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charltonlife vs



  • Addickted has a better layout, you can have sigs and avatars so it's easier to memorise members but the content is shit, it's full of kids just talking bollocks.
  • edited August 2010
  • [cite]Posted By: siblers[/cite]Addickted has a better layout, you can have sigs and avatars

    Many people would argue thats a bad thing!
  • I think the fact that you have been allowed to continue a thread critising this very site and saying how good another is answers your question doesn't it?

    Admin on this site show considerable restraint at times, they really do...
  • I liked the how many posts you'd done thing on Addickted. Pathetically interesting.
  • Sigs can be a bit of a nusance when they are too big and loud but they are pretty useful for remebering and recognising members etc, same with avatars. Plus the place had sections so you could look around in certain areas for certain topics. But it means nothing if the content is shite.
  • Addikted. Was and always will be a second rate crock of shite

    2 bob and poxy
  • Just flicked on to it for the first time to have a look. It just looks like all the other fan sites, CL is a bit different.
  • [cite]Posted By:siblers[/cite]Plus the place had sections so you could look around in certain areas for certain topics

    So does Charlton Life?? Click the Catergories button at the top, or the drop down menu on the side.

    Seems to me the people who claim the forum software used on CL is inferior to that on Addickted just dont know how to use it.
  • I always liked I was, in fact, disappointed when Charlton Life was set up as, what I saw, as a rival. Who wanted rivalry within our own fans? To be fair, AFKA took the time to explain the rationale to me, but I decided to stick with for some time. In the end, went from 'going downhill' to 'gone badly downhill' and I switched. There is no doubt that this forum is very good. The only problem with success on forums is that the bigger they get (or the more posts there are) the more difficult they are to follow. To be honest, I like the spread of topics on here and just hope that it can all be held together on one site serving everyone's needs.
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  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Stu of HU5[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By:siblers[/cite]Plus the place had sections so you could look around in certain areas for certain topics[/quote]

    So does Charlton Life?? Click the Catergories button at the top, or the drop down menu on the side.

    Seems to me the people who claim the forum software used on CL is inferior to that on Addickted just dont know how to use it.[/quote]


    If the design of the software is not clear for your average technically challenged user then that's a flaw.
  • [cite]Posted By: vff[/cite]If the design of the software is not clear for your average technically challenged user then that's a flaw.

    There's plenty of tutorials explaining exactly how the board works, I assume you havnt taken the time to read them?
  • Large out of interest whats your username over there ?
  • [cite]Posted By: vff[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Stu of HU5[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By:siblers[/cite]Plus the place had sections so you could look around in certain areas for certain topics

    So does Charlton Life?? Click the Catergories button at the top, or the drop down menu on the side.

    Seems to me the people who claim the forum software used on CL is inferior to that on Addickted just dont know how to use it.

    If the design of the software is not clear for your average technically challenged user then that's a flaw.

    I'm way below 'your average technically challenged user', but what I have really appreciated is that in finding out how to quote and add photos, in following the advice I was given by various lifers, I've gone on to learn a whole lot more about sites like Photoblog and Dropbox. Making it easier shouldn't be confused with making it better.
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]Addikted. Was and always will be a second rate crock of shite

    2 bob and poxy
    That's the kind of juvenile comment that made Addickted unattractive...
  • Addickted was good in terms of a forum, but I agree that it became a bit too childish with the arguments etc, and I had to ban a lot of members, a couple permanently. I always read this as I found some of the discussions more mature, as only a handful of members on Addickted could have a proper intelligent conversation. In terms of software I do feel that Addickted was better, but if the signatures were taken away. The content on the main site was brilliant at first but then went downhill as the site was updated less and less, and then the forum went downhill as the childish arguments began, and everyone migrated over here. There are a few die hard Addickted users over here, and some die hard CL users even posted on
    Addickted a couple of times (WSS, AFKA, and Henry read). Scoham even began life over there.

    At the end of the day I didn't really see why there was such a rivalry between the two sites as we were both for Charlton. Personally I feel that this site could do with a software update or a total change, and more articles, but the forum goes from strength to strength. Hence why Addickted, cafc-fans, cafc-babes and NetAddicks all died a death.
  • CommentAuthorStu of HU5
    * CommentTime29 minutes ago

    # 46

    Copy URL as:

    Posted By: vffIf the design of the software is not clear for your average technically challenged user then that's a flaw.

    There's plenty of tutorials explaining exactly how the board works, I assume you havnt taken the time to read them?


    No, couldn't be bothered.

    I am happy enough with CL and 606.


    * stilladdicted
    * CommentTime10 minutes ago

    I'm way below 'your average technically challenged user', but what I have really appreciated is that in finding out how to quote and add photos, in following the advice I was given by various lifers, I've gone on to learn a whole lot more about sites like Photoblog and Dropbox. Making it easier shouldn't be confused with making it better.


    Not quite worked out how to do the quote thing......any advice on that greatly received.
  • To be honest, lots of other sites seem to want to knock Charlton Life. Don't know why, there's plenty of room for all and just because you use one site doesn't mean you can't use another. I mean, the landlord in your local isn't going to ban you just because you had a drink in the Griffin whilst having a Tina, is he?

    Point is, EVERYONE seems to look at Charlton Life whether they profess to like it or not. Most of us on here don't really give a flying f**k about anywhere else.

    I think that speaks volumes and is a credit to the way the site is run.

    Just my view mind you.
  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]To be honest, lots of other sites seem to want to knock Charlton Life. Don't know why, there's plenty of room for all and just because you use one site doesn't mean you can't use another. I mean, the landlord in your local isn't going to ban you just because you had a drink in the Griffin whilst having a Tina, is he?

    Point is, EVERYONE seems to look at Charlton Life whether they profess to like it or not. Most of us on here don't really give a flying f**k about anywhere else.

    I think that speaks volumes and is a credit to the way the site is run.

    Just my view mind you.

  • charlton life is by far the more quality site
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  • [cite]Posted By: vff[/cite]No, couldn't be bothered.

    Then how can you possilbly complain? People have gone to the effort to explain to you how this board works and you can't be bothers to read it? Yet want to claim is too difficult? Odd, to say the least!
  • Has anyone else noticed that Charlton Life has recently started to catch up with the way Addickted was blighted with posters blurting out juvenile insults and abuse of both fellow fans and visiting supporters...?

    Hope that's not a trend that will be allowed to continue because CL will surely go the way of other sites that had the same problem...
  • addickted would win in a match
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: ross[/cite]Addickted was good in terms of a forum, but I agree that it became a bit too childish with the arguments etc, and I had to ban a lot of members, a couple permanently. I always read this as I found some of the discussions more mature, as only a handful of members on Addickted could have a proper intelligent conversation. In terms of software I do feel that Addickted was better, but if the signatures were taken away. The content on the main site was brilliant at first but then went downhill as the site was updated less and less, and then the forum went downhill as the childish arguments began, and everyone migrated over here. There are a few die hard Addickted users over here, and some die hard CL users even posted on
    Addickted a couple of times (WSS, AFKA, and Henry read). Scoham even began life over there.

    At the end of the day I didn't really see why there was such a rivalry between the two sites as we were both for Charlton. Personally I feel that this site could do with a software update or a total change, and more articles, but the forum goes from strength to strength. Hence why Addickted, cafc-fans, cafc-babes and NetAddicks all died a death.[/quote]

    Totally agree
  • thanks for everyones thought and after test trialling i have now found out that its awful and charlton life is soo much better
  • Used to go on a lot back in the day, thought it was for more of a younger crowd like my age. There was a group of guys on there that obviously knew each other really well and it was nice to lurk and occasionally post on there. Tried going on it now and it seems to have been taken down? Shame, back in the day it was a great site.
  • Overrun with spam bots. We tried to clear it out, which we did, but they all came back. This was also filtering through into the Twitter and Facebook feeds. Was pointless keeping it up tbh,
  • I hate all forums they are all fake Facebook shite wouldn't ever get me on a forum
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