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10 and 1/2 things you never knew about Carlisle

1. Carlisle are the only Scottish club playing in the Football League.

2. Charlton have been promoted at Carlisle twice

3. During World War One all the pubs in Carlisle were nationalised and run by the local council under the "state management scheme". Despite being initially for boosting munitions production it continued until the 1970s


  • The 1st pillar box went up on Botchergate in Carlisle in 1853
  • The town is named after medieval lord of the manor known locally as 'Carl of Isle' because of his obsession with creating man made islands in any large stretch of water he came across. local peasants starved after he ordered them to spend their time throwing rocks into local rivers and lakes rather than farming.

    Carl was looking towards an infamous end to his life on the scaffold when he hit upon the idea of building the Isle of man. Boatloads of locals were sent to chuck granite into the seas to build up the island, he then declared it a tax haven and hid his loot there.He and his descendants occupied the island for many centuries until the invention of the motorbike when carl of isle the 23rd grew tiresome of the mad bastards vrooming their way round his manx home and moved to a house n Spain.
  • our own jimmymelrose went to college there doing a tourism course or something, which he has never put to good use. He always said in was a long way from SE London.
  • Ryanair ran a service from Carlisle Airport renaming the airport Carlisle (London) Airport. Unnaccacountably business was poor and they discontinued the service.
  • [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]Ryanair ran a service from Carlisle Airport renaming the airport Carlisle (London) Airport. Unnaccacountably business was poor and they discontinued the service.

  • The first ever outbreak of foot and mouth disease occurred in Carlisle in 1884.
    In an effort to stop this disease from spreading to the rest of England it was decided that Carlisle was now in Scotland, and they have been Scottish ever since.
  • One for the anoraks: when London Transport (as was) started withdrawing routemasters quite a few found a new lease of life in Carlisle where they happily trundled around for a few more years. It was almost surreal coming out of the station to see a line of London buses so far from home.
  • Carlisle is twinned with Stupsk in Poland....
  • edited October 2009
    Eddie Stobart is not only Carlisle's wealthiest entrepreneur, he is also the Mayor and holds the title First Lord of Carlise. One of his official duties, which he takes very seriously, is to de-flower all virgin brides that are married within the city walls. He commemorates each one by naming a lorry after them.
  • Their club doctor in the 1970`s, the famous Guru Bob coined the immortal phrase
    A champion team will always be beaten by a team of champions, unless the champion team have some very very good players.
  • Sponsored links:

  • rotfl @ stig :)
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