[cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]I thought the England team/Smiffy thing was just embarrasing as was Ricky Gervais' Office Opera thing.
And as for Carol Vorderman inthatdress...........!!!!
[cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]I thought the England team/Smiffy thing was just embarrasing as was Ricky Gervais' Office Opera thing.
And as for Carol Vorderman inthatdress...........!!!!
[cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]I thought the England team/Smiffy thing was just embarrasing as was Ricky Gervais' Office Opera thing.
And as for Carol Vorderman inthatdress...........!!!!
why should they tell you how much they have donated. surely thats a personal and private thing. there was a story on hear last week re some private charity from the Beckhams.
[cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]I thought the England team/Smiffy thing was just embarrasing as was Ricky Gervais' Office Opera thing.
And as for Carol Vorderman inthatdress...........!!!!
was she drunk? she made a right show of herself. cover yourself up love. she looked about 8 ft tall with everyone else on that stage, and with her bare legs and tight dress but the inability to stand still, she looked awful. Fair play to her for wearing clothes like that, as she has an amazing figure, but she'll defo regret that!
[cite]Posted By: Algarveaddick[/cite]Would you like cream on that humble pie sir?
wasnt an insult mate.. i really thought they would but happy they made the total they did. i bought a red nose and a laughing ball thingy for my boy so i did my bit. Just shows what an amazing country we are no matter how tight and bad things are we always give to the needy..
[cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]I thought the England team/Smiffy thing was just embarrasing as was Ricky Gervais' Office Opera thing.
And as for Carol Vorderman inthatdress...........!!!!
Always feel it's wrong when celebrities are urging others to donate, wouldn't mind hearing how much they donated themselves rather than raised.
apparently they only got 5 mins with the england team in which to film that clip. thats all they spared. not sure if its true or where i heard it.
i would also like to ask, what sponsorship the kilamanjiro people gained from their friends and family for doing the mission. how much it cost for them to get there, and the cast and crew and equipment? was it all free or was money taken out of the fund? were they raising awareness and did people donate or just watch it for fun? sometimes I question what they do and how much it costs them to do it in the first place?
[cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]I thought the England team/Smiffy thing was just embarrasing as was Ricky Gervais' Office Opera thing.
And as for Carol Vorderman inthatdress...........!!!!
was she drunk? she made a right show of herself. cover yourself up love. she looked about 8 ft tall with everyone else on that stage, and with her bare legs and tight dress but the inability to stand still, she looked awful. Fair play to her for wearing clothes like that, as she has an amazing figure, but she'll defo regret that!
she would have looked fine if she'd have stood up straight and been a proud tall person, without hunched shoulders and also wearing a pair of black tights.
[cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]I thought the England team/Smiffy thing was just embarrasing as was Ricky Gervais' Office Opera thing.
And as for Carol Vorderman inthatdress...........!!!!
Always feel it's wrong when celebrities are urging others to donate, wouldn't mind hearing how much they donated themselves rather than raised.
apparently they only got 5 mins with the england team in which to film that clip. thats all they spared. not sure if its true or where i heard it.
i would also like to ask, what sponsorship the kilamanjiro people gained from their friends and family for doing the mission. how much it cost for them to get there, and the cast and crew and equipment? was it all free or was money taken out of the fund? were they raising awareness and did people donate or just watch it for fun? sometimes I question what they do and how much it costs them to do it in the first place?
We always here about various Lords making contributions to political parties it would be nice to hear Andy Crane had donated £50m to Comic Relief. Bill Gates had raised a load of money for charity regardless of how wealthy he is. I've never seen him doing the television guilt trip thang. The Ricky Gervais sketch at the last comic relief even admitted that they are aware of this.
You can call it a TV guilt trip but whether it is Comic Relief or the fund raiser down the local pub (and to my mind one is just a bigger version of the other) they work.
Getting people involved by wearing silly clothes or watching stars on TV gets them donating as the £57m shows.
In an ideal world it wouldn't be needed in the first place and if it was everyone would contribute to charity without any prompting but this isn't an ideal world. I will admit I don't donate to the Haig Fund until someone reminds me by asking me to wear a poppy.
Not a great lover of these sorts of events either as in most cases I don't even know or care who the "celebrities" are meant to be but needs must. If there are some kids in the UK or Africa who get some extra help with dealing with their problems then the end justifies the means, however tacky, staged, unfunny or self-serving those means might have been.
i'd just like to say, i'm not disagreeing with it, i am just interested on who pays for the expensive trips to highlight the plight - the celebrities? can't knock em for making a fool out of themseves - (especially those that haven't got a new single/album/tour/new series* coming out)
I think its amazing that that much can be raised and it shows that people do still want to give when they may not be so comfortable themselves. I don't want to know how much a celebrity has pledged as it is none of my business, but i do question the staging of such "events" and the cost involved and if the money raised goes towards these costs?
[cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]i'd just like to say, i'm not disagreeing with it, i am just interested on who pays for the expensive trips to highlight the plight - the celebrities? can't knock em for making a fool out of themseves - (especially those that haven't got a new single/album/tour/new series* coming out)
I think its amazing that that much can be raised and it shows that people do still want to give when they may not be so comfortable themselves. I don't want to know how much a celebrity has pledged as it is none of my business, but i do question the staging of such "events" and the cost involved and if the money raised goes towards these costs?
*delete where applicable.
I know what you mean and I would feel uncomfortable about wealthy westerners flying in, living in luxury while 100s of porters carrying their kit up the mountain and do most of the work.
You could argue that at least it gave 100 local people some work.
I guess that if you spend 10p on necessary costs of the event and raise £1 that is worthwhile.
If on the other hand you spend 90p on a swanky dinner or private flights to Kenya/whatever and raise £1 then you have to question the real value.
I don't know how much it cost to stage the event. How much would a two week holiday in Kenya for 9 people cost?
Come on Chirps, you must have raised a smile at some point in it? Even Beckhams effort to NOT laugh were funny for me.
I have it on good authority that Chirps has not so much as cracked a smile since Little Tich died...
Always feel it's wrong when celebrities are urging others to donate, wouldn't mind hearing how much they donated themselves rather than raised.
was she drunk? she made a right show of herself. cover yourself up love. she looked about 8 ft tall with everyone else on that stage, and with her bare legs and tight dress but the inability to stand still, she looked awful. Fair play to her for wearing clothes like that, as she has an amazing figure, but she'll defo regret that!
wasnt an insult mate.. i really thought they would but happy they made the total they did. i bought a red nose and a laughing ball thingy for my boy so i did my bit. Just shows what an amazing country we are no matter how tight and bad things are we always give to the needy..
apparently they only got 5 mins with the england team in which to film that clip. thats all they spared. not sure if its true or where i heard it.
i would also like to ask, what sponsorship the kilamanjiro people gained from their friends and family for doing the mission. how much it cost for them to get there, and the cast and crew and equipment? was it all free or was money taken out of the fund? were they raising awareness and did people donate or just watch it for fun? sometimes I question what they do and how much it costs them to do it in the first place?
High heels on tall people = not a good look.
believe me, I know : - )
We always here about various Lords making contributions to political parties it would be nice to hear Andy Crane had donated £50m to Comic Relief. Bill Gates had raised a load of money for charity regardless of how wealthy he is. I've never seen him doing the television guilt trip thang. The Ricky Gervais sketch at the last comic relief even admitted that they are aware of this.
Getting people involved by wearing silly clothes or watching stars on TV gets them donating as the £57m shows.
In an ideal world it wouldn't be needed in the first place and if it was everyone would contribute to charity without any prompting but this isn't an ideal world. I will admit I don't donate to the Haig Fund until someone reminds me by asking me to wear a poppy.
Not a great lover of these sorts of events either as in most cases I don't even know or care who the "celebrities" are meant to be but needs must. If there are some kids in the UK or Africa who get some extra help with dealing with their problems then the end justifies the means, however tacky, staged, unfunny or self-serving those means might have been.
I think its amazing that that much can be raised and it shows that people do still want to give when they may not be so comfortable themselves. I don't want to know how much a celebrity has pledged as it is none of my business, but i do question the staging of such "events" and the cost involved and if the money raised goes towards these costs?
*delete where applicable.
well, i guess that fits in with the slogan "something funny for money" ! :-)
I know what you mean and I would feel uncomfortable about wealthy westerners flying in, living in luxury while 100s of porters carrying their kit up the mountain and do most of the work.
You could argue that at least it gave 100 local people some work.
I guess that if you spend 10p on necessary costs of the event and raise £1 that is worthwhile.
If on the other hand you spend 90p on a swanky dinner or private flights to Kenya/whatever and raise £1 then you have to question the real value.
I don't know how much it cost to stage the event. How much would a two week holiday in Kenya for 9 people cost?
Could he not have given that to the cause and they slummed it on Kenyan Airlines - I'm sure they would have been given a complimentary upgrade!!
i have held (as a number of other charlton fans have) a sponsored boycott of away games these last few years ;-)
adam get us a picture!!
0.004% of what has been spent on the Iraq/Afghanistan wars* by Blair/Brown
* as of Dec 2006 according to these figures
no stills as of yet deffo..
21minutes in. she's defo drunk.
Even better!!