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My daughter had a private conversation on face book yesterday which turned abusive and nasty.This escalated today
into abusive telephone calls.I breached the subject with the other persons parents who understanderbly took their childs side.Is their anyway i can get back the transcripts of the conversation so i can prove what was said.I feckin hate facebook and everything it stands for together with msn.Any help would be appreciated as i know the other persons parents quite well and has now caused them to be peed of with me.


  • If its on the same comp, go on the IM thing, click on the other persons name and it might come up with it, sometimes works, sometimes dont
  • Was it on the quick 'chat' or messages/wall posts etc.
  • If its on the instant chat then it'll only still be there if you havent logged out of FB/ or turned PC off. If its actual messages or wall postings then you'll definetly be able to get to that if you log in to her account.
  • I think even if you log out and then in again it should still be long as you didnt close the mini-chat box thingy.
  • edited January 2010

    This may help, not sure if it works tho

  • cheers mate,it didn't work but thanks anyway,to say i peed off is a understatement
  • Were the abusive calls coming from a witheld number? If not you would have received call records on the mobile. Best thing would be to remove the kid as a friend on facebook, then the only way he/she would be able to message your daughter would be through a standard message, which is stored for record in the inbox.
  • It's possible to block people, as well. And report them. Though, Facebook admin deals with that and it's unlikely to get anywhere to be honest, with the large volume of cases they get.
  • i know this fellas the trouble is kids parent doesn't want to believe me and probably quite understanderbly backs up there kid.I would just love the proof of what was written.
  • edited January 2010


    I had a look at this and tried it out on a few people i have been chatting to this week, and it seems the chat histories have been cleared. From reading through this it appears that facebook clear the history every few days.

    You can get the chat history quite easily on msn as it saves on your PC but facebook is different.


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  • Well if it wasnt done through facebook chat there should be records of it. This is why im very careful with who i befreind on Facebook. Hope your daughters ok Steve.
  • Hello Steve,

    Sorry to hear that mate... I am assuming your phone line is with BT, If you can their nuisance berwaux (they will eb able to to chase the caller (if number withheld). they may bot give you the number if ex directory...

    I did onece as my mum said she heard heavy breathing and thought it was a rude call. I called them and they traced the number and they asked me if I knew the number? I did and it turned out to be a realtive, one of the kids who couldn't speak well at the timem anaging to dial our number.... (a redial or something).

    I do hope your familised get this sorted out.. as you say if there is proof there then the other family coulldnt deny it... and what a stupid idiocy between kids that has a an affect on their parents. I have not been to OFCOM.. not sure if you will find anything on their website helpful??
  • how old is your daugher steve? This is bad. all the reasons why i dont like my step daughter on it... one of the other reasons is reading my friends comments on mine!
  • Try to find out if its not the first time he's done it. My guess is that he has acted like this before and maybe to some of her friends. If more people say about it the parents have to believe it. Let me know how you get on
  • shes 12 b and i reall am peed off with the whole situation and Unc it's a she giving the grief not a boy.Christ girls are so so bitchy
  • Not nice. Feel for you S.

    Was going to let Henry Jnr sign up but may leave it for a while.

    I can only suggest that you ask your daughter to keep copies of anything posted or texted if it happens again.

    By coincidence Henry Jnr has had two separate visits at his school from the police telling them about cyber abuse and bullying.

    I suspect/hope that although the parents have backed her up they will have also had a word with her and now knowing that your daughter won't be bullied in silence will now back off.
  • Facebook is a complete load of tosh that i cannot for the life of me understand.My missus is on it.Apparenty,she ditched one of her friends* on it the other day.The afformentioned friend* then emailed her to ask if she'd done anything wrong and why she'd been scrubbed.Amazing.

    *person who has lived within 4 miles of you,or worked in a building close to your own place of work,or walked past you on the tube,or knows one of your ACTUAL friends cousins best mates mother in law, but you have never actually spoken to him/her.
  • Sorry to hear northend steve, on the subject of facebook it gets dull really just good for pictures and poking ppl ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]Facebook is a complete load of tosh that i cannot for the life of me understand.My missus is on it.Apparenty,she ditched one of her friends* on it the other day.The afformentioned friend* then emailed her to ask if she'd done anything wrong and why she'd been scrubbed.Amazing.

    *person who has lived within 4 miles of you,or worked in a building close to your own place of work,or walked past you on the tube,or knows one of your ACTUAL friends cousins best mates mother in law, but you have never actually spoken to him/her.

    I use Facebook mainly to stay in touch with my American mates. Its easy to use and free. I can see why some people despise it though.
  • Facebook, nuff said etc
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  • ditto. x 2
  • [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]
    I use Facebook mainly to stay in touch with my American mates. Its easy to use and free. I can see why some people despise it though.

    I use facebook for the exact same reason. I despise the way facebook is though and the ethos of it. the fact tha people feel they always have to be talking to other people is just sad.
  • And normally it's purile shite of the most nauseous kind, the sort of crap that people wouldn't say to each others faces but feel able to do from the safety of a PC keyboard.
  • edited January 2010
    how old is your daughter? mine has a facebook account but is only 8, so i have made her invisible to others apart from close friends and family and disabled her chat for her own safety
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