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Where do you "Log on" from.



  • Office over looking Soccer AM car park by day, pokey little flat in Surrey by night...
  • Always work
  • Always on my iPhone on my break at work, before work and after work. If I'm at home I might go on with my laptop. But I prefer the easier layout and usability of the mobile version on my iPhone.
  • Cycling Sports Group, Poole in Dorset!
  • work by day, home by night
  • edited March 2012
    Blimey, I started this thread nearly 3 years ago, back in the day when we all had petrol and could afford a first class stamp
  • dole queue on my iphone
  • No longer from a crappy room in Hull.

    Now a pretty sweet room in China!
  • @Stu I'm a touch offended that we're not important enough to be blocked by the great firewall of China. Is there an official you can have a word with?
  • Funny you say that, sometimes this site IS blocked, I think it has something to do with the word 'discussion' in the web address, the same way is often blocked.

    Lucky for I always have my VPN turned on, can't be doing without facebook and iPlayer.
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