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All quiet in the North Stand?

edited December 2009 in General Charlton
One of the reasons I go to Charlton is because I enjoy the chance to have a bit of a shout and encourage the team - after all, where else does a woman of a certain age have a chance to do that in public? So on Saturday it went something like this:

"C'mon you Reds"
"Go on Lloydie"
"Oh come off it ref, it is a contact sport"
"You can't book him for that!"
"Well done, Robbie"
(Sorry, Curb-It, I know you don't like me using their first names, but I only do it for a few of them...)

You get the idea: no swearing, no moaning at our players, only a bit of slagging of a rather over-officious ref. In between I would exchange the odd word with Mr Weegie about the performance of an individual player, and, of course, I'd join in with Valley Floyd Road.

I did feel that the area we were sitting in (towards front of North Upper) was a bit quieter than I expected, but there was certainly quite a bit of noise from behind us.

So I expected to leave the game ina positive mood, having scraped a win and gained two points on Leeds. Instead I left feeling really quite upset and hurt. When Bailey had his little spot of play-acting, I muttered that he should just get up and get on with it and that I didn't like to see that sort of thing from a Charlton player. I didn't shout at him, but passed this remark in a normal voice to Mr Weegie. Next thing I know, the girl in front of me is taking offence - that Bailey really had twisted himself, but above all that I had been really annoying her all game with my constant "talking". For the first time in the best part of 40 years going to football, i found myself cast as the villainous "bloke - or in my case woman - behind you". I was stunned and horrified. As far as I was concerned, all I was doing was supporting my team in the only way I know how. And that was all I said back to her. It still upsets me a bit even writing this.

Am I that out of order, or is even the Covered End starting to be taken over by people who'd be more at home watching their football at the Emirates?


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    Glad i dont sit near you, sounds like a right aggro nut job ;-)
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    some people take the attitude that if a certain player is a c*** for us it's ok and will cry like anything if that sort of behaviour happened against us, the reason for this is cos people are c**** until proven otherwise ....
    you can't win weegie , i actually believed bailey's play acting , more fool me !!
    the reason bailey is one of the most disliked players by lower league teams is probably due to the sort of behaviour you witnessed and saw thru on saturday ... it was unbelievable or a miraculous recovery
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    Bailey does go down like Drogba sometimes.

    What can you do though.
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    If you read the kids Xmas party thread you will see that Bailey showed the stud marks he has all down his calf following his "play acting" to Buckshee on Sunday.
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    Shoot him so he has something to roll around for? Or would that be classed as counter productive?
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    [cite]Posted By: C.Walsh'sLoveChild[/cite]Shoot him so he has something to roll around for? Or would that be classed as counter productive?

    If you read the kids Xmas party thread you will see that Bailey showed the stud marks he has all down his calf following his "play acting" to Buckshee on Sunday.
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    For the first time in years we have a player that irritates the opposition and people are moaning...i believe you need a player like bailey in your team with a bulldog spirit, doesnt take any crap and occasionally has to do something underhand to wind up the opposition. If we take this nicey nicey approach all the time it wont get us anywhere, all the best teams have this type of player....Love to hate them players but all winners
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    I must point out that my comments are not in anyway moaning about anyone. I am merely taking the piss. Indeed
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    [cite]Posted By: C.Walsh'sLoveChild[/cite]I must point out that my comments are not in anyway moaning about anyone. I am merely taking the piss. Indeed

    If you read the kids Xmas party thread you will see that Bailey showed the stud marks he has all down his calf following his "play acting" to Buckshee on Sunday.
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    [cite]Posted By: C.Walsh'sLoveChild[/cite]I must point out that my comments are not in anyway moaning about anyone. I am merely taking the piss. Indeed

    Up the Cherries !!
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    Thought Weegie was making a different point rather than being specifically about Bailey. I'd be more than happy to have Weegie behind me. Would make a welcome change to the 'Get forward' parrot sitting near my shoulder. Alternatively, send the complainant over to the mid -West and I'll spill my soup over her.
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    [cite]Posted By: stilladdicted[/cite]Thought Weegie was making a ... point ... specifically about Bailey.
    If you read the kids Xmas party thread you will see that Bailey showed the stud marks he has all down his calf following his "play acting" to Buckshee on Sunday.
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    wouldn't let it get to you Weegie. As long as you arn't consistantky swearing or racially abusing anyone then you are entitled to voice your opinions. Guy two rows behind me (no, not Golfie) slags the players off all the time and never praises when they do something good. I've given up letting it affect me and just accept that he's a prat. On Saturday Lloyd Sam was 'useless'. Yaeh mate, whatever. You carry on Weegie, I'll let you know at Brentford if you talk too much !!!
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    The Valley becoming an exotic bird sancutary?
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    You crack on Weegs.

    Personally thought the ground was pretty soulless on Saturday
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    The game just simply wasn't very exciting.
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    Bloody cherries. One time and one time only
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    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]The game just simply wasn't very exciting.

    It happens, we won our last two home games comfortably scoring nine goals in the process.
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    [cite]Posted By: stilladdicted[/cite]Thought Weegie was making a different point rather than being specifically about Bailey. I'd be more than happy to have Weegie behind me. Would make a welcome change to the 'Get forward' parrot sitting near my shoulder. Alternatively, send the complainant over to the mid -West and I'll spill my soup over her.

    Thanks, stilladdicted - and others - for your encouragement. Maybe I was a bit harsh on Bailey, given what has now come to light. However, I was really just stunned and a little upset to find that I had apparently been so irritating to a fellow fan. Or perhaps she'd just been dragged along by the boyfriend ;-) ;-)

    You know what you're letting yourself in for at Brentford, now, eh, Large? ;-)
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    Rather than say Bailey was play acting - because he got back up - perhaps we should be praising him for ignoring the pain and continuing to race about the pitch for the cause.
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    [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]You crack on Weegs.

    Personally thought the ground was pretty soulless on Saturday
    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]The game just simply wasn't very exciting.

    Our ground is always soulless these days. Long for the days of the old covered end, plenty of games far worse than Saturday over the years, 1-0 defeats to Grimsby and the like, but the ground was always noisy, plenty of different chants and a crowd with a sense of humour. Took my missus to a game for the one and only time last year against Barnsley and was thoroughly embarrassed listening to some of the ignorant rubbish coming from the stands.
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    [cite]Posted By: C.Walsh'sLoveChild[/cite]Bloody cherries. One time and one time only

    A woman who spports the Cherries & went to a Charlton matc !
    Whats not to like ?
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    Wasn't having a go at you Weegie, you chat on ; - )

    Just pointing out that Bailey wasn't faking it. Was one of his mates from his time at Southend as well. I'm told he went over to him at the final whistle and showed him his calf as well.
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    Weegie, there is absolutely no need for you to feel concerned, upset or hurt. You - like thousands of others - turn up at Charlton to have fun. And, if that overspills and you're more vociferous than other people might like ... tough! It's football at The Valley not Opera at Covent Garden. As long as you don't over-step the mark and hurl racist, homophobic or other bigotted chants and you don't break any memorial silences that might be planned, you have every right to make your feelings plain.

    You might have been sitting behind someone who was fed up at the quality of football on offer on Saturday. Again, tough. If she didn't like it, she shouldn't have a go at you!

    Live, Laugh, Love, and be Happy!
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    This seems ridiculous Weggie you are perfectaly entitled to think what you like and voice your opinion as much as the next person in North upper. I am in North upper every week and if i felt any devoted fan up there who had been going for longer than me was upset i would like to try and amend that. At the end of the day we are all entitled to our opinions not matter what they are and you should never be made to feel like that especially seeing as we all support the same team.
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    [cite]Posted By: Chizz[/cite]

    You might have been sitting behind someone who was fed up at the quality of football on offer on Saturday.

    Many people don't give a toss about the quality of football, providing we get the result.
    Nearing the halfway mark, we've not been out of the top 2 all season.

    However, I wonder what the crowd's reaction would have been if we'd played fast flowing football, their keeper MOM, hit the woodwork, shots cleared off the line ..... and lost 1-0 to a breakaway?
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    Fair enough if you are not happy with the quality of football let them know but dont have ago at your own fans. Some people need to think before opening their mouths in situations like this.
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