With all the quiet goings on, and no committment on the manager for next season, its only fair that fans should be given another month before losing the chance to retain their existing seats.
Those that are holding off because they want to see if the club has fresh money or a new manager etc, should by doing so lose their preferential status once the set deadline is passed.
Those that are holding off because they want to see if the club has fresh money or a new manager etc, should by doing so lose their preferential status once the set deadline is passed.
[quote][cite]Posted By: J BLOCK joe[/cite]disagree if your a proper fan you renew regardless of a magical takeover you go to the game to cheer on your team top or bottom of the league[/quote]
Yeah, Steve Waggott is counting on that so as to get his massive wedge.
I am not renewing until I hear from the club who our manager will be next season. If at that time my seat has gone then so be it. If i then have to move to somewhere more expensive I will just not renew and go to away games instead. Simple.
So you'd rather give your hard earned money to RIVAL clubs rather than supporting your own in it's hour of need because of a single employee?
It baffles me - it really does. I can understand people not renewing and not going because they are fed up with the last few years but actively deciding to go to away games and not home ones is a bit weird in my opinion.
[cite]Posted By: valleyman[/cite]I am not renewing until I hear from the club who our manager will be next season. If at that time my seat has gone then so be it. If i then have to move to somewhere more expensive I will just not renew and go to away games instead. Simple.
Sound more like a Millwall (non) supporter to me.
NB You'd better change your name as well to Nonvalleyman.
Baffle away, I have no need to re-visit how much I have done for Charlton in it's previous hours of need, I know, and those who know me know too. I am fed up because the geordie smiler comes over as a massive hypocrite when he tells us to pull together, presides over redundancies (he told us in the programme that the players dedicated the win at Southampton to the staff losing their jobs...well whoopsie doo), and does not, it seems, take a hit himself. Many know I e-mailed that single significant employee to ask how much he gets paid...he didn't reply, I take that to mean he is ashamed that he is raking it in by exploiting our loyalty. I understand Norwich fans feel simalarly about a single employee at their club too.
[cite]Posted By: seth plum[/cite] Many know I e-mailed that single significant employee to ask how much he gets paid...he didn't reply, I take that to mean he is ashamed that he is raking it in by exploiting our loyalty.
That can be the only logical explanation for him ignoring your email, yes.
Will do - if you feel that the wages of one employee are more important, a bigger issue than supporting Charlton Athletic Football Club then thats totally up to you.
Of course it bothers me that he may be earning x amount while others (including friends) have been laid off but my loyalties lie to the football club as a whole. The fact of the matter is - if everyone took the view that they are not renewing because of Waggot's Wages or Parky's Post then we would be in far more shit than we already are.
I am not particularly logical in all this, I am attempting to express my displeasure somehow. It is hardly logical for any of us to spend so much time and energy and money supporting our club. In other countries presidents of clubs are elected, maybe their financial interests are scrutinised there as our MP's are scrutinised here. Perhaps fans abroad want to know where their money ends up. Especially if those exhorting us to give our money over have something to gain by doing so. We often complain about highly paid players underperforming, why not chief executives? I think maybe Mr Waggott should forego 66% of his dosh, and maybe the players can dedicate the first four wins of next season to him to make up for it.
I just want to make my decision about renewing an informed choice, but I am sentimental about my seats that I have loyally purchased for the last 10 plus years.
Those that are holding off because they want to see if the club has fresh money or a new manager etc, should by doing so lose their preferential status once the set deadline is passed.
You're either in it or you're not.
What AFKA said.
Or can't currently afford it until payday.
Yes but it's a difficult time.
Yes but we were expecting free ones when we got promoted................oh.
parky will be manager come the new season, so best get used to it.
Yeah, Steve Waggott is counting on that so as to get his massive wedge.
It baffles me - it really does. I can understand people not renewing and not going because they are fed up with the last few years but actively deciding to go to away games and not home ones is a bit weird in my opinion.
It acheives sweet FA.
Sound more like a Millwall (non) supporter to me.
NB You'd better change your name as well to Nonvalleyman.
I understand Norwich fans feel simalarly about a single employee at their club too.
That can be the only logical explanation for him ignoring your email, yes.
Of course it bothers me that he may be earning x amount while others (including friends) have been laid off but my loyalties lie to the football club as a whole. The fact of the matter is - if everyone took the view that they are not renewing because of Waggot's Wages or Parky's Post then we would be in far more shit than we already are.
We often complain about highly paid players underperforming, why not chief executives?
I think maybe Mr Waggott should forego 66% of his dosh, and maybe the players can dedicate the first four wins of next season to him to make up for it.