I got told off for wearing that stuff to work ;(
  • Frankie Says RELAX t-shirts
    Miami Vice style suit jackets with the sleeves pushed up to the elbows
    pastel colours
    dodgy new romantic gear with shedloads of eyeliner if you're feeling really brave.
  • Shoulder Pads
  • I might be stating the bleeding obvious here but would you not be better off going to Minehead? What with it being in the same county as Yeovil n' all...
  • Sponsored links:

  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Bournemouth Addick[/cite]I might be stating the bleeding obvious here but would you not be better off going to Minehead? What with it being in the same county as Yeovil n' all...[/quote]

    That was the plan originally but none of us could get the time off work on the Friday so we thought it best to go to Bognor as we didnt wanna miss part of Fridays drinking time...
  • go as the jacksons, the a team , top gun, ghostbusters,adam and the ants,cannonball run,tmnt....
  • goonies, teen wolf
  • why don't you just go to the hartlepool away game, pop into a local clothes shop and buy something from their latest range*

    *on reading post back, realise i may have made the same mistake as T.C.E re 70's/80's
  • Go as Rick Astley very easy to do
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