Caught a Glen Matlock interview on Dotun Adebayo's up all night this morning (mostly due to my insomnia). Anyway piqued my interest enough to listen to his album 'Good to go' on Spotify - which I enjoyed. I guess it can be described as good old fashioned rock music.
If interested his interview can be heard here towards the end of the show at the 3 hours 36 minutes 35 seconds point (give or take a few seconds).
I think this this is one of the best from the bootleg series.
I'm very fond of this by ex-Talking Heads Tina Weymouth.
And live version of Once In A Lifetime from the great Stop Making Sense movie
The Boy Wonder does grate on me a bit, but there's no denying he's a bit of a revelation.
From the LP Angel's Egg (1973)
Headphones on. Lights out. Radio Gnome Invisible, ha!
Their extremely underrated 4th album from 1981.
If interested his interview can be heard here towards the end of the show at the 3 hours 36 minutes 35 seconds point (give or take a few seconds).
Wow.... Original split the critics... If that was up your street this is better than it should have been