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Can someone tell me why



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    So alcohol abuse and wife beating or Incest.

    Umm, interesting moral debate but perhaps AFKA and Lookie would rather we didn't go there[/quote]

    That's the point Henry. We should stick to the appropriate regional stereotypes:
    Country bumpkins - inbred
    Northerners - wifebeating alcoholics, occasionaly unemployed
    Scousers - thieves, usually unemployed
    Welsh people - sheep molesters
    Palace - all of the above
    Millwall - all of the above + murderers and armed robbers
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    [cite]Posted By: MrLargo[/cite]

    That's the point Henry. We should stick to the appropriate regional stereotypes:
    Country bumpkins - inbred
    Northerners - wifebeating alcoholics, occasionaly unemployed
    Scousers - thieves, usually unemployed
    Welsh people - sheep molesters
    Palace - all of the above
    Millwall - all of the above + murderers and armed robbers

    But surely in this day and age we can move beyond such glib pigeon holing of whole sections of society and embrace the mutli-cultural diversity of our great nation?

    Should we not reach out to our Scouse/Northern/welsh cousins and show them some love and unity.

    Are hub cap nicking and chicken mourning really that bad? It we were Northern would we not want to drink to forget that fact? How can we knock sheepshagging unless we have tried it (at least half a dozen time)

    PS the Palace and Milwall fans can F*** right off.
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    the good old days when songs were abusive and funny and people wonder where the atmosphere has gone.

    look no further than to ask people not to sing a comical song aimed at abusing the other fan with out crossing the boundry or race or sex

    come on lads lets let people sing the songs they want as long as the decency morales are not breeched,
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    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]the good old days when songs were abusive and funny and people wonder where the atmosphere has gone.

    look no further than to ask people not to sing a comical song aimed at abusing the other fan with out crossing the boundry or race or sex

    come on lads lets let people sing the songs they want as long as the decency morales are not breeched,

    erm....i'm not sure if you're joking, but perhaps songs about incest (which is illegal) is perhaps breeching decency morales and indeed crossing a boundary? who decides what is and what isnt?
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    Back in the, erm ...... 70's, all of us down the Covered End used to bait the Northern monkeys with stuff like:

    "......In your Northern slums.
    You go down the dustbin for something to eat.
    You find a dead cat and you think it's a treat.
    In your Northern slums!"
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    But surely in this day and age we can move beyond such glib pigeon holing of whole sections of society and embrace the mutli-cultural diversity of our great nation?

    Nah, its fun
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    Never sung the "family" song and never will.

    Its not humerous but offensive (a bit like "wheels on the bus") and I have not heard it sung to us and I travel extensively to most away games.

    I have no problem singing other songs and there are plenty to choose from (VFR, Red Army, Yippeeio,9 goal went past Perry, Give us a C, give us a H..... etc etc) - the whole idea I thought was the make a noise to lift the team, not to make fun of the opposition supporters. I'm sure the team appreciate it lads if they new the lyrics ........NOT.
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    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]Back in the, erm ...... 70's, all of us down the Covered End used to bait the Northern monkeys with stuff like:

    "......In your Northern slums.
    You go down the dustbin for something to eat.
    You find a dead cat and you think it's a treat.
    In your Northern slums!"

    But that was the 70s and early 80s

    In the seventies with high unemployment, strikes, power cuts, Thatcherism, etc we got a huge creative burst that lead to punk and two tone.

    But without another recession we won't again see that type of youth explosion and the resultant creative surge.
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    [cite]Posted By: golfaddick[/cite]Never sung the "family" song and never will.

    Its not humerous but offensive (a bit like "wheels on the bus") and I have not heard it sung to us and I travel extensively to most away games.

    I have no problem singing other songs and there are plenty to choose from (VFR, Red Army, Yippeeio,9 goal went past Perry, Give us a C, give us a H..... etc etc) - the whole idea I thought was the make a noise to lift the team, not to make fun of the opposition supporters. I'm sure the team appreciate it lads if they new the lyrics ........NOT.

    Dont totally agree about the offensive bits about some songs, but you do have a point about singing songs about us rather than songs against the oppo.

    get behind the team rather than bait the opposition.

    most of the time!
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    Its just a laugh....jeez....!

    I remember when we sung it to Weaver and he now plays for us, he couldn't have been that insulted.

    Anyone who has played football at whatever level will understand that banter is a massive part of being in a team, that extends to the terraces with the opposition fans.

    I loved singing "sign on" to the Liverpool fans, that does not mean I think everyone in Liverpool is on the dole, the hubcap stealing gits!!

    Also who can remember 'who let the frogs out' from a few years ago, its just a laugh!

    Golfie - nothing like wheels on the bus!
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    edited February 2009
    have to admit to being surprised as to how much it seems the 'incest' song is accepted as being ok. As Golfie says I thought the whole point of singing was generally to get behind the team. If we are saying that singing any old rubbish ie to Plymouth fans 'you're just a small town in Torquay' encourages the team then why don't we have a old fashioned knees-up - 'My old man's a dustman' or 'does your chewing gum lose it's flavour...'. I'm sure these will inspire the team to greater heights.

    And we sometimes moan why some fans don't sing and get behind the team. Uhmm, I wonder why.
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    you lot are too up tight it is a song that is funny incest is illegal to do but not say ,

    where as racism is illegal to do and say thats the diffrence i was trying to make

    i think we are going to disagree here
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    Please ALL dont ever make a footie song rude--------------or funny-------------or original-------------or upset anyone-----------dont swear------------or stand up--------------------or insult a player.

    Jesus f**cking christ its FOOTBALL
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    hear hear

    enjoy it for what it is meant
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    I don't have a problem with it on PC grounds particularly.

    I just think it is a bit naff every week. As others have said fair enough for carrot crunchers but every game?
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    edited February 2009
    i hate the cafc cafc cafc cafc cafc song it makes us look a bit weak and pansyish imo but i just choose not to sing it i dont really care that it gets sung

    come on folks let people have some fun
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    It was ironic when the J block were singing it at the H block on Saturday ...

    Have you seen some of them???????/
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    God does it really matter? This is like points of view.

    “Dear BBC Offended here from Charlton”.

    People are entitled to there opinions but if it’s that upsetting you'll have to stop going because rightly or wrongly it will never change and if it did football grounds would be a very quiet and boring places.

    If you think a song is wrong you don’t have to join in and if the people singing a song are that out of line it won’t be long before Charlton or the OB will take them off to Guantanamo Bay.
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    I like the tune just feel very uncomfortable about the words. I'll clap etc but wont sing.

    What we really need is more songs and then some how get everyone to join in. How about song sheets and community singing pre match and at half time just to get everyone going

    Any songwriters/ ideas on here?
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    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]I don't have a problem with it on PC grounds particularly.

    I just think it is a bit naff every week. As others have said fair enough for carrot crunchers but every game?

    Same, kinda, I think it's an awesome song, just a bit crap because we sing it ever week.
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    I think the song is weak.
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    I'm bored of it. It's a joke but who the hell thinks telling the same joke over and over again is funny?

    I used to sing it because it was funny but it's boring now.
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    No one or a group seems to have the balls to come up with songs and sing them and not care if the first 50 times they sing it and don't stop singing it that it doesn't catch on and they look a bit silly. But if you believe in it and keep singing it that 51st time it may well catch on. Everyone in Charlton crowds seems to play it safe, I'll be honest I only go out on a limb when I'm well oiled but if that is what it takes I don't care.

    If you look silly sometime it doesn't matter the buzz you get when your song catches on will more then compensate.
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