When people see something funny on Twitter or Facebook they write 'NAAAA IM DONE' or 'DEAD' with loads of crying with laughter faces. Fucks that even mean?!?!?
When people see something funny on Twitter or Facebook they write 'NAAAA IM DONE' or 'DEAD' with loads of crying with laughter faces. Fucks that even mean?!?!?
When people see something funny on Twitter or Facebook they write 'NAAAA IM DONE' or 'DEAD' with loads of crying with laughter faces. Fucks that even mean?!?!?
Yeah, that's a strange one - "CAN'T BREATHE / I'M DEAD" - is a totally overstated reaction to something that, at best, raises a small smile.
Newspaper headlines that create a story as though they've never reported on it themselves
i.e. Team GB's brilliance at the Olympics have proved there is more to life than 15 minutes of Reality TV "fame"
Maybe if the Newspapers stopped writing about the reality TV celebrities chasing their 15-minutes of fame then it will all go away and we wont have to put up with it... Its especially irritating as its from Martin Samuel who is usually quite good
Mates of Mark Wright allegedly having a spat at V Festival with Danny Dyer. Danny Dyer's wife- to-be complaining she'd been waiting 9 months to see Justin Beiber and it was ruined by said run in which was in front of their 'child' who is 20.
So much wrong with the above information dont know where to begin.
Its The Great British Team. Whoever decided to call us 'Team GB' should be taken to The Tower and beheaded, and so should anyone who uses the phrase when talking about The Great British Team (except when they are on CL's moaning thread)
Mates of Mark Wright allegedly having a spat at V Festival with Danny Dyer. Danny Dyer's wife- to-be complaining she'd been waiting 9 months to see Justin Beiber and it was ruined by said run in which was in front of their 'child' who is 20.
So much wrong with the above information dont know where to begin.
The French team at the closing last night and their stupid dancing. If they had put as much effort into the sport for the last two weeks they might have been half as good as us.
Its The Great British Team. Whoever decided to call us 'Team GB' should be taken to The Tower and beheaded, and so should anyone who uses the phrase when talking about The Great British Team (except when they are on CL's moaning thread)
Officially, the team is the "Great Britain and Northern Ireland Olympic Team". But since 1999, the The British Olympic Association (BOA) has used the brand "Team GB".
Its The Great British Team. Whoever decided to call us 'Team GB' should be taken to The Tower and beheaded, and so should anyone who uses the phrase when talking about The Great British Team (except when they are on CL's moaning thread)
Officially, the team is the "Great Britain and Northern Ireland Olympic Team". But since 1999, the The British Olympic Association (BOA) has used the brand "Team GB".
Then they should be taken to the Tower......bloody Americans.
Being half deaf. Walked out of the toilets in the hotel and there was a kid having a shit fit in the ladies, screaming and banging the doors. Got back to our table and asked my wife where our daughter was, to be told she was in the toilet. Turned out she managed to lock herself into the cubicle and couldn't get out. Ran back and someone had let her out. She's currently being comforted by an ice cream which I think is helping.
We all now the start time is an utter lie. If the adverts even begin at the stated time then you're lucky. Of course 10 years ago you at least acknowledged that a 10 minute reprieve for latecomers was acceptable and a few trailers to keep the on-time punters happy is harmless. Now it's 25 minutes of car adverts, then 15 more minutes of trailers.
Oh, and 3D glasses. What a con. Most reviews these days lambast the 3D in most moves as gratuitous and pointless. Yet the film we want to see is only being shown in 3D. And I have to pay even more for the unwanted feature.
Finally, the 12A label. Someone has just wheeled in a buggy right past me, followed by his troupe of rotund children slurping slush puppies and rustling sweets, kicking the back of my seat as they waddle into the aisle behind me.
We all now the start time is an utter lie. If the adverts even begin at the stated time then you're lucky. Of course 10 years ago you at least acknowledged that a 10 minute reprieve for latecomers was acceptable and a few trailers to keep the on-time punters happy is harmless. Now it's 25 minutes of car adverts, then 15 more minutes of trailers.
Oh, and 3D glasses. What a con. Most reviews these days lambast the 3D in most moves as gratuitous and pointless. Yet the film we want to see is only being shown in 3D. And I have to pay even more for the unwanted feature.
Finally, the 12A label. Someone has just wheeled in a buggy right past me, followed by his troupe of rotund children slurping slush puppies and rustling sweets, kicking the back of my seat as they waddle into the aisle behind me.
I really hate it when people use their mobile phones in cinemas
Probably been done to death on this thread but people on the phone on the train, the very loud women behind me is on her third call since Barnehurst (we aren't at blackheath yet)
Probably been done to death on this thread but people on the phone on the train, the very loud women behind me is on her third call since Barnehurst (we aren't at blackheath yet)
What is so important at quarter to eight ?
Dont worry she'll get off the damn thing going through the Kidbrooke tunnel
Used to hate that tunnel when I was streaming porn on the way to and from work but its a godsend when you've got prats like her
Don't you just then get someone shouting - 'Hello? Hello? Have I lost you? Hello? I think you've gone.... Hello?' then redialling 'Hello, I went through a tunnel!' to the rolling of eyes of everyone else in the carriage.
Probably been done to death on this thread but people on the phone on the train, the very loud women behind me is on her third call since Barnehurst (we aren't at blackheath yet)
What is so important at quarter to eight ?
Barnehurst? One call to confirm attendance on Jeremy Kyle, one to plumber to fix outside toilet and the last to order pizza delivery to Charing Cross upon arrival.
Probably been done to death on this thread but people on the phone on the train, the very loud women behind me is on her third call since Barnehurst (we aren't at blackheath yet)
What is so important at quarter to eight ?
Reminds me of an incident from a few years ago. Somebody had music blasting out through his headphones. One irate cummuter had enough and cut through the wire with a pair of scissors.
The BBC gossip section on the football. Some unknown African defensive midfielder is moving to West Ham for 20m according to the daily mail, but said unknown also has offers to play basketball in China.
That's how I interpret the bollocks they collate from all the papers
Then they show you all the tweets they send each other
Tweets from Jack Wilshere to Joel Campbell "gonna miss you bro"
Probably been done to death on this thread but people on the phone on the train, the very loud women behind me is on her third call since Barnehurst (we aren't at blackheath yet)
What is so important at quarter to eight ?
Barnehurst? One call to confirm attendance on Jeremy Kyle, one to plumber to fix outside toilet and the last to order pizza delivery to Charing Cross upon arrival.
Probably been done to death on this thread but people on the phone on the train, the very loud women behind me is on her third call since Barnehurst (we aren't at blackheath yet)
What is so important at quarter to eight ?
Barnehurst? One call to confirm attendance on Jeremy Kyle, one to plumber to fix outside toilet and the last to order pizza delivery to Charing Cross upon arrival.
Probably been done to death on this thread but people on the phone on the train, the very loud women behind me is on her third call since Barnehurst (we aren't at blackheath yet)
What is so important at quarter to eight ?
Barnehurst? One call to confirm attendance on Jeremy Kyle, one to plumber to fix outside toilet and the last to order pizza delivery to Charing Cross upon arrival.
i.e. Team GB's brilliance at the Olympics have proved there is more to life than 15 minutes of Reality TV "fame"
Maybe if the Newspapers stopped writing about the reality TV celebrities chasing their 15-minutes of fame then it will all go away and we wont have to put up with it... Its especially irritating as its from Martin Samuel who is usually quite good
So much wrong with the above information dont know where to begin.
Its The Great British Team. Whoever decided to call us 'Team GB' should be taken to The Tower and beheaded, and so should anyone who uses the phrase when talking about The Great British Team (except when they are on CL's moaning thread)
We all now the start time is an utter lie. If the adverts even begin at the stated time then you're lucky. Of course 10 years ago you at least acknowledged that a 10 minute reprieve for latecomers was acceptable and a few trailers to keep the on-time punters happy is harmless. Now it's 25 minutes of car adverts, then 15 more minutes of trailers.
Oh, and 3D glasses. What a con. Most reviews these days lambast the 3D in most moves as gratuitous and pointless. Yet the film we want to see is only being shown in 3D. And I have to pay even more for the unwanted feature.
Finally, the 12A label. Someone has just wheeled in a buggy right past me, followed by his troupe of rotund children slurping slush puppies and rustling sweets, kicking the back of my seat as they waddle into the aisle behind me.
What is so important at quarter to eight ?
Used to hate that tunnel when I was streaming porn on the way to and from work but its a godsend when you've got prats like her
That's how I interpret the bollocks they collate from all the papers
Then they show you all the tweets they send each other
Tweets from Jack Wilshere to Joel Campbell "gonna miss you bro"
Who gives a f***
No such luck.