Sat watching the Football League hi-lights show this morning and it is apparent how many players from Japan and the far East are now playing in the Championship.
Are we missing a trick by not "shopping" in this market? Does anyone closer to the clubs scouting
@Swisdom know whether we have eyes on players from that area?
Would be interested in others thoughts. Seems that these players bag a fair few goals and assists. Have to admit I know nothing about the work permit situation and or the market prices, but surely we should be looking?
It’s definitely something we should be taking more advantage of in future windows, but I guess the big question is where to start? I’ve noticed a few clubs in our league have signed Scandinavian players - these are leagues where players should in theory be more affordable and find it easier settle in England and English football compared to bigger nations (more expensive players) or those with a bigger change in culture.
This is the sort of thing I’d love to hear more about at the fan events on YouTube as it’s more relevant to the football than a lot of the other topics they covered on the last one.