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Chocolate Bar of Choice



  • Hardly ever eat sweet food but I do like Toblerone, Dime, and Snickers. Must be cold from the fridge with a cup of tea. 
    Do you know why Toblerone are a triangular shape?
  • How could I forget Toblerone. I love it and get given it in the bucket load every Christmas and birthday from family.
  • edited March 2024
    Mrs Baldy works in a Hotel Chocolat shop :)
  • Mrs Baldy works in a Hotel Chocolate shop :)
    Which hotel ? 
  • MrOneLung said:
    Mrs Baldy works in a Hotel Chocolate shop :)
    Which hotel ? 
    I wish it was this one. At least we get discount 👍
  • Poundland twin peaks, very good value better than toblerone imho.
  • edited March 2024
    red10 said:
    Poundland twin peaks, very good value better than toblerone imho.
    Sounds like the title of a new TV  programme review 😆 
  • red10 said:
    Poundland twin peaks, very good value better than toblerone imho.
    Sounds like the title of a new TV  programme review 😆 
    Or Jordan.
  • I did have the great fortune to work for Philip Morris who at the time made Toblerone/Daim bars etc., and some of their offices had 'honesty' boxes where you paid what you felt it was worth for a shed load of chocolate.  Very similar to Woolworth's having their Pic 'n' Mix right by the exits, back in the day.
  • Dark Bounty
    Toffee Crisp / Nestle crunch
    Frys peppermint cream
    Cadbury fruit and nut  / yorkie raisin
    Kit kat dark 

    In no particular order. And many more  - basically anything but a Topic or Snickers....
  • Sponsored links:

  • Used to really like Old Jamaica . 
  • When it is discounted, more or less anything Lindt or Lindor is lovely chocolate, better than anything at Hotel Chocolate or Thorntons, Thorntons being particularly unpleasant like the overhyped Ferro Rocher and Lily O'Briens.
    Aero has always intrigued me, because occasionally it has been exquisite (as well as affordable) but it is inconsistent and occasionally it can be manky.
    It is true that there is absolutely no decent chocolate in America.
    We all may suffer disappointments, heartbreak even, but the one thing that delivers every time and never lets you down is Chocolate.
  • A shout out for Aldi chocolate truffles when they're in stock.
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