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CAFCTV Access Problem

edited December 2009 in General Charlton
Is anyone else having trouble accessing the video player on CAFCTV?
I was hoping to watch the footage of last week's RM meeting, but unable to get past the log-in - get Page Load Error.
They had better have it right in time for the commentary tonight!


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    Yup, not working, just contacted CAFCOfficial on twitter, if I get response will let you know
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    Have also contacted their Customer Services ... will they respond/ Who knows!

    Bloody typical it happens on the day of a game. Maybe something to do with the fact that the OS had problems earlier due to security updates.
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    Thanks, stone. Unfortunately the 'Customer Service' contact send back a standard reply listing a whole slew of alternative browsers, so clearly don't address the possibility of service failure on their part until subsequent contact.
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    Try downloading "google chrome" and using that to view. I couldn't get the site to work on "Internet explorer" but it works fine on chrome.
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    I've just had an e-mail from Matt Wright at CAFC- it won't work for him either, so he's on the case.
    I have Chrome, but see no reason to have to browser-hop when it has worked fine on Firefox for the past year!
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    [cite]Posted By: Solaraddick[/cite]I've just had an e-mail from Matt Wright at CAFC- it won't work for him either, so he's on the case.
    I have Chrome, but see no reason to have to browser-hop when it has worked fine on Firefox for the past year!

    Cheers solar. I'm on Internet Explorer and not had a problem before.
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    Looks like my twitter message to Matt made him aware of the problem .. as you say, he is now looking into it.

    Strange it happened same day as OS has problems ... although different companies run the sites.
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    Received email from their customer service - now works.

    Thank you for contacting us. To test your account I have had to change your password. Your user details are as follows;


    I have tested these on CAFC Player and you should now be able to access the site without any further problems. Please make sure you have entered the username and password correctly and in lower case text.

    Check that the internet cookies are enabled in your browser and that the security level is set to medium or lower.

    If you have a firewall or similar security device installed on your computer this will need to be configured to allow you to access the site.Please feel free to contact us if we can be of any further assistance.

    Occasionally, particularly on machines which have either recently been upgraded, or changed security settings, it is possible for the local Cookies to become corrupted. When this happens, it is best to delete the cookies and allow the originating sites to recreate them.

    In order to do this in Internet Explorer 6, you should:

    1. Start Internet Explorer.

    2. Select the Tools menu and then Internet Options.

    3. Click on the General tab.

    4. In the Temporary Internet Files select the Delete Cookies button and confirm when requested

    5. Stop all instances of Internet Explorer to ensure settings are applied properly.
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    Have to say that


    is an very unimaginative password and now the whole of Charlton life know it.
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Have to say that


    is an very unimaginative password and now the whole of Charlton life know it.

    crap, never thought of that ;-) Please ignore my post.
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    Had problems signing in yesterday, the whole thing is nearly as bad as its predecessor
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    I received the same e-mail with password change, though this still does not work with Firefox.
    I did, however, manage to load the whole thing properly in GoogleChrome, which I will leave logged-in ready for this evening.
    The volume level on the RM footage is SO low- had the sound level at Max and speakers up loud- nearly blew my head off when the 'music' came on at the end!!
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    [cite]Posted By: Solaraddick[/cite]I received the same e-mail with password change, though this still does not work with Firefox.
    I did, however, manage to load the whole thing properly in GoogleChrome, which I will leave logged-in ready for this evening.
    The volume level on the RM footage is SO low- had the sound level at Max and speakers up loud- nearly blew my head off when the 'music' came on at the end!!

    LOL, same here ... great footage though.
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    [cite]Posted By: Solaraddick[/cite]I did, however, manage to load the whole thing properly in GoogleChrome, which I will leave logged-in ready for this evening.

    Stupid question probably, but is it possible to have more than one browser? e.g. Internet Explorer and Google Chrome?
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    [cite]Posted By: stonemuse[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Solaraddick[/cite]I did, however, manage to load the whole thing properly in GoogleChrome, which I will leave logged-in ready for this evening.

    Stupid question probably, but is it possible to have more than one browser? e.g. Internet Explorer and Google Chrome?

    You can have as many browsers as you want. Seems to work fine for me in FireFox though... (of course it's now not going to work when I try to log in at home later for the match...)
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    edited December 2009
    of course it's now not going to work when I try to log in at home later for the match...)

    LOL ... the most annoying thing about this is that if Solaraddick and I had not logged in earlier we would not have found the problem until tonight at which time it would probably have been too late to contact their customer service.
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    The problem seems to be spasmodic among various browsers.
    Matt at CAFC had a problem using IE, but was OK with FF and Safari. I'm OK at the moment with Chrome, but still have a problem with FF ( as do Premium TV in their ability to read plain English in e-mails!).

    I first tried to access the player to see the RM footage - more than an hour ago- and thought it wise to mention here as a number of 'us' will be listening to commentary tonight - though I gather it might also be on BBC London 94.9FM..
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    [cite]Posted By: Telnotinoz[/cite]Yep as many browsers as you like....apparently if you have Vista, the only way to listen to live CAFCTV commentaries is through Firefox.....I cant get it live through IE on a Vista machine but can on XP.....all very odd and not what youd expect in this day and age really.

    Tel, I've got Vista and IE ... which now works.
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    [cite]Posted By: Telnotinoz[/cite]Mine still doesnt, I have to cart the work laptop home with me...which incidentally I bought to replace the Vista machine as I had so many crashes where it conflicted with what's on my work network (all xp). Even my pet Nurd (the Mrs) couldnt solve it.
    nope mmine not workin either
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    Have those having problems before today with Vista tried running IE7 in compatibility mode? I resisted changing to IE7 until recently, and that was when I first experienced the problem. Since loading the site in compatibility mode however I can usually get it to work.
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    first time i've had problems!
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    p.s i've just got in through seagulls player!
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    The below might assist:

    Full audio commentary from the BBC LONDON team will be available on CAFC Player, which is back working after a few fans reported technical problems this afternoon.

    These seem to have been resolved, but clearing the cache of your internet browser or deleting your cookies may help anyone having difficulty. Subscribers with queries should email where staff will be working throughout the evening/night.

    I'm told commentary will also be available on digital radio and on BBC LONDON's website here:

    The Addicks' Twitter feed - @CAFCofficial - will keep fans updated from the south coast on a regular basis as well.

    On the subject of the Murray volume, sorry about that. We're conscious of the volume issues and always turn the intro and outro music down and the main speaker up, but it's very hard to balance the two. Keeps you alert at least...

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    My own poxy link doesn't work...

    Try accessing this way:

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    Nice to see you take the time to come on here and help the fans, Matt, but regarding the sound issues, they have been pathetic from the start. I've noticed that any articles from the away team the sound is great but Charltons is always very poor and very muffled. I could do better with my Samsung 500. It's clearly a production issue, what equipment do you use to record articles...?
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    I love the continued high quality of the sound in interviews and clips, consistency. That's what I like
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    I appreciate you are doing what you can to sort out problems, but why did this work a few days ago and not now?

    I have not changed any settings or installed anything - why am I now expected to bugger about with my settings in the vain hope that it will work when I should be listening to match commentary?

    It's never easy with CAFC player is it.......

    Now I will have to listen to BBC radio Spuds!
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    [cite]Posted By: Solaraddick[/cite]I received the same e-mail with password change, though this still does not work with Firefox.
    I did, however, manage to load the whole thing properly in GoogleChrome, which I will leave logged-in ready for this evening.
    The volume level on the RM footage is SO low- had the sound level at Max and speakers up loud- nearly blew my head off when the 'music' came on at the end!!
    Also blew me drums as my sound was low....paddy was loud n clear thou whoop whoop.
    Waiting for commentary hope it works!
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