Just discovered Gerry Cinnamon. Excellent stuff. A bit prone to effing and jefffing which I don’t like too much and I think I’m about 30 years too old for his live shows but the boy is excellent. By all accounts he has little regard for the music business either. Good lad.
Just discovered Gerry Cinnamon. Excellent stuff. A bit prone to effing and jefffing which I don’t like too much and I think I’m about 30 years too old for his live shows but the boy is excellent. By all accounts he has little regard for the music business either. Good lad.
Just discovered Gerry Cinnamon. Excellent stuff. A bit prone to effing and jefffing which I don’t like too much and I think I’m about 30 years too old for his live shows but the boy is excellent. By all accounts he has little regard for the music business either. Good lad.
until it comes time to get paid that is
Yeah, but I get the impression, perhaps wrongly, that he refuses a record deal and pretty much arranged everything himself/with a small team via Facebook. Claims he’s in the business for a couple of years till he gets all his songs out there and will the disappear. We’ll see.
The annual Christmas Around Europe, broadcast throughout much of today on BBC Radio 3, featuring Christmas / folk music from Vienna, Copenhagen, Madrid, Tartu, Helsinki, Munich, Prague, Reykjavik, Lisbon, Graz, Copenhagen, Estonia, Malmo, Stuttgart, Ljubljana, Gdansk, Riga, Meresberg and Sofia. Splendid stuff.
Call off your dogs
New bass line favourite
4/4 going 6/8..?
Saw them, sadly not in their heyday but a few years ago at RAH still very good.
Performed by The Sixteen, conducted by Harry Christophers.
I admire Howells' music and this carol is top-notch.
On at high volume, love this band.