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Valley of Dreams No More?



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    Sh*t book, west ham c*nt, end of.
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    Alan Cautiously, best remembered as the architect of 3 'nought-noughts'.......'on the spin'......, 'p'raps'.

    We are, no doubt, life long supporters. I guess he was just a club employee.
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    Maybe us Addicks would prefer to buy this book on Amazon?

    "There's Only One Neil Redfearn: The Ups and Downs of My Footballing Career" (Paperback)
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    I dont like it......

    christ..... money money money money... monay...............

    some people got to have it.....

    No respect...
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    If Curbs didn't publish his autobiography someone would write his biography, at least this way he gets to write the story the way he wants it to appear and can keep the loot.

    I haven't read the book so no comment and in any case I avoid reading biographies and autobiographies.
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    [cite]Posted By: Valley_McMoist[/cite]I gave up reading it half way through. Load of old tosh. Worst autobiography I 've ever read.

    You obviously haven't tried Robert Lee's one then, VM!

    Disappointed in this by Curbs - why couldn't he just wait then write another book all about the Cheats? Well, p'raps it took him so long to write this one that he couldn't be bovvered.
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    [cite]Posted By: DaveMehmet[/cite]Sh*t book, west ham c*nt, end of.

    tad harsh, but true !!
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    Actually Rob(ert) Lee's is terrible, and probably worse than Curbs. And I have told him too, after he signed it for me ;-)
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    dislike the man now!.. since he has gone to west ham he has completely belittled our club and has got carried away in his own hype... the board are the real heroes not him.. note that the west ham fans still dont sing his name... and we rarely did either.. because hes a boring manager who gets results with boring football
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    i was always a les reed man!
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