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The demon carrier bag

Got a few bits from the supermarket this morning and at the checkout i asked the bint serving if i could possibly have a carrier bag to put my goods in.Well,the look she gave me couldn't have been worse if i had gone round to her gaff,put her cat in the microwave and set fire to her living room curtains.She then proceeded to tell me how they didn't distibute them anymore and if i wanted a bag i'd have to buy one for about a quid!
"Bollox to that" said i,and promptly stormed out of the place leaving my goods on the belt.I know it's only a pound but what is wrong with this bloody country.A bit of furore in the press(not sure by who but, i'm guessing probably the joke of a paper that is the express)and the end of the world is nigh unless we stop using carrier bags.
There are a lot of bad things in this world,i'm guessing the carrier bag is pretty low down on the list.


  • 100% well done. You get a sage-like nod from me for that.
  • A quid? Where were you shopping - Harrods?
  • You should have twatted the bint, then suffocated her with the carrier bag.

    Here to help
  • just don't get GH on this thread...

  • [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]Got a few bits from the supermarket this morning and at the checkout i asked the bint serving if i could possibly have a carrier bag to put my goods in.Well,the look she gave me couldn't have been worse if i had gone round to her gaff,put her cat in the microwave and set fire to her living room curtains.She then proceeded to tell me how they didn't distibute them anymore and if i wanted a bag i'd have to buy one for about a quid!
    "Bollox to that" said i,and promptly stormed out of the place leaving my goods on the belt.I know it's only a pound but what is wrong with this bloody country.A bit of furore in the press(not sure by who but, i'm guessing probably the joke of a paper that is the express)and the end of the world is nigh unless we stop using carrier bags.
    There are a lot of bad things in this world,i'm guessing the carrier bag is pretty low down on the list.
    F*****g JOKE COUNTRY!

    Not only do we get free carrier bags in (most) grogery stores in this fine country - we also get to stand there arms folded, whistling a merry tune while the checkout girl packs your bags for you & sends the local looney - (if he's not shoving trolleys around the car park) - out to load your car with aforementioned bags.
  • The best thing to do with plastic bags is just dump them in parks or the countyside, so that they are handily available for dog owners to use to pick up their dog cr@p.
  • there is such a thing as a bio degradable plastic bag, been around for yonks
  • I'm fully with you on this.

    To be fair, it's not the 'bint's fault though.....!
  • [cite]Posted By: MrOneLung[/cite]The best thing to do with plastic bags is just dump them in parks or the countyside, so that they are handily available for dog owners to use to pick up their dog cr@p.

    A bit like porn mags in bushes?
  • [cite]Posted By: Oakster[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]Got a few bits from the supermarket this morning and at the checkout i asked the bint serving if i could possibly have a carrier bag to put my goods in.Well,the look she gave me couldn't have been worse if i had gone round to her gaff,put her cat in the microwave and set fire to her living room curtains.She then proceeded to tell me how they didn't distibute them anymore and if i wanted a bag i'd have to buy one for about a quid!
    "Bollox to that" said i,and promptly stormed out of the place leaving my goods on the belt.I know it's only a pound but what is wrong with this bloody country.A bit of furore in the press(not sure by who but, i'm guessing probably the joke of a paper that is the express)and the end of the world is nigh unless we stop using carrier bags.
    There are a lot of bad things in this world,i'm guessing the carrier bag is pretty low down on the list.
    F*****g JOKE COUNTRY!

    Not only do we get free carrier bags in (most) grogery stores in this fine country - we also get to stand there arms folded, whistling a merry tune while the checkout girl packs your bags for you & sends the local looney - (if he's not shoving trolleys around the car park) - out to load your car with aforementioned bags.

    LOL - Actually a couple of communities here in Vancouver have gone Plastic bag free - most people embraced it although I bet some of British ex-pats had a moan ;o)
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  • Razil did u call ?

    I save my plastic bags for puting over eco facists heads and knoting em tight ------------------here to help.
  • The supermarkets should just make biodegradable ones available.

    Non biodegradeable ones should simply not be made any more - most end up in watercourses, and ultimately, the sea.
  • When were plastic carrier bags introduced and do any of you collect old ones?
  • [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]Got a few bits from the supermarket this morning and at the checkout i asked the bint serving if i could possibly have a carrier bag to put my goods in.Well,the look she gave me couldn't have been worse if i had gone round to her gaff,put her cat in the microwave and set fire to her living room curtains.She then proceeded to tell me how they didn't distibute them anymore and if i wanted a bag i'd have to buy one for about a quid!
    "Bollox to that" said i,and promptly stormed out of the place leaving my goods on the belt.I know it's only a pound but what is wrong with this bloody country.A bit of furore in the press(not sure by who but, i'm guessing probably the joke of a paper that is the express)and the end of the world is nigh unless we stop using carrier bags.
    There are a lot of bad things in this world,i'm guessing the carrier bag is pretty low down on the list.
    F*****g JOKE COUNTRY!

    Good work!
  • edited March 2009
    This whole eco thing really pisses me off no end and I fully agree with you. It is surely the supermarkets responsibility to stock up on bio degradeable ones and our pitiful government should simply make it illegal to manufacture any other kind. Shops should do their bit to keep their customers happy end bloody of!
    Any shop that makes a big issue of giving me bags always go on my blacklist of places to avoid (tk max are the worst offender by the way) thus they lose custom and in turn if this is repeated en masse go bankrupt costing more jobs and benefit and even more strain on the economy.
    You are absolutely spot on Carly and I fully support you.
    edited March 2009
    I'm all for doing my bit, recycling and all that. BUT when somebody preaches to me that I am not doing enough and that I will be responsible for the sea rising, polar caps melting, arrid deserts etc.....I get really really annoyed.

    I'm with you on this one Carly - Why can't the supermarkets use the bio-degradable bags? Are their profits going to suffer?? Why is it that on branch of Marks charge for bags (Islington) yet the Moorgate branch don't?

    We could probably do a lot better in the UK, but when you think about the crap being pumped into the atmosphere by the likes of China, is it going to make any difference what we do in this country?
  • This whole plastic bag thing is a bloody joke. You can't buy so much as a pizza in a supermarket without it being packaged in about four cubic metres of plastic and polystyrene that's been shipped from the other side of the World using more carbon and non-renewable sourced cardboard than the average human being will get through in ten life times, and yet, we're the one's who have to worry about OUR "carbon footprint". The Supermarkets use all this ecology shite to sell stuff, it's nothing more than a con, a sophisticated marketing ploy.

    A perfect example of the hypocrisy of the supermarkets is the Sainsburys in Charlton/North Greenwich, all those solar panels, wind turbines and grass on the roof.. and there's a petrol station in the car park! Next time, just drive your car straight in to the checkout and tell the two faced, holier-than-thou, mockney bastards, "There's my recyclable bag, just fill it up will yer."
  • [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]just don't get GH on this thread...


    Funniest thing is...... I had to got back up and check he hadn't actually started this thread! especially with the 'burn 'em' threat!
  • Its not there to save the environment its a cost cutting exercise as is the push from all banks not to print out and post you statements, they claim its to save the environment - nothing to do with svaeing in postage and the paper aswel.

    if it really was about the environment they'd go back to paper bags from recycled paper.

    oh well done carly burn aswel, I also walked out of might have been TK MAX or some other cheapo shop because they were charging for bags, fuck that
  • Of course it is really all about the money 1st, 2nd and last. What happened to returning bottles and getting cash back on them? Someone giving us money in return for our Renewable sources (TM)! Won't ever happen again,no profit in that and yet that was recycling before Chris Martin was even thought of and thus highly fashionable! The whole eco thing is driven by minimising your horizons as a human (feeling like a war criminal for flying abroad) and giving governments as much control as possible and making as much cash as is possible until the silent majority realise they are being taken for mugs yet again. And no one can say a thing because the eco Nazi's have right on their side.
    The way it's gone over here we can all play Eco buzzword bingo. Renewable Sources. Sustainability. and many other family favourites. Word wanking by any other name and all the local authorities love a bit of it.
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  • You know things are seriously wrong with your football club when you go onto one of their forums and the only thing that can muster a bit of passion from you is a plastic bag!

    Charlton i hate you.
  • I was thinking that very thing, but you raise a fantastic point for which I am truly grateful!
  • Why haven't you named & shamed the supermarket on here Carly?! Would it be libellous?
  • [cite]Posted By: pilchard[/cite]Of course it is really all about the money 1st, 2nd and last. What happened to returning bottles and getting cash back on them? Someone giving us money in return for our Renewable sources (TM)! Won't ever happen again,no profit in that and yet that was recycling before Chris Martin was even thought of and thus highly fashionable! .

    What absolute coddswollop at least here in Canada - There is still money returned on bottles, cans etc here in Canada and in BC alone, the company who administers this system has made a profit of approximately $5million dollars over the last couple of years.
  • Good point VFR,

    Most of the plastic crap we generate is from un-neccesary packaging. There has never been a government with the balls to stop this ridiculous situation and this current lot have shied away from it too. They pass many stupid, unworkable laws in all areas of society and yet we are crying out for this one and they can't be arsed.

    I wonder why?
  • I only recycle newspapers, shredded letters/utilitie bills, and cardboard at home, so I do my bit, but I pay enough council tax, so I refuse to wash out old cans of food etc.
  • I'm still trying to work out how the likes of companies charging 5p for a carrier bag is anything but profitering.
  • edited March 2009
    [quote][cite]Posted By: vancouveraddick[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: pilchard[/cite]Of course it is really all about the money 1st, 2nd and last. What happened to returning bottles and getting cash back on them? Someone giving us money in return for our Renewable sources (TM)! Won't ever happen again,[b]no profit in that[/b]and yet that was recycling before Chris Martin was even thought of and thus highly fashionable! .[/quote]

    What absolute coddswollop at least here in Canada - There is still money returned on bottles, cans etc here in Canada and in BC alone, the company who administers this system has made a profit of approximately $5million dollars over the last couple of years.[/quote]

    Well I don't live in Canada so sadly comparisons are as you put it "absolute Codswallop" to me and I wasn't refering to companies making profit, I was refering to individuals who return their empty bottles for cash. The individual getting anything out of their deed is not thought of here in England because greedy companies are only interested in their profit margins. If they do it in Canada great!
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: bigstemarra[/cite]Good point VFR,

    Most of the plastic crap we generate is from un-neccesary packaging. There has never been a government with the balls to stop this ridiculous situation and this current lot have shied away from it too. They pass many stupid, unworkable laws in all areas of society and yet we are crying out for this one and they can't be arsed.

    I wonder why?[/quote]

    Absolutely right, the reason is money again. Penalise the people for the crap they let the big corporations gat away with.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Darren[/cite]Why haven't you named & shamed the supermarket on here Carly?! Would it be libellous?[/quote]

    I'll guess at Asda. Morrisons are getting worse.
    On a different eco bent I wonder what the environmental impact of smoking is considered to be what with all the many delightful chemicals contained within the average ciggy? I'll bet the government shy from that to because of the fabulous profits to be made from the tobacco industry.
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