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Why hate Palace?

edited February 2008 in General Charlton
I know I'm going to really open a can of worms with this thread but at least I've left it until the game against them is done and dusted.

It's not like I'm a Johnny-come-lately or anything. I went to every game at Selhurst (including the Full Members Cup games with attendances of 817 & 821 respectively) and I did intensely dislike (the word 'hate' is far too often overused) Palace especially when Johnny H disappeared to pay the rent. I used to find the way they changed their kit to become more like Barcelona irritating but that's how I see them really....just irratating.

I think that we need to get a grip quite frankly. It's getting on for 20 years since we last played a home game at Selhurst. Some people who sing 'we hate Palace' weren't even born then.

What do we hate exactly?

Their fans? So some idiots attacked our fans but I think every club has its share of these (including ours)

Their chairman? Just why do we care about this bloke? So he's a bit of a knob and insulted Richard Murray. Big deal. At least he tried to put Dowie in his place and I think he was right to.

Recently West Ham deserve more ill-feeling. Just look at the way they got away with last season's blazon cheating.
Historically Millwall are our rivals and just because they're crap at the moment, everyone seems to have forgotten about them. But one day they will be back and then we'll remember what is worth 'hating'


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    agree with you its millwall.
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    edited February 2008
    I know historically it's Millwall but for me that's harder as I have a fair few family and friends who are Millwall and so have empathy with them about their current plight. This is not the case for Palace and thus I find it easy to dislike them consdiering a lot of factors.

    I get your point about it happening 20 years ago Jimmy but we almost went under and when this happened we were being bled dry at selhurst and so although it was not down to Palace to save us they did their upmost to make things difficult for us - this association is not hard to forget. Imagine being a little hard on your luck with no where to live - an associate offers you a place to stay and then proceeds to act like a complete c*nt the whole time you are there - would you ever want to speak to this person again?
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    Good post Jm

    It might be a bit of an age thing. My 17 year old son hates palace because thats what hes experienced in recent years. I doubt he has seen us play Millwall ( he started going to the Valley when he was 8).

    I dont really hate any team/club/fans. I do have intense dislike for thugs and Millwall seem to have a fair proportion of those. And I equally dislike those thugs who are associated with support of England or Charlton.

    I have always enjoyed the rivalry you can have with any fellow football supporter of any club be it friend or work colleague. There is just too much hate around. I think the Palace thing has been overdone.
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    I think it is the Jordan thing.

    Take that out of the equation and I don't think there would be an issue.
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    The Palace thing has become over hyped by the press. At the time the charlton fans didn't want to watch football at Selhurst and the Palace fans didn't want us there either, especially after we were promoted. I do remember a certain sense of arrogance about Palace when we played them because our support during those times were much lower. However i do think it was a turning point in the history of charlton because in adversity we have actually become a stronger club.

    The irony is that Palace now find themselves in the same situation we faced 20 years ago. I don't hate Palace, but as they say victory is sweet.

    Up the Addicks!
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    I've always hated Palace, even before I started going to Charlton. My reasons are: a number of people I don't like who support them, Peter Taylor, the "Team of the 80's" lable, Croydon, Alan Smith. It is a coinsidence that the team I support has a rivalry with Palace. I never went to Selhurst Park in the wilderness years, I hated them before that.
    The more they try and deny that they hate us, the more I love it!
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    Fcukin good stuff Dave.
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    i am thinking more about stuffing watford tomorrow
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    Me too mate,but i still hate Palace!
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    I hated them under Noades, I hated them under Goldberg, I hated them when they were in administration, and I hate them under Jordan.

    I hate them, a lot of Charlton supporters do, why should they have to justify it?
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    six points job done. bigger fish to fry!
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    well said Rothko!
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    millwall is where my hatred is aimed at and i have a load of millwall friends who have been very quiet in recent years, 5 minutes of cup final and uefa cup fame excepted, the longer they stay in oblivion the better as for palace i just keep on laughing sha la la la la la
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    of the people i know that support palace, i'd say 95% of them would have a civil discussion about football over a couple of pints.
    of the people i know that support millwall, i'd say 95 % of them would, within minutes of trying to have a civil football discussion, tell me a story of how they smashed up a pub/ground not letting you get a word in edgeways. after half an hour of that, they would neck their 7th pint before jumping in their scaffold lorry to drive to the next pub to do it all over again.

    if you couldn't tell, my hatred lies with millwall.
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    We hate Palace because they are there and a reminder of what Noades tried to do to us. We came through ground sharing and their slum landlord approach stronger and an undeniably better club, they however the Rigsby of the footballing world, getting their slimy hands first on us and then Wimbledon to live in their slum stadium. They are the weak team, an old ground long past it's best, that is if it ever had ant good days. Unlike us 20 years ago there is an arrogance about them as a club - a collective state of denial that they are destined or should be playing in a better division; even in the CCC they act as though they are a big fish in a small league, when they are really at best an average sized team with exactly the same financial problems and constraints as most of the rest of the teams in the league. That same arrogance was there in the ground sharing days and it has never been shed, it's there when Simon Jordan opines on everything as though he has achieved some greatness as a football chairman. All he has done is flog mobile phones successfully, on the back of that he believes he is qualified to preach to the footballing world. A case in point - witness the press conference from a year ago where he announced that he had bought the freehold of Selhurst Park - complete and utter delusional nonsense, even down to his supposed subterfuge in having to use a third party, or his Observer columns where he ranted on about agents, Birmingham City and Charlton fans for taking delight in sending Palace down - would Palace fans have acted differently if the boot had been on the other foot? - of course not.

    So matches like last week are an opportunity to remind them that not only are we still around but we are stronger and a collectively better team than they are, both on and off the park- if you like a metaphorical sticking up of two fingers at them and their jumped up orange chairman.

    Some time ago I remember asking an older supporter whether the rivalry with Palace was there in the 50s and 60s, and was the same as it is now. That conversation BTW took place around a decade ago when Charlton and Palace were in the same division and therefore playing each other more frequently and footballing wise were pretty much on a par with each other, probably in all truth they were slightly better than us - he thought for a moment and said no - reasoning that they were a Third Division South team in those days, and we weren't. We joked that they were still a Third Division South team now, albeit a jumped up TDS outfit with ridiculous pretensions of how good they were, when really they were merely better than they had been, but nowhere near as good as they thought they were.

    For my part it's difficult to have an active rivalry with a team against whom you play infrequently, similarly some on the thread have said that Millwall are our true rivals - geographically yes, but our last competitive match against them was when - 1996? Other than cup matches I can't see us playing Millwall for some time, they don't look in any danger of getting promoted, and if they do the chances are that by then we'll be back in the Premiership. Regarding Palace, let them go into denial about not regarding as our rivals, let's just use them as the yardstick of how far we have come and how far we have left them behind, when we play them remind them that we are theam that has used the last two decades since we left the grim and inhospitable suburb of Norwood behind, they however are still stuck in the same place as they always have been - in a state of delusional, arrogant denial that they matter, they don't.
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    Dont get me wrong...I really loathe Millwall, but they are somewhat irrellavent these days.....Ive been going to away games since I was 8...the first was Palace....we won 2-0. Palace pipped us to promotion that year and I guess my intense dislike of Palace started grew through the 70's and came to the boil in 86.....For as much as I loathe Millwall and their fans....I absolutley hate with a passion that lot who reside at Sellout Park...and it has nothing to do with Tango mans era....he just makes it worse lol
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    I've hated them since the Malcom Alison days. To**ers the lot of them
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    Palace are the only hatred that matters for me

    In my twenty years we've played millwall a handful of times... (not for ten now) and I've only been to a couple of those. millwall are just pikey dirt and are irrelevant nowadays.

    It's always been Palace for me, my first years supporting this club were in the aftermath of the way they treated us at selhurst and that influence will never wane. Hate the way Palace think they are a massive club, hate Jordan, hate their snivelly fans pretending they don't care about us, HATE PALACE!
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    I hate palace not millwall i quite liked the rivalry with the wall, It was either Charlton or Millwall when i grew up with the odd west ham fan,

    nope it is them i hate,

    i hated sharing that ground with them and being treated like a mug ,

    i hated going in the greasyspoon cafe and listening to them going on and on how they were doing us a favour and with out them there would be no Charlton,

    I hated that their mouthy no good mugs that they called a firm, who would stand goading 14-15 year old boys from outside the doors of the cherry trees giving it large when they should have been firmed up up north supporting their piss pot team, (but they still are not brave enough to have it with like minded adults now are they)oh you can bet they did they regreat that later in life,

    i remember handing out some of our own retrebution after an away game when iturned 17 and yes i am proud of it and yes it was the same lot some faces just stick.

    I hated Ron Noades but i dont hate simon jordon i just think he is a wanka and one whom deserves to ridiculed for his fake tan and self publication of look at me i am a decent human being.

    i actual do hate the fact that they pretend they dont hate us Y you may ask because i want them to admit it i want them to hurt like we hurt through the bad times and i do believe that some of them are starting to hate us.

    I hate that bitch who went around the game at half time when kitson scored and we beat them again asking for money as they were close to administration, piss off was the reply and the fact that she phoned capital gold after the game and dared to say that we were scum and the rudest of all fans thathad came down to them that year for the abuse and filth she had to listen too seeing as Palace had saved Charlton,

    The best bit about it was Tony Gale told her straight from people that he knew at palace and Charlton that Palace hadnt saved us but tried to ruin us and if she thought any different she should look into what happend and that she was niave and ill advised to walk around with a bucket asking for money on that day.

    I hate the fact that when we relegated them we didnt win 6 nil and humilate them.

    But most of all i hate the colour of their kit I hate their muggy fans who come on here trying to belitle others, i can except those that will try to put their point across in a sensible manor and not change once they have been beaten again by us.

    in fact YOU COULD SAY i fecking hate all there is to hate about them and especially Glad all Over you wankas
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    now that's funny!
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    Bro you dont hold back say what you feel. Lol
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    i woulud have to spell knuts the correct way to say how i feel and i dont think smudge likes that word :-)
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    well done nth london mate, nice little list there

    and add Glad all Over to my hates list... worst song in football (perhaps joint with bubbles) GRRR!
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    Wow, that is really a lot of hatred.

    After reading a lot of this, I can understand the hatred you feel towards Palace. I certainly understand the issues with coming to Selhurst, and how you were treated by Noades. I also know what some of you say about the smugness of SOME Palace fans, and how they regard Palace as an elite team, where they get that from, God knows, we have always at best been a yo-yo team, and I certainly find the Championship as been more our level.

    With regard to your feelings about Jordan, he is opinionated, and he definatly wants to become a celebrity, but as far as I'm concerned he did save my club, and I will always hold him in high regard for that. I see him a bit like Neil Warnock, or Robbie Savage, everybody hates them but if they come to your club, you see them in a completly different light.

    As for our kit though, sorry I have to disagree, as much as I loved the old claret and blue, the new red and blue has given us some great kits in the past (not this years hideous effort), but I can see what you mean though about 'Glad all Over' it is a bit ridiculous, but hey what about 'The Red Robin'?

    I know this will annoy a lot of you as well, but sorry I can't hate Charlton, it's probably because we havn't been treated as Charlton were, when you had to share Selhurst. I do have a strong feeling of rivalry with you, especially after we were relegated by you, and I will admit for a while after that game, there was a hatred, but that disapeared after a while. But certainly among the younger elements of Palace fans upto those in there early twenties Charlton are definately considered to be the main rivals, and indeed there is a hatred shown by tnem, if that makes you feel better.
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    With regard to your feelings about Jordan, he is opinionated, and he definatly wants to become a celebrity, but as far as I'm concerned he did save my club,


    Hi Budgie...first off please don't take any of it personally...

    As for Jordan, I have no doubts that he has Palace's best interests at heart and is determined to see Premiership football at Selhurst, renovate the ground and give you guys a team you can be proud of again.

    However I question his business sense and whether his desire for fame, ie his ego, will ultimately cost him these objectives. He seems to enjoy rubbing people up the wrong way and perhaps those Observer articles and the comments aimed at us for being "morons and imbeciles" demonstrate to me that maybe he is too much of a fan, and not enough of a diplomat and businessman. His ego also made him participate in a bizarre press conference where he claimed to hold the freehold, when that was palpably untrue, I just wonder that while he saved your club a few years ago whether he has the nous to do what is necessary which means surrendering some control of the running of the club, and maybe also some part of the ownership to someone who can unite the club and ground and then find the necessary finances to rebuild Selhurst, or take Palace to a new ground. What seems evident is that he doesn't have the money to buy the freehold and understandably if he has the money, he isn't going to invest in the ground until the ownership is resolved.

    Sooner or later he might find himself running out of money and then you'll find that his priority will be number one - fair enough, in the meantime his ego might not allow him to lose face and get someone in who will manage the club and/or invest in it. In fact I think his style will actively dissuade investors, while he may have saved Palace, he may well end up leaving you in just a desperate position as the club was when he bought it. On the other hand who knows? Promotion and Premiership money might solve all these problems.
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    BFR, no problems mate, I don't expect an easy ride on here, as you all know, Palace fans aren't everybody's cup of tea on here.

    I agree with you on Jordan, unless we were to fluke a promotion this year, he certainly hasn't got the money to take us further, and I doubt if he is the easiest of people to work with. If we are to progress, we need additional investment, Charlton have come a long way, but I'm sure many of you (although maybe not all) will admit without your Premier money, your ground and squad would certainly not be at the level they are now.

    One thin I am pleased to see recently though, is that he does seem to be a lot quiter recently, and seems to be leaving a lot of the talking to Warnock. I'm just surprised that the press didn't get any ridiculous quotes out of him, before the game last week, maybe he is learning.
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    [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]I hated them under Noades, I hated them under Goldberg, I hated them when they were in administration, and I hate them under Jordan.

    I hate them, a lot of Charlton supporters do, why should they have to justify it?

    Because it's weird (or plainly wrong) to hate something without justification.

    Even a small explanantion like Dave's is better than nothing
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    [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]We hate Palace because they are there and a reminder of what Noades tried to do to us. We came through ground sharing and their slum landlord approach stronger and an undeniably better club, they however the Rigsby of the footballing world, getting their slimy hands first on us and then Wimbledon to live in their slum stadium. They are the weak team, an old ground long past it's best, that is if it ever had ant good days. Unlike us 20 years ago there is an arrogance about them as a club - a collective state of denial that they are destined or should be playing in a better division; even in the CCC they act as though they are a big fish in a small league, when they are really at best an average sized team with exactly the same financial problems and constraints as most of the rest of the teams in the league. That same arrogance was there in the ground sharing days and it has never been shed, it's there when Simon Jordan opines on everything as though he has achieved some greatness as a football chairman. All he has done is flog mobile phones successfully, on the back of that he believes he is qualified to preach to the footballing world. A case in point - witness the press conference from a year ago where he announced that he had bought the freehold of Selhurst Park - complete and utter delusional nonsense, even down to his supposed subterfuge in having to use a third party, or his Observer columns where he ranted on about agents, Birmingham City and Charlton fans for taking delight in sending Palace down - would Palace fans have acted differently if the boot had been on the other foot? - of course not.

    So matches like last week are an opportunity to remind them that not only are we still around but we are stronger and a collectively better team than they are, both on and off the park- if you like a metaphorical sticking up of two fingers at them and their jumped up orange chairman.

    Some time ago I remember asking an older supporter whether the rivalry with Palace was there in the 50s and 60s, and was the same as it is now. That conversation BTW took place around a decade ago when Charlton and Palace were in the same division and therefore playing each other more frequently and footballing wise were pretty much on a par with each other, probably in all truth they were slightly better than us - he thought for a moment and said no - reasoning that they were a Third Division South team in those days, and we weren't. We joked that they were still a Third Division South team now, albeit a jumped up TDS outfit with ridiculous pretensions of how good they were, when really they were merely better than they had been, but nowhere near as good as they thought they were.

    For my part it's difficult to have an active rivalry with a team against whom you play infrequently, similarly some on the thread have said that Millwall are our true rivals - geographically yes, but our last competitive match against them was when - 1996? Other than cup matches I can't see us playing Millwall for some time, they don't look in any danger of getting promoted, and if they do the chances are that by then we'll be back in the Premiership. Regarding Palace, let them go into denial about not regarding as our rivals, let's just use them as the yardstick of how far we have come and how far we have left them behind, when we play them remind them that we are theam that has used the last two decades since we left the grim and inhospitable suburb of Norwood behind, they however are still stuck in the same place as they always have been - in a state of delusional, arrogant denial that they matter, they don't.

    Well they obviously DO matter, if you hate them that much.
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    Budgie fair play to you fella your comments havent changed since you joined and i wont let it annoy me that u dont hate us as i genuinly dont think you do but some of the people who post on some sites do but just cant admit it and as you can see you should always tell it how it is.

    shame your palace really
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    Tks mate, anyway I won't contribute more to this thread, I don't want to hijack it, so that it becomes a Palace love in. ;)
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