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Shall i join the revolution that is... Twitter?

If anyone can advise me.


Is it fun to have?

Is it worth it?

Will I make lots of new friends?

Will anyone follow me?

Any advise will be much appreciated :)


  • Yes. Not necessarily to tweet, but to follow others. Some really interesting people on there, especially sports journos and players.
  • How much spare time have you got? There's a lot of turd to swim through to get to the gems.

    I prefer to just wait until CL members point something out to me then I go and read it.

  • I joined last week thinking I was missing out on something but quite disappointed actually.

  • Joined, but couldn't really get to grips with it. Don't bother now.
  • Disappointed with what?

  • yep go got it mate..... same reason as Ross. I used to think it was for twats but now I "follow" 69 people  Instead of trawling through websites etc you can updates on things within seconds. Whatever you do mate don't let Ackworth follow you
  • Lol cheers lads.... How do you get "followers?"
  • by making stuff up and pretending to be interesting, mainly.
    so much better than being a real person
  • Ask @Bedsaddick he loves it.
  • I signed up last week, not done one 'tweet' just follow few sports poeple, journos and few news services, pretty good for little snippits of info, but you have to trawl through lot of shit tweets of generally people mentioning someone 'famous'' to either promote themselves or some product or try to make a 'statement' of sorts.
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  • it's a good way to randomly kill loads of time
  • When I was undecided. like you, I followed this advice

    American but it gave me 20 minutes of amusement.

    There are a lot of great uses for Twitter,
    but perhaps one of the best is as a source for humor. While there are
    plenty of funny comedians and actors on Twitter, some of the funniest
    accounts are by ordinary folks posing as famous people or fictional
    characters. So this list funny Twitter accounts takes in a big handful
    of these not-so-real accounts along with a few must-have humor accounts.

    • @TheOnion. We might as
      well start with the obvious. If you are a fan of satirical humor,
      there's no reason why you shouldn't be following The Onion. It's the quick and easy way to get your daily does of satire.
    • @FunnyOrDie. The brainchild of Will Ferrell and Adam McKay, FunnyOrDie might be the funniest website on the Internet, and their Twitter account makes it easy to follow their funniest videos.
    • @badbanana. And if we
      are going to make a list of funny Twitter accounts, we might as well
      include the perhaps the funniest person on Twitter. Tim Siedell might
      just want to give it all up and become a billionaire, but until someone
      offers him that job (and I applied for that position too!), we'll have
      his tweets to read.
    • @Stewie. Okay, enough with
      the real people and websites. If you want an occasional blast of
      fictional funny, Stewie is "working on ways to use Twitter for the whole
      world domination thing..."
    • @Broslife. nce you start following @Broslife, you'll be ready to star in your own sitcom called How I Met Barney Stinson on Twitter.
    • @Darthvader. First he
      brought peace to the galaxy, now he's bringing peace to Twitter. Thank
      goodness we have his dark benevolence watching over us!
    • @FrodoBaggins. Want
      to know what it was like to hang out with Gandalf? Want someone to end
      that longstanding debate on whether Gollum smells more like dead fish or
      burnt flesh? Let Frodo give you the inside scoop.
    • @Edgar_Allan_Poe. He's been dead for 161 years, but he can still correct your grammar in 140 characters or less.
    • @michael_bay. I'm
      pretty sure Michael Bay believes every star in Hollywood owes their fame
      to him and one of his short-on-story-but-long-on-explosions epics.
      Find out what he really thinks about the world.
    • @FatherKelly. Imagine
      you joined the priesthood and then a few decades later decided you
      might not have made the best decision, but it's a little too late for a
      career change. What would you do? Perhaps moan about it on Twitter.

    And while we are on the subject of Twitter, you might as well visit historical tweets, which takes a look at what some of the most famous people in history might have tweeted.

  • Hmm don't sound to great. I want followers thousands of them!!!
  • #KandPCarpets
  • Officially joined @TheLovelock

    Join the revolution.
  • Congratulations and wlecome CrayAddick
  • Ask @Bedsaddick he loves it.

    It's ok if you just like following players or famous people but once us normal punters get involved it becomes one big party full of dick heads.
  • It's not referred to as "Twatter" without good reason.

    Seriously, who the fcuk wants to know that someone has just had toast for breakfast, or some other rubbish.

    I guess I'm in the "don't get it" camp - and I can't say it bothers me either.
  • @Off_it

    You don't have to follow anyone that tells you what they've had for breakfast. It's not compulsory.
  • No, but you wont know until they do it, will you?

    Anyway, why on earth do people want to tell everyone shit like that, for example?
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  • But you do have to follow someone who tells you when they go for  shit. That is compulsory
  • But you do have to follow someone who tells you when they go for  shit. That is compulsory
    To be fair, it's a time when you are sitting there with nothing else to do and have nobody to talk to, so it makes sense.

    My (soon to be ex) boss always phones us up from the khazi, the dirty Welsh knobhead.
  • I am with you Off_it  
  • It's not referred to as "Twatter" without good reason.

    Seriously, who the fcuk wants to know that someone has just had toast for breakfast, or some other rubbish.

    I guess I'm in the "don't get it" camp - and I can't say it bothers me either.
    Hold up, you follow Cuff on Twitter!!!
  • Oh behave! I read it on my laptop one day, not exactly the same thing. (Anyway, Cuff is witty - there's always an exception to every rule!)
  • You should join it. There is a good set of Charlton people on twitter too. Fans, players, old players. My username @dave2l if you wana follow. Its very good with news and football news too if you follow the right people.

    I find Dom Joly the most entertaining and interesting tweeter. Alot of people seem to not like him and he has big arguements with them!
  • Evolution not Revolution
  • edited July 2011

    Good for news, gossip, meeting people from around the world, interacting with lots of people and it gives those who get bored something to do..



    @TheLovelock ;)

  • I've just joined out of boredom, the excitement of hearing Richard Cawley's mistakes a few seconds before others makes me feel warm inside.

    Could someone please explain this re-tweeting business to me, and why do people seem to beg for it ?!
  • it just shows off their twitter page and that somebody famous noticed them...
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