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Transport for London Salary's...shock!



  • Good response rothko, must of taken ages to think of and get your stats together. Ken has known for a long time that tfl was a money pit but chose to do nothing about it.
  • Was to Buckshee, but I'm sure you can be outraged about that
  • So has he hit a nerve about your crush on boris then, you so seem to have an infatuation for him.
  • Still not as bad as yours for Ken!
  • defo hit a nerve steve
  • Yeah, my nerves are tingling.
  • [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]Yeah, my nerves are tingling.

    I'd have thought he's 'too old' for you?
  • from what I can see my travelcard price will be frozen in Jan - first time in donkey's years this has happened so happy daze

    so tourists will have to pay a bit more for their bus/tube fares?

    the exchange rate they're getting since Brown devalued the pound means they are more than able to afford it...
  • fao rothko

    to be honest i dont think it will make any difference.there are people who use tubes etc cabs and people who use us and that wont change. not immediately anyway...
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