Had a good few games with Smithy on MW2 today, probably killed me more than anyone else. Shame he was on my team the majority of the time! Friendly fire is not tolerated you Right Said Fred loving bastard! Hehe.
FIFA 10 Club = BOOM BOOM BOOM ii (message me for a trial, we are always looking for new club members. the more people the better and last night we had 9 guys strong.) i would love to field a full squad!
[quote][cite]Posted By: cafcpolo[/cite]Had a good few games with Smithy on MW2 today, probably killed me more than anyone else. Shame he was on my team the majority of the time! Friendly fire is not tolerated you Right Said Fred loving bastard! Hehe.[/quote]
Enjoyed that mate! Lost track of time for how long we was playing MW2 for must of been about 2 and half hours! Must admit I felt bad when I killed you! Them bloody grenades, Was just throwing them by pot luck hoping it would kill one of there players hahaha IMMMM TOO SEXY FOR MY SHIRT nothing like a pre match song to get us warmed up
I am proper sh*te at Fifa 10
Be good to get a group of CL xboxers on some MW2 rockin the [CAFC] clan tag. Let's do it!
Feel free to add me, Mainly play FIFA or MW2 or UFC
If anyone is after a pro club on FIFA join mine and johnnybev1987s team!
Only play mw2, with my hacked rapid fire controller.
Anyone wanna take on our clan at MW2 drop me a pm...
I play FIFA 10 (my club is BOOM BOOM BOOM) and i play MW2 (Clan Tag: B1R)
Xbox: Glovepup
Only really play FIFA online
Should get a CL clan going really.
(message me for a trial, we are always looking for new club members. the more people the better and last night we had 9 guys strong.) i would love to field a full squad!
Enjoyed that mate! Lost track of time for how long we was playing MW2 for must of been about 2 and half hours! Must admit I felt bad when I killed you! Them bloody grenades, Was just throwing them by pot luck hoping it would kill one of there players hahaha IMMMM TOO SEXY FOR MY SHIRT nothing like a pre match song to get us warmed up