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Women's Team Saved



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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]I think a great deal of the moaning was becaue of the failure of the supporter's director and relegation.

    Glad that it will continue for at least three years and as part of the trust so not effected by what the club does.
    i totally agree! ;-)
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]I
    I think a great deal of the moaning was becaue of the failure of the men's team and relegation. The women's team was an easy stick to beat the club with and so vent frustration.

    I disagree. I just think that some people don't like change, like to moan, and are generally more happy having something about the club they can beat with a stick, rather than support.

    Not all, i hastily add...
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    I think much of the unrest stemmed from the way the Club for many years marketed itself as a community club and then appeared to arbitarially pull the rug on the girls studying at the centre of excellence etc, etc. Furthermore the costs involved appeared relatively insignicant compared to player wages.

    However the Club deserves credit for doing what it can to discharge the moral obligations mentioned above.

    I was critical following the initial announcement so it is only right and proper that I offer some praise when due.
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    The point is that the team was axed for £250,000 when we were happy to pay slackers like JFH £37,000 a week. Also the way the club effectively sacked the ladies was very poor. To balance this I think the board have been fantastic over the years but do ocassionally let themselves down with bad acts of PR such as the ladies side.
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    [cite]Posted By: Tel-in-Oz[/cite]The point is that the team was axed for £250,000 when we were happy to pay slackers like JFH £37,000 a week. Also the way the club effectively sacked the ladies was very poor. To balance this I think the board have been fantastic over the years but do ocassionally let themselves down with bad acts of PR such as the ladies side.

    Nit picking I know but Slackers like JFH were on £20k a week not £37k a week ;-)
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    Not according to my
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]I know of one Charlton fan of 50 years and regular follower of the women's team who has told me he won't be coming to the men's games anymore as a result of how he feels the womens team have been treated.

    Well if that really is the case then Henry my view would be "f*ck him". If he wants to give up 50 years of support of a club over a "team" that had only existed for, what - under ten years?, then he's either mentlly unsound or else was disenfrachaised by the modern game anyway.
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    [cite]Posted By: Ketman[/cite]I think that estimate is un-duly harsh Off_It

    Sorry, it was indeed wrong of me to describe the forward line as "two stray dogs" and I duly apologise for any offence caused to the afforementioned mutts .... er, I mean "ladies".
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    For a moment I thought the title of this thread was "Womens team shaved".
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    Could this fan of 50 years be Richard Redden???
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    Nah can't be him. He was none to pleased with the club when we nicked the 'Croydon Ladies' team 5 years.

    The Womens Team is a complete waste of time. There are only three teams at the Club we should care about. The first team, reserves and youth set up.
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    [cite]Posted By: Covered End[/cite]Could this fan of 50 years be Richard Redden???

    No, not Mr Redden. He used to go to games with Suzi's Grandad.
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    womens football,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
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