All or Nothing - Amazing Mike Leigh film - Phil (Timothy Spall) a cabbie, mentions Charlton in the first scene..he's only talking about a fare destination though!
Well, it's been a while - but that's how I remember it. Funnilly enough around about the time the name "Bill Curbishley" appears up on the screen in big letters.
Yeah, I'm sure he is. He's walking about the prison bulshitting with a few other fellas and he asks sme bloke reading a paer. Am sure it's right near the start.
That Mitchell and Webb Look taking the pee out of Sky Sports: “…coming up midweek, the giants of Charlton play host to the titans of Ipswich making them both seem normal size…”.
Anyone remember a football based TV series in the early nineties? It was set at West Ham, and they used Pardew's winning goal when we were the "away" side while sharing Upton Park?
it was teenage health freak with Daniel Peacock and one of the characters played for west ham as part of the storyline . If I remember rightly they played some kind of youth team match at half time and used that for most of the game clips on the programme
What about the clip when Jack Charlton says "Come on, lad" (or something simlar) and the ball goes into the painful region. Surely, Jack appeared in the subtitles?
Roger Daltrey asks how Charlton got on right at the start of the film.
You got it on DVD?
I tried to buy the DVD recently but couldn't find it.
'Do you, Rodney Charlton Trotter....'
Whys his name Charlton Del? Oh his mum was a fan.
What Charlton Heston? Nooooo Athletic!
no , he played the part of Belcher who was the school bully hardcase and it was him that was the footballer .
it also starred the rather fine liza walker , WALLOP!
No, hang on a minute ................ despite the fact that they run straight past it, our ground never gets a mention.
Cheeky pup!