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[MAKE ME STICKY] Charlton Upbeats

Just did a search on Charlton on youtube and this came up.

The peoples millions thing on the 26th November, all vote

Charlton Upbeats


  • Thats great that is.....
  • i thought so as well.
  • Where do you vote?
  • Awesome. Thanks for posting the link.

    LO: Have to vote by phone.
  • You would have thought they'd have put this on the o/s
  • It needs to be a sticky.

    With all the talk of wanting our Charlton back and spend money on players etc, it seems our, or at least the Charlton I love, has been there all the time.

    How many votes can we muster?
  • admin well on top of this.

    More news and details next week

    In the meantime put 26 nov in your diary as the day to vote.
  • As Ben said, we'll be doing a piece about this on Monday
  • I know what I said about the Charlton community work etc etc etc but that film really warmed the cockles of my heart. Yes, OK it is all worth it.

    I never said I was opposed to any of it just that it didn't do the club as much good as some of you thought, well I might not have changed my mind about that but hey, who cares? We do things for the good of it, not for any benefit to ourselves.

    Well done, that is great!
  • Sponsored links:

  • To me, this is what the Charlton Family is about, and why it is more than just about what happens on the pitch..

    Great stuff.....
  • Absoutely briliant. Having worked in a similiar project a couple of years ago with Arsenal, Sorry GH ;-), i know how rewarding it can be for the workers, the parents and most importantly the children.

    Fantastic stuff, they will be receiving my vote on the 26th.
  • edited November 2009
    dft,'well done for saying that.

    As i said at the time of that other thread, when i was giving the Downs team as an example of why it was all worth while, so what if you've never heard about it.

    Those kids and their families have and they all think Charlton are great as a result and so will all your non-CHarlton supporting friends, relatives, work mates, school/college mates etc when you tell them and get them to vote on Thursday
  • great stuff, will definately be voting

    (also well said DFT)
  • Re the O/S:

    Surprised Sir Henry let this slide, but I reckon we're all across this one.....

    First story:

    Second story:

    Third story:

    In addition, V MK Dons, the Upbeats were introduced to the crowd at half-time, when the film was shown on the big screen, announcements were made over the tannoy and there was an article in the matchday programme. I've also tweeted about it several times.

    Obviously, there will be more plugs next week, and at the Bristol Rovers game, particularly when the phone number is known.

  • Matt,

    It can get a bit lonely on here sticking up for the OS.

    Glad someone else thinks they do a half decent job : - )
  • It's a great scheme, and it's nice to see it working. But, I have to be concerned about a TV programme that pits that programme against another (presumably as-worthy) one for votes to get funding. It reduces a whole serious business into an ITV dance off. Fair enough if they're pitted against something frivolous like the Young Conservatives new roof fund, but the chance are it will be another scheme that needs and deserves money. So what we see is 10 minutes of spin on ITV for the amusement of the masses.

    Again, brilliant that we're doing it, but an ITV phone in competition is not the answer to the question of how to fund social improvement.
  • So, tomorrow's the day.

    Get voting everyone.
  • whats the phone number?
  • Sponsored links:

  • will know tomorrow morning.

    Sure it will be on here and on the OS.
  • will ring and vote when number comes on here,loved the video yesterday.
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