People smoking over their kids. We're in Spain atm and the amount of people doing it is disgusting. So many parents with babies in prams, sitting at the bar with a fag.
PS. I think coleslaw and slaw are two different things
Erb is the correct way to say it. It comes from latin via french. It's only Victorian grammarians who were seeking ways to make themselves sound important that introduced the false 'h'. It should always be dropped.
The really annoying thing about aitch is the number of people who say 'haitch'. I work in HR and it's amazing how many people call it Haitch-Arr. Frankly none of them are employable.
Child Genius is on tv at the moment. too many of them are saying haitch in the spelling round. makes an otherwise intelligent child sound stupid
People smoking over their kids. We're in Spain atm and the amount of people doing it is disgusting. So many parents with babies in prams, sitting at the bar with a fag.
After having been diagnosed with Emphysema last year and being that I have never smoked, I thank all smokers for their consideration
And pronouncing aubergine as eggplant and courgette as zuchini.
Stupid Americans. They vote in a homicidal racist as president, continue to maintain that letting normal people own guns is sensible, and insist on inventing unneccesary new words for vegetables even though all of them survive on a diet of fast food, Ben & Jerry's and 3 litre buckets of coca cola.
Moving on from Crisp ranking, (which didnt quite generate the reaction I was hoping for),perhaps we could deconstruct the basics first? I found this for (an obese person's) starters.
Moving on from Crisp ranking, (which didnt quite generate the reaction I was hoping for),perhaps we could deconstruct the basics first? I found this for (an obese person's) starters.
Moving on from Crisp ranking, (which didnt quite generate the reaction I was hoping for),perhaps we could deconstruct the basics first? I found this for (an obese person's) starters.
What a load of bollocks. Chocolate Digestives are PL champions, FA Cup winners, League Cup winners and Champions League Winners. Plus they won the fair play league, programme of the year and best pie awards.
Stupid survey question too. Stayed at a hotel at the weekend. Sent me a survey about my stay. Pointed out some issues. Manager then sent me an email. Then got another survey about the manager's performance ffs.
Stupid survey question too. Stayed at a hotel at the weekend. Sent me a survey about my stay. Pointed out some issues. Manager then sent me an email. Then got another survey about the manager's performance ffs.
Enjoyed this health survey question.
With you on this one. Detest surveys, especially ones from hospitals asking whether you would recommend them to a friend or family ??? Next time someone is having a heart attack in London I'll tell them that I recommend a hospital in Devon !!
I've probably mentioned it before but I cannot abide people over enthusiastically telling me to watch something, particularly comedy. A great example is James Cordon. Not interested in Karaoke car pool, league of their own or anything like that. I never watched gavin and Stacey, I don't really care for him, yet quite often at work I get, 'oh you've gotta watch this', someone then proceeds to dig out a clip on YouTube that I have to sit through and try and muster a noise from the back of my throat that could pass as laughter
Leave me alone. I don't get in people's faces with highlights of football league tonight, or alert my colleagues to a humourous comment on here. For example when Mr Largo writes one of his pre-match predictions that generally make me chuckle, do I go 'oh look, Largo's laying into our incompetent owner again, but he's referencing our 1-1 draw with Yeovil in the pissing rain in 2009. Haha isn't that funny'
To me yes, to them no!!!!
I'm thinking of sending round an email to the whole company letting them know under no circumstances, should they so me anything comedy related. In fact scrap that, just don't talk to me at all about anything other than work.
His series is brilliant. If you like cats. If not, meh I suppose.
Stupid Americans. They vote in a homicidal racist as president, continue to maintain that letting normal people own guns is sensible, and insist on inventing unneccesary new words for vegetables even though all of them survive on a diet of fast food, Ben & Jerry's and 3 litre buckets of coca cola.
Probably foreign.
I found this for (an obese person's) starters.
Enjoyed this health survey question.
Leave me alone. I don't get in people's faces with highlights of football league tonight, or alert my colleagues to a humourous comment on here. For example when Mr Largo writes one of his pre-match predictions that generally make me chuckle, do I go 'oh look, Largo's laying into our incompetent owner again, but he's referencing our 1-1 draw with Yeovil in the pissing rain in 2009. Haha isn't that funny'
To me yes, to them no!!!!
I'm thinking of sending round an email to the whole company letting them know under no circumstances, should they so me anything comedy related. In fact scrap that, just don't talk to me at all about anything other than work.