On the BA flight from Bermuda to London leaving at 8pm Bermuda time. Yesterday, it took me two hours to find my passport, which when I finally did, found it to be 1 month to the day EXPIRED!
Cue blazing down to the immigration department, a bit of frantic form filling and an extra charge for Express renewal. Collected it today at 4:58pm, only 2 minutes to spare before closing on a Friday afternoon.
So, barring any unfortunate accidents in the next three hours, I'll be on that flight, scheduled to arrive at 6:30am GMT.
I'll be awake for the 3pm kick-off, but may be asleep by 5 after if my previous experiences with jet lag are anything to go by ;-)
Hey, Lookie, this isn't the Premier you know.
You'll be kept awake by a scintillating display of virtuoso midfield creativity, a roaring Covered End (that's the North Stand to Johnny Come Lately's), and the referee's whistle as Varney is yet again caught offside.
And the thud-thud-thud of seats emptying to break the silence of the East Stand, as they all leave early.
Let's hope you are a lucky omen or you won't be allowed tocome again........ ;o)
Glad you made it!
Did you do the flag thing?????
I'm off to bed now.
Didn't make it in time to help with the flag, as I arrived just before kickoff and bought a ticket for the upper north. Ended up in MCS's neck of the woods for the second half. Great stuff. Pub after for a few and the bus home to Peckham, which almost did me in...
Must rest now... zzzzz
So it was your fault, then, that Barnsleh equalised in injury time?
I actually thought we'd done it with the one goal, it was Ollie kept saying that they'd be trouble for us. Obviously he was right in the end. I thought it was a good game in the second half, a bit tedious in the first. Thomas' ability to hold up the ball and put in a cross I think made the difference, as almost everything going forward was thru Riedy in the first and that made it easier for Barnsley to deal with.
Nice to meet you too Stu and Medders; Inspector and Rothko, and Ketman, Carlsberg, Carter, 1905, Suzi, TheHat, Bourne, ... I'm sure there were a few more. I was so knackered it's all a bit of a blur, but meeting all of you for chat and a few Guinness' gave me my third (fourth?) wind.
wat did you reckon on mr ketters shape making in the boozer?he was givin it large!
medders (or should i say mick dundee) did you end up going back to the walkabout?
Kind of, the queue was huge so we went to various other bars up town.
Good day, hope your misses wasnt too harsh on yah!
There is also a story about asking a woman where the toilet at charing X was to find out it was a man!!!
Mine wasn't too pleased at me bowling in at 1.30, when I said I'd be back about 9...
Still, dinner and cinema last night has done the job :-)
Had to share a cab home with some other fellas i'd never met before, so had to go via Blackheath.