Apologies in advance for this mega boring thread.
We've booked up for a Carribean cruise with my brother and sister in law for 18 days.
Cruise company recommended Staysure insurance £1000/£1200 for a 62 year old couple, single trip.
Cheapest on comparison sites are £600/£700 for single trip covering cruises.
Someone suggested annual could be cheaper than single policies? Can't see why.
Between us we've high blood pressure, COPD and had cancer.
Any recommendations?
I was taken aback as insurance for me to Dublin for a weekend, booked last week was £20.
With health issues I would go for one or the other. This is their target client market.
Others maybe cheaper but if you need help you don’t want a company to be trying to duck out of paying you. Both have good recommendations from Which or Good Housekeeping.
Make sure you tell them everything.
Love the Caribbean. Enjoy the rum and have a wonderful time.
I imagine the Caribbean is similar to the US and with a cruise there's the possibility of needing a transfer from ship to shore if something bad happens, and possibly repatriation. Your quote sounds pretty good to me, Beds
Annual unlikely to be cheaper but if you have plans for a further holiday in next 12 months may save you overall.
Staysure are a solid company and do pay out fairly. I have 2 experiences of claims with them. All Clear also do have a good reputation (both specialising in people with health issues) as well but £1k may well be a decent price. Having said that they wouldn't cover me this year with my health issues and had to go elsewhere. Hopefully the new company I'm with are ok. (insurewith)
i have had renewal quote for about £750 !
I called both and after saying that sounds to expensive got 20% off.
I got Gold + for £180 Europe, Spain etc. from All Clear.
No health problems for last two years following an operation which helped.
We just had to cancel a cruise as I was diagnosed with a heart problem and whilst it’s under investigation I couldn’t get cover and I wasn’t going to pay the balance due just in case. Going on a Med cruise next June instead.
Cruise travel insurance is always a lot more expensive usually due to evacuation expense (airlifting from a ship can be very very expensive), confinement increases claim probability etc etc,
Plus people are at higher risk, with transfers on to tenders, over exerting themselves on excursions, then people eat far too much, drink far too much, and also the ground keeps pitching and rolling so people are always falling over. Every cruise I have been on involved at least one helicopter rescue, death of a passenger on board, some sort of norovirus or tummy bug being passed among the passengers, or a medical evacuation with ambulances waiting at the quayside when we dock. Also people going on shore often miss the ships departure and have to arrange transport to the next port of call to catch up with the ship, you always hear the announcements "will passengers watsit and oosit please urgently report to reception" just before departures.
And then they cram the ships full of old people which cant help, when you see the ranks of geriatrics, many on mobility scooters cutting the queue to embark its like the night of the living dead.
He's Australian and first came to the UK in the 1960s.
He got a gig as an assistant doctor on a cruise ship to get here. Amusingly they charged him 2/6 (that's 12.5p for you post-1971 people) for his "board and lodging" while on the ship.
Anyway, the head doctor was an alcoholic. This meant that my man had to deal with all emergencies after around 8pm because his boss was completely out of it. He had two bad call-outs on the journey. The first one was a drunk who had actually fallen asleep in his soup and asphyxiated. The other was a call a honeymoon couple in their cabin. The Groom had ruptured his penis. He said he'd never seen so much blood.
So, be careful out there, cruise ships are dangerous places.
Not that I know of, probably more like old age. I have no idea how they even get insurance given some of their ages. I started at 40, now 62 and I still feel young on a cruise !!