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Am I right in thinking...

There is a gym in Charlton? Anyone know what chain its part of?


  • at the valley it is part of the wellness centre run by gll for greenwich council.
    they gave away free day memberships at the charity match, i have a couple (that i will not use) if you wanna try it stu.
  • I was just looking for some information on it (cost/opening hours) but either I blow at searching the internet or its just not there.
  • Thanks Suzi.
  • ha ha, i print all the renewal postcards thingys for them!
  • Looks like a toss up between this and the fitness first in Woolwich, after weighing in at an embarrassing 16 stone, something needs to be done!
  • Well if you join the Wellness at Charlton you can use Arches/Charlton gym/Woolwich Waterfront and a few others. at 35 quid a month its good value.
  • [cite]Posted By: Stu of SE7[/cite]Looks like a toss up between this and the fitness first in Woolwich, after weighing in at an embarrassing 16 stone, something needs to be done!

    Believe me you have nothing to worry about. I'm 19st
  • edited May 2007
    I'm only 21!
  • [cite]Posted By: Stu of SE7[/cite]I'm only 21!

    how tall are you Stu? I'm 16 st and 6' 4'' I should be something like 14' 8''
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  • A touch under 6 foot, 16 st is way too much for my height/age.

    I had a bit of an embarassing situation over the weekend that make me take a bit more note of it.
  • [cite]Posted By: Hillsy's Up[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Stu of SE7[/cite]Looks like a toss up between this and the fitness first in Woolwich, after weighing in at an embarrassing 16 stone, something needs to be done!

    Believe me you have nothing to worry about. I'm 19st

    But your about 7ft tall, either that or I'm short! You had to near enough bend over to talk to me last week! ;-)
  • i embarrassingly tipped the scales at 13st for the first time ever last night. Doesn't sound much to you but i'm only 4ft7.....

    starting crazy health plan today, you won't recognise me come the start of the season :-)
  • nor me... :-(

    yeh right.
    wine cant they make a zero calorie wine or beer?
  • please don't talk about beer.

    i fear i'm going to have to enter the world of the spirit and slimline mixer

  • Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! No AFKA,

    Just hearing it reminds me of my Nan! LOL

  • it really gets to you, i can only have a few vand t's. i've had a couple of cheeky pints lately but am sticking mainly to wine and sodas and no Magners... unfortunately i keep getting completely wrecked.
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]no Magners...

    Maybe 16 st isnt that bad after all!
  • [cite]Posted By: Stu of SE7[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]no Magners...

    Maybe 16 st isnt that bad after all!

    according to those BMI chart you should be around 13 st 2lb unless, before Rothko says it, you play pro rugger.

    And AFKA for 13st to be an OK weight you'd have to be 5'11''. Which you are, nearly : - )

    And take it from someone who was 13st when they were in their twenties it gets harder and harder to burn off that fat.
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Stu of SE7[/cite]

    Maybe 16 st isnt that bad after all!

    according to those BMI chart you should be around 13 st 2lb unless, before Rothko says it, you play pro rugger.

    As if I didnt feel bad enough already!
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  • LOL Think of it as a target.
  • Stu, i'm well underweight despite eating crap, drinking crap etc etc. Just as much as a problem for us skinny guys as well!
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKA Bartram[/cite]please don't talk about beer.

    i fear i'm going to have to enter the world of the spirit and slimline mixer


    White Wine Spritzers?
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Stu of SE7[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]no Magners...

    Maybe 16 st isnt that bad after all!

    And take it from someone who was 13st when they were in their twenties it gets harder and harder to burn off that fat.

    Henry, is that why you didn't play in the Delmelza match at The Valley last week? :-)
  • LOL No, it was immnense lack of talent and osteoarthritis in both knees
  • "osteoarthritis" is that an Ipod station with speakers?
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]Stu, i'm well underweight despite eating crap, drinking crap etc etc. Just as much as a problem for us skinny guys as well!

    I can lend you a couple of stone if you want :-)
  • Danny you don't have to worry too much you suffer from the same problem as me -- you're merely a little short for your weight.

    Don't try to get thinner just get taller - problem solved.
  • [cite]Posted By: JWADDICK[/cite]Don't try to get thinner just get taller - problem solved.

    lol dude
  • Never really got into football, dunno why, probably cos my school was far better at rugby, so craved the success!!

    no, the fags and going out every night don't help at all!
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