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Moral question re benefits + cuts



  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]how can you say imigrants make a net contribution when there is actually no way of telling how many have come into the uk from the EU ? the UK being part of the EU keeps no records of travel between the countries --- but yet again someone come make an actual figure of how much we all benefit !!

    Why is Thamesmead called little Lagos ? why is Woolwich the biggest Somali cummunity in the World outside Somalia ? neither of which are in the EU (yet).

    I have suggested there should be NO imigration while we have mega un-employment, havnt suggested imigration is all evil or ever was.The Labour MP Frank Field has stated that if Italy can have laws to protect its own work force why cant we.

    As for this thread it was about where (not if) the axe will fall and ways of making cuts which are coming. Some benefits have to be cut some TAxs will rise.VAT 20% is my guess.

    Why do I say that immigrants make a net contribution to the UK economy...because it is a fact. Do the research and make your mind up. Also worth pointing out, is that immigrants tend to take a lot of lower-paid jobs, and are still net contributors to British GDP.

    Yep there are plenty of spongers - both immigrants and indigenous, but to suggest that immigrants are net spongers when the facts point otherwise is wrong.

    Where will the axe fall...generally on the weakest in my experience, they are the ones who tend not to get the soapbox brigade and the tabloid media up in arms.

    Reforming the tax system and making it more progressive would though be the best start, allow lower paid people to retain more expendable income and end the non-dom farce whereby people can domicile themselves in low/non-tax regimes and still live and work in the UK and yet pay no income tax here. Curious how we highlight and condemn (rightly) the dole scroungers and spongers and yet ignore the tax cheats...
  • BFR are you George Galloway, i think you need to live in the real world and see the sort of crime that has affected this country in recent times, clearly once again this is nothing to do the amount of immigrants that have appeared on these shores over the last decade, the strain on hospitals anad schools, the fact Mohammed is the second most popular boys name in Britian
  • [cite]Posted By: WhenIwasLittleBoy[/cite]BFR are you George Galloway, i think you need to live in the real world and see the sort of crime that has affected this country in recent times, clearly once again this is nothing to do the amount of immigrants that have appeared on these shores over the last decade, the strain on hospitals anad schools, the fact Mohammed is the second most popular boys name in Britian

    Grow up.
  • and i havnt suggested imigrants are spongers ? i have suggested that imigration should be stopped untill unemployement falls to 100,000. It would also mean people have to be MADE to take the jobs that are available, which in turn means that the benefit system would be cut forcing people to take a job. Its not going to happen is it.
    When Brown made his statement about 2.5 milion British jobs every one knew under EU law that was just a bogus statement, when he was challened about it he tried to say he said "2.5 million jobs in Britain" then when asked how many went to UK workers ? no was less than 300,000 and over 70 % of the rest went to NON EU residents.

    i also said Labour has a policy paper that is suggesting that workers in the public sector have a pay freeze of 2 years. Which will hit many of the lowest paid people.Which i find truely stunning the lowest paid paying for the Bank billion $ bail out ---- and this from a Labour government.
  • That will be a yes then GG
  • edited 2009 30
    [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: WhenIwasLittleBoy[/cite]BFR are you George Galloway, i think you need to live in the real world and see the sort of crime that has affected this country in recent times, clearly once again this is nothing to do the amount of immigrants that have appeared on these shores over the last decade, the strain on hospitals anad schools, the fact Mohammed is the second most popular boys name in Britian
    Grow up.
    So which of those statements are incorrect
  • [cite]Posted By: WhenIwasLittleBoy[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: WhenIwasLittleBoy[/cite]BFR are you George Galloway, i think you need to live in the real world and see the sort of crime that has affected this country in recent times, clearly once again this is nothing to do the amount of immigrants that have appeared on these shores over the last decade, the strain on hospitals anad schools, the fact Mohammed is the second most popular boys name in Britian

    Grow up.

    So which of those statements are incorrect

    Mohammed aint the second most popular boys name in Britain. Theres not a massive peercentage of muslims in britain, just they tend to inhabit the same areas in different cities so seems like that. No way is it the second most popular name in Britain.
  • Most popular names in Britain 2008:

    1. Jack, Olivia

    2. Oliver, Ruby

    3. Harry, Grace

    4. Charlie, Emily

    5. Alfie, Jessica

    6. Thomas, Sophie

    7. Joshua, Chloe

    8. Daniel, Lily

    9. James, Mia

    10. William, Lucy
  • I love the exchange of facts in these sort of discussions

  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]
    the only thing holding these lazy sods back is that they have never had to pay for anything other than fags sky and booze

    and scratchcards.
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  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]Most popular names in Britain 2008:

    1. Jack, Olivia

    2. Oliver, Ruby

    3. Harry, Grace

    4. Charlie, Emily

    5. Alfie, Jessica

    6. Thomas, Sophie

    7. Joshua, Chloe

    8. Daniel, Lily

    9. James, Mia

    10. William, Lucy

    Yeah but you're only looking at first names; half of those are called things like

    Jack Abdulhardi Garba
    Olivia Umar Rashid
    Sophie bint Khuwailid
    Jessica Umm Kulthum

    The immigrants are just giving their babies Christian first names to fool the authorities & claim more benefits!
  • [cite]Posted By: WhenIwasLittleBoy[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: WhenIwasLittleBoy[/cite]BFR are you George Galloway, i think you need to live in the real world and see the sort of crime that has affected this country in recent times, clearly once again this is nothing to do the amount of immigrants that have appeared on these shores over the last decade, the strain on hospitals anad schools, the fact Mohammed is the second most popular boys name in Britian
    Grow up.
    So which of those statements are incorrect

    To start with my name isn't George Galloway or anything close, at least the name on my birth certificate and passport is somewhat different, so that's incorrect.

    Second, as WSS points out...Mohammed is not the second most popular boys name, but it's in the Daily Mail so it must be true...I suspect this is really one of those lies, damned lies and stats things. Mohammed and all its variations happens to be a very popular name in the Islamic community and a very high proportion of Islamic parents choose it for one of their sons, while in the non-Islamic world, we tend to have a far broader choice of names. I think we have around one million Islamic people in this country (out of 60m), I don't know how many are of child bearing age but not that many and of those most seem to chose Mohammed for one of their son's names. No big deal really unless you want to use it as evidence that they are coming here to take over and murder us in our sleep etc.

    Lastly, as I point out...and according to official government stats - which evidently are wrong, because they must be if you don't like them, immigrants are net contributors to our economy. Before we proceed, you do understand what the expression "net contributors" means don't you?

    On that if someone comes here, works, pays tax, NI, VAT etc, why should they not be able to benefit from getting healthcare etc which they have contributed towards? It would be a bit strange to expect people to pay tax and not get something in return wouldn't it?
  • This thread started out as a benefit cuts thread and has degenerated into a bashing immigrants one. My parents were immigrants and brought up 6 kids, none of whom have ever claimed a penny in benefits and my father in law was also an immigrant who brought up 4 who have also never claimed a penny. If we were discussing asylum seekers on benefits I could understand it as they should not receive any, but rely on voluntary sector support, but to tar immigrants with the benefits brush is totally irrelevant in my experiences. Immigration is a good thing if used selectively to the benefit of host nation and immigrant. Ditch the human rights laws and we might have some control, as well as UNHCR charters and the like that similarly bind us to supporting immigrants financially. The majority of benefit scroungers are feckless families that are not recent immigrants and need to be made to work one way or another.
  • edited 2009 30
    [cite]Posted By: WhenIwasLittleBoy[/cite]BFR are you George Galloway, i think you need to live in the real world and see the sort of crime that has affected this country in recent times, clearly once again this is nothing to do the amount of immigrants that have appeared on these shores over the last decade, the strain on hospitals anad schools, the fact Mohammed is the second most popular boys name in Britian

    This real world it code for 'you need to have MY world view'? Is the 'real world' the world made up of evidence or verifiable 'facts'? Is the 'real world' actually a construct of perception (as in there is little crime in my district, but because I perceive there to be a lot of crime, my fears, and those of my neighbours, have become the reality)? Is the real world simply the world within certain boundaries, or is the whole planet the 'real world'?
    How does the song go?
    #There are more questions than answers
    The less I know the more I invent#
  • edited 2009 30
    Pay benefits in vouchers not cash. Pay for basics lik housing. Basic sustainable healthy diet (get rid of the obese dole monkeys by doing this) and the basic requirements to survive. If you are genuinely unable to work then fair enough sort something out for these people. For the rest of them if they want to have sky tv, computer games, smokes, booze, drugs, nights out, holidays, cars and other such LUXURIES then they will need to get off their lazy arses and graft like many people do to afford them.

    Oh and all this having children is a basic human right and im owed a living is bollocks. If you are a responsible person youd make sure you were in a postion to support your family. Ok that aint always the case with everyone but im talking about the lifestlye choice unemployed who get knocked up and expect it to be dished out to them and their more often than not doomed offspring.
  • I just commented on another thread, but perhaps my comments are also relevant to this thread.

    We all need to face the fact that there are too many people in the world. We cannot carry on increasing the population - it is unsustainable. We should be discouraging people from having children and anyone wanting children should pay for them themselves and not expect others to help.

    It is no good saying that we need more children to look after an ageing population,that just perpetuates the problem.

    We need political parrties and governments to face the unpalatable truth that world population must be reduced or at the very least growth stopped.

    Taxes favouring the bringing up more children in the world should be stopped.
  • [cite]Posted By: ME14addick[/cite]I just commented on another thread, but perhaps my comments are also relevant to this thread.

    We all need to face the fact that there are too many people in the world. We cannot carry on increasing the population - it is unsustainable. We should be discouraging people from having children and anyone wanting children should pay for them themselves and not expect others to help.

    It is no good saying that we need more children to look after an ageing population,that just perpetuates the problem.

    We need political parrties and governments to face the unpalatable truth that world population must be reduced or at the very least growth stopped.

    Taxes favouring the bringing up more children in the world should be stopped.

    2nd load of bollox i have read from you in 5 mins
  • [cite]Posted By: ME14addick[/cite]I just commented on another thread, but perhaps my comments are also relevant to this thread.

    We all need to face the fact that there are too many people in the world. We cannot carry on increasing the population - it is unsustainable. We should be discouraging people from having children and anyone wanting children should pay for them themselves and not expect others to help.

    It is no good saying that we need more children to look after an ageing population,that just perpetuates the problem.

    We need political parrties and governments to face the unpalatable truth that world population must be reduced or at the very least growth stopped.

    Taxes favouring the bringing up more children in the world should be stopped.

    Disagree mate. I think if people work hard but dont earn enough then they SHOULD be able to have children and society support that. Its the wrong uns that never do a days work and then pop them out every couple of years expecting the state and taxpayer to bring them up that get on my hampton.
  • RCT I agree with you that those that don't want to support themselves by working shouldn't be encouraged to have children by the benefits system, but how much financial support should society give to those who work but can't afford children.

    My husband and I chose not to have children earlier in our lives as we couldn't afford to have them and didn't feel that others should pay.

    Due to circumstances which I won't go into, I had to leave a better paid job and now have a job I like very much but which is fairly low paid. My husband's hours were cut so much last year that at the start of this current financial year we found ourselves just in the bracket to be able to claim Working Tax Credits. We made our claim and found that the upper limit for those without children is about £18,000 per year joint income. As we earned just under £18,000 between us last year, we qualified for a very small amount of WTC. However if we had one child, we could claim WTC and earn £50,000 a year. This is a riduculous difference. Who is in most need of help - a couple earning less than £18,000 a year or the family with one child and earning £50,000 a year?

    Having had to go through the bureaucracy that is the Tax Credits Office I'd like to know just how much this government initiative is costing. Every time they do something on their computer, whether you ask them to or not, they send an A4 sheet of paper in an A4 size envelope (which costs far more to post) to both my husband and me. Last week we received eight A4 size envelopes in one week. When I complained to their office they said 'it is the law to send both of you a notice'. Well bad laws which cost the tax payer should be amended. I intend to send a 'freedom of information' request to HMRC to find out what their postage costs are.

    To NLA - there ARE too many people in the world. It is becoming increasingly difficult to feed everyone in the world. Lots of our problems in this country are due to the population being too high and growing at an ever increasing rate. Too much traffic on the roads and not enough houses so the government wants to concrete over as much land as it can to build more houses.

    Something does need to be done to curb the ever increasing population - it can't be ignored any longer.
  • would these "official stats" be the same as the ones where they said only 6,000 (yes six thousand) Poles would come into the UK ? and still insisted that it was the "far right racists" who where spreading bullshit about hundreds of thousands coming ? would this be the same "official statistic" that got dropped when the Polish Embassey said in a press release that they thought the figure would be over 500,000 ? would these be the same "official statistic" that have admitted there is NO COUNT of movement of EU people in or out of the UK ?

    So although we have 3 million on the dole and the amount of dole paid out is higherthan income tax coming in,stopping (even for a limited time) imigration isnt right ? and isnt it strange how the mere suggestion gets the lefts blood pressure boiling? and although England is now the most densely populated country in Europe lets keep everyone coming after all the is f**k all wrong and everything is just rosey.

    My father paid income tax till he was 84, he paid extra for his home help etc after his stroke. My mother pays income tax still an she is 80, she also pays for her home help.The amount we pay in benefits in all its forms is to much------------ end of fact. The people working will have to pay for the billions borrowed to pay for the bankers greed. The whole burden of this debt can not fall just on the tax paying mug punters.

    Child benifit for 2 kids not a naffing penny more if you have more----- your choice to have more --- why should i pay ?
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  • edited 2009 30
    If they are saying what will or wont happen then they aren't stats but estimates.
  • Sorry I'm not sure how to add the link but the website of the 'Optimum Poulation Trust' makes very interesting reading
  • Thanks Red!
  • [cite]Posted By: GoonerHater[/cite]We all know that cuts are coming to services (after next election) but where ? On TV the other day it stated that the cost of paying benefits is more than the whole income from income tax ! Not only this but of course we have to try to pay back a trillion pounds borrowed to save the banks. SO WHERE DO WE START ?

    is it right that people with incomes over £50,000 receive child benefit ? (tax credits) ?
    is it right to stop this payment even though these people have been paying income tax and NI at a higher rate ?
    why should people get more money for having more kids ? get it for two ,dont get it after two
    why should people get maternity leave regardless of how many kids they have?
    should unemployment benefits be cut to make lower paid jobs more attractive ?
    should all imigration be stopped untill un-employment reaches 100,000 ?
    can we afford the welfare state anymore ?

    What about substantially increasing inheritance tax in order to keep income tax down? I think we all agree we want everyone to work and contribute to society and be rewarded accordingly, rather than living/sponging off the state or rich parents!
  • [cite]Posted By: Red_in_SE8[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: GoonerHater[/cite]We all know that cuts are coming to services (after next election) but where ? On TV the other day it stated that the cost of paying benefits is more than the whole income from income tax ! Not only this but of course we have to try to pay back a trillion pounds borrowed to save the banks. SO WHERE DO WE START ?

    is it right that people with incomes over £50,000 receive child benefit ? (tax credits) ?
    is it right to stop this payment even though these people have been paying income tax and NI at a higher rate ?
    why should people get more money for having more kids ? get it for two ,dont get it after two
    why should people get maternity leave regardless of how many kids they have?
    should unemployment benefits be cut to make lower paid jobs more attractive ?
    should all imigration be stopped untill un-employment reaches 100,000 ?
    can we afford the welfare state anymore ?

    What about substantially increasing inheritance tax in order to keep income tax down? I think we all agree we want everyone to work and contribute to society and be rewarded accordingly, rather than living/sponging off the state or rich parents!

    Inheritance tax is fundamentally wrong.

    Invariably people have worked and saved bloody hard for 40 plus years and have paid income tax and national insurance whilst working.

    Why shouldn't they be able to hand their hard earned wealth to their loved ones?

    They've contributed after all!
  • you can not start to put a plan inplace to stop people having babies unless they can prove they earn enough to pay for the child afford the childcare and go to work as there are not enough jobs that pay the money you would require,

    it is un policable and a ridiculous suggestion, the answer is to get the bone idle and lazy scroungers of their arses and into work reducing the costs to the tax payer.

    Childcare costs should be made easier and cheaper helping those that want to build a family and try to raise kids that can contribute back into society by seeing how hard work can allow you to have things that are unavialble without working hard.

    if they made it easier for you and your husband to maintain your life and keep you working after the birth of your child maybe you would feel differently. you are aiming your thoughts and ideas at the very set of people that make aid this country not those that just take from the country.

    if you stop only the rich having children what a dull shit place the world would become..

    it should be more important to get all into work that can work contributing all they can into society than force people out of returning to their jobs and burdening the overloaded handout service
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]So although we have 3 million on the dole and the amount of dole paid out is higherthan income tax coming in,stopping (even for a limited time) imigration isnt right ?

    That's plainly not true. Also, as the vast, vast majority of immigrants are paying income tax, I'm not sure how reducing it will change these figures. A large number of the jobs that they're doing are ones that British people won't do (though I'd be more in agreement if they forced people into work).
    [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]would these "official stats" be the same as the ones where they said only 6,000 (yes six thousand) Poles would come into the UK ? and still insisted that it was the "far right racists" who where spreading bullshit about hundreds of thousands coming ? would this be the same "official statistic" that got dropped when the Polish Embassey said in a press release that they thought the figure would be over 500,000 ?

    Seriously, can you find that 6,000 figure, because I've never heard such a thing, and it sounds like complete nonsense. Can't see a problem with the immigration if the people are working and spending the money here. I find it funny how certain types of immigration seem to wind up the extremists (generally poor, hard working people, doing jobs nobody wants) while nobody goes on about the large number of white antipodeans and yanks in really plum city jobs that a lot of Brits would cut their arms off for. Funny thing.
  • [cite]Posted By: Red_in_SE8[/cite]Optimum Population Trust
    Like the way they're trying to link the UK population to global warming. Unless they're proposing to execute the immigrants (and nothing would surprise me), then it's just an exercise in winding up people who can't read too well. UK population - global warming, the clues are all in the words used...
  • o what a surprise now no one remebers the 6,000 figure. no one remembers the ball shit about thousands will come and its only racists who are saying millions will come. At the time i remember thinking if the Uk (England 90%) is to take these people then surely we can ask the EU for money re the impact on schoools , NHS , housing etc--- but your Labour Party was to busy saying it wont happen.

    So while the UK has 3 million people out of work and claiming dole money you see it as OK to still allow imigration ?Why is it when even a Labout MP says we should adopt some form of job protection for UK people do people see a temp halt in imigration as so far out ?and more to the point the only racial element in this debate has been included by your self " whire antipodeans and yanks" to quote .

    Where do you see the money being raised at least 100 BILLION over the next 20 years then ?
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