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Has there ever been a more negative response to a victory than this weekend?

edited September 2010 in General Charlton
Jesus people - anyone would think we lost!

I haven't read much positive stuff from this weekend just passed yet we won and are 2 points off top spot.

Whilst I acknowledge it was a bad performance I also understand that "winning ugly" is an important part of being successful. Would we have won that game last year or the year before?

Robbie's save could be a really pivotal moment for us.

We need to build on this and in order to do that we as fans need to support our team and stop the ridiculous booing.


  • are you related to Oggy...;o)
  • i didn't hear any booooing on saturday
    we were wank
    myself and many others would have hoped for a better performance
    obviously we're all delighted about the result but the performance and recent results aren't a good sign
    the team will hopefully gel and things will look and get better in the coming weeks
    but with the last few years fresh in our minds and our uncanny ability to get the worst out of players what do you really expect, for us to be pulling ourselves off cos we've just fluked a win over notts county ffs
  • The negativety has nothing to do with the result, its about how we played and we were shocking, if we had played against a better team than County and if all teams come to our place and attack us we will not get promoted. I am hoping its just a blip and as Prky says 'The best is yet to come'.

    Bizarrely it was so bad it felt like we had lost! Weird
  • It's a weird one.

    I think we didn't win a game last season where we played as bad as that. I also think we lost games last season where we played better than that. Yet from the player ratings thread I bet you'll see higher scores than loads of those losses last season where we weren't actually that bad.

    I thought we were pretty abject but I'm not too concerned. Expectations are a bit lower from a personal point of view, and we're still in a good position after 6 games. We did ok against Bournemouth and played well at Orient. It's going to be an up and down season. We should be pretty used to that as Charlton fans by now (especially the down bit!).
  • true all that matters is the result, im not too bothered if we win our remaining 40 games and we still have people moaning. football to me is the opposite to sports i play as long as good result nothing else matters, where as in snooker etc i get annoyed if i dont play well even if a win but with charlton and football i couldn't care less if we win everygame and so to speak get lucky. We're in a good position so far but will be a tough season and tight so bonus points games like these come on you addicks!
  • Good to win but will 14,000 fans put up with this every other week? We could be top of the leaque right now but people are paying to be entertained, which they are not. Happy to go along with the 'team is still gelling' excuse for the time being.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]i didn't hear any booooing on saturday
    we were wank
    myself and many others would have hoped for a better performance
    obviously we're all delighted about the result but the performance and recent results aren't a good sign
    the team will hopefully gel and things will look and get better in the coming weeks
    but with the last few years fresh in our minds and our uncanny ability to get the worst out of players what do you really expect, for us to be pulling ourselves off cos we've just fluked a win over notts county ffs[/quote]

    Can't really disagree with that!
  • In answer to the original question, no, i don't think there has been.

    Didn't think it was great on Saturday, but have been very surprised to read what appears to be the consensus view tbh.
  • I remember walking out of the away game at Doncaster with NSS after we had won 1-0 we had been pathetic all game. As it turned out we soon went on that record breaking 18-19 game run without a win that effectively relegated us. Poor performances are acceptable if you win, invariably poor performances only ever tend to end in defeat though. Probably best to just take the three points & move on & hope we improve.
  • The reaction feels a bit like what was being said after some of the poor performances and results in the months before Christmas last year. Last year some said we we would drop out of the top 6 eventually, but we stayed there all season. I think that the concern is there that if we keep playing like we are this time we will end up mid table at best.

    Do think we need to be patient and see where we are in a month or two. Not to turn it into a Parky debate thread, but if he is sacked this season, I'm convinced there will be doubts about any new manager, whether it's tactics, man management, motivation, coaching or judging a players ability. We're not going to find a manager who has everything, as there aren't many out there even at the top level.

    As for booing, there was some at half time wasn't there?
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  • I'll support them forever more, will never boo and will sing and encourage all game long but there is no doubt about it - we are the worst we have ever been in my life time and i am 40 next year. Not blaming anybody in particular - we are following the post premiership fall out scenario to a tee. I've watched, played and managed enough football in my 40 years to give an honest assessment and quite frankly we should have lost by a good 2 or 3 goals on Saturday and cannot see how we are going to create chances. You need to be creating a lot more chances than we do to win games and we have no midfield to do it. Guess it's getting a bit boring now so i'm not going to bang on about it but it seemed glaringly obvious after the first few games and of the 3 new players we were going to sign (info following the EGM) that 0ne at least had to be a creative midfield player. Not easy to find i know but do we really need 5 centre halves when we don't have one playmaker?
  • [cite]Posted By: Jayajosh[/cite]Good to win but will 14,000 fans put up with this every other week? We could be top of the leaque right now but people are paying to be entertained, which they are not.

    Are you the Real Madrid chairman?

    I rarely (if ever) come away from the Valley feeling elated at our slick passing football, numerous chances created, and resounding 5-0 win over the opposition, but to be honest if we win 1-0 every week i couldn't care less how well we actually played. A win is a win.
  • we were poor but won! sign of a good team.
  • edited September 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Jayajosh[/cite]Good to win but will 14,000 fans put up with this every other week? We could be top of the leaque right now but people are paying to be entertained, which they are not. Happy to go along with the 'team is still gelling' excuse for the time being.

    Spot on.
  • Unbeaten in one, what more do people want...?
  • last time "fans" wanted to be entertained was when Curbs was with us, hence him leaving and Iain "4-4-2 attacking with 2 wingers" Dowie was appointed.
  • At this level i'm not bothered about performances, results business and i would take flukey 1-0's all season long
  • [cite]Posted By: I-SAW-POUSO-PLAY[/cite]last time "fans" wanted to be entertained was when Curbs was with us, hence him leaving and Iain "4-4-2 attacking with 2 wingers" Dowie was appointed.
    And there were doubts about Curbs tactics, subs and man management... we replaced him with someone who had the same doubts plus who was also a poor judge of a player and their character
  • edited September 2010
    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]At this level i'm not bothered about performances, results business and i would take flukey 1-0's all season long

    Consensus is then that most will be happy with ugly 1-0 wins every week, assuming of course we fluke every match, which let's face it, is not a reality. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to win on the back of a very poor performance, especially for a game we should have lost, but we need the team to perform to stand any chance of getting out this division. If we do not perform, attendances will go down, losses will go up, and we will be rooted in this division.

    I want to be optimistic but I'm not and never have been since Parky took over.
  • [cite]Posted By: Ketman[/cite]I remember walking out of the away game at Doncaster with NSS after we had won 1-0 we had been pathetic all game. As it turned out we soon went on that record breaking 18-19 game run without a win that effectively relegated us. Poor performances are acceptable if you win, invariably poor performances only ever tend to end in defeat though. Probably best to just take the three points & move on & hope we improve.
    Surely that proves the point though: it was appropriate to be concerned at that point, because it was a warning sign as to what was coming. I think the smarter fan will be philosophical in the face of a defeat if the performance was good; most people were pretty happy after that home game against Norwich last year. So, surely the converse should apply. I do think that Parky and Pards (and our support) have both been guilty of not taking the lessons of those fortunate victories in the past.

    The whole "sign of a good team" thing that people trot out because they once heard Alan Hansen say it, is bunkum. It's often the sign of a sub-standard opposition and a bit of luck.
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  • i don't remember Curbs ever being 'replaced' as such . He didn't want to extend his contract (probably because he wasn't given sufficient funds to be able to replace the quality players leaving) so RM and he agreed to part ways. Fair enough - he did brilliantly for us and couldn't we do with him now. Think we now realise that you can only be a good Chairman if you have a good manager. Not a dig, just seems to be a fact.
  • [cite]Posted By: McLovin[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Ketman[/cite]I remember walking out of the away game at Doncaster with NSS after we had won 1-0 we had been pathetic all game. As it turned out we soon went on that record breaking 18-19 game run without a win that effectively relegated us. Poor performances are acceptable if you win, invariably poor performances only ever tend to end in defeat though. Probably best to just take the three points & move on & hope we improve.

    The whole "sign of a good team" thing that people trot out because they once heard Alan Hansen say it, is bunkum. It's often the sign of a sub-standard opposition and a bit of luck.

    The sign of a good side is one that usually wins but on an off day can still grind out a victory.
    The sign of a fortunate side is one that hasn't played well for a while then gets a lucky win.
  • [cite]Posted By: Ketman[/cite]I remember walking out of the away game at Doncaster with NSS after we had won 1-0 we had been pathetic all game. As it turned out we soon went on that record breaking 18-19 game run without a win that effectively relegated us.
    That's cheered me up!
  • [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: I-SAW-POUSO-PLAY[/cite]last time "fans" wanted to be entertained was when Curbs was with us, hence him leaving and Iain "4-4-2 attacking with 2 wingers" Dowie was appointed.
    And there were doubts about Curbs tactics, subs and man management... we replaced him with someone who had the same doubts plus who was also a poor judge of a player and their character

    As well a being smacked in the face with the biggest ugly stick in the world.
  • I think it is more caution than doom and gloom i thought we didnt play well but beat Bournemouth and i could see positives

    I thought we started poorly but in the end played superbly aginst the O's and won but i could see cracks i could see pressure being placed on players that was not required.

    We lost to a team lower than us after a 3 goal lead not a good sign

    We then struggled play wise against Oldham who i thought looked good and put real pressure on us again not playing well but standing up to a real test.

    Then came Huddersfield and we were turned over aftera good start but then lost all sense of play and formation

    Then we played the daggers with a make shift team and we created chances or more than we had things looked promising.

    Exeter away nothing devoid of chances and result

    Notts County at home that first 45 mins was shocking i honestly can not remember a half that i had felt so annoyed with the team we was not a team in transition we was not a team trying to Gel. we were not a team. we had no cohesion ,we had no leadership on the pitch, we hade no shape ,we had no spark ,no ideas nothing, thank god the 2nd half improved not much but it did improve our creative plyers tried to create, parky made 2 important changes.

    But we have been there before we have seen this lead to an 18 game stretch of gloom

    it is only right people are cautious

    we have signed a player who scores goals playing a certain way yet in his own words he is having to adapt his play to our style

    but what is that style for Benson to score you need to create from wide or through nice passing through the middle

    None of that has been on show in the last 2 games and people will say its only 2 games but it is not looking promising
  • Im as loyal as loyal can be, but to be honest the dross wears you down eventually.....its the dashed hopes that just do you in....I honestly sat there in the first half wondering why Id given up a perfectly good Saturday afternoon, and that, after 46 years of watching Charlton. I dont recall ever feeling like it in the past. Im turning up out of loyalty these days rather than going to enjoy the game...even the social side seems a bit flat nowadays. Maybe football has gone full circle and we are heading for a decline? I see anything to do with the Premier league and I just shut down, Im that disinterested.
  • I also said to NSS on it me or are we just getting worse?
  • [cite]Posted By: Telnotinoz[/cite]Im as loyal as loyal can be, but to be honest the dross wears you down eventually.....its the dashed hopes that just do you in....I honestly sat there in the first half wondering why Id given up a perfectly good Saturday afternoon, and that, after 46 years of watching Charlton. I dont recall ever feeling like it in the past. Im turning up out of loyalty these days rather than going to enjoy the game...even the social side seems a bit flat nowadays. Maybe football has gone full circle and we are heading for a decline? I see anything to do with the Premier league and I just shut down, Im that disinterested.

    I feel like that tbh Tel. I dont think it is just Charlton as I felt like it when we were in the premiership. After the past few seasons of us falling to where we are, the abysmal world cup performance and the overhyped 2 horse race of the premiership i seem to only be interested in modern football out of loyalty and habit.

    Maybe it has gone full circle and maybe a decline and starting again wouldnt be a bad thing in the long run as doesnt seem to be a lot of soul left in the game at the moment.
  • Heading for a decline?

    Where you been?!. . . it's all been on the downturn for at least 4/5 years now.

    Every single person I speak to repeats your story though. . . .no-one I know is enjoying it and are just going because it's habit.
  • I meant the game in general, not just us :-)

    I worry about us though....crowds dropping....Im so proud of where we have risen from, I dont want to see us sink to the depths of 4-5000 turning up...maybe Im just worrying about nothing....maybe not....lots of
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