Is there a word that sums up the decade?
I'll offer
Terrorism as it seems to have been an excuse for anything following 9/11. Two wars, increasing surveillance, more bureaucracy, unjust hostility to some immigrants and Islam and no doubt has contributed to the "global" recession in some ways.
every thing that comes along is a Pandemic
Credit Cruch
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Quantative Easing
The now common use of terms such as rendition, redaction, insurgent, etc are a few that come to mind.
I've changed my mind.
The word of the decade should be MISLED
And the winners are:
1. Coffee, n. The person upon whom one coughs.
2. Flabbergasted, adj. Appalled by discovering how much weight one has gained.
3. Abdicate, v. To give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.
4. Esplanade, v. To attempt an explanation while drunk.
5. Willy-nilly, adj. Impotent.
6. Negligent, adj. Absentmindedly answering the door when wearing only a nightgown.
7. Lymph, v. To walk with a lisp.
8. Gargoyle, n. Olive-flavored mouthwash.
9. Flatulence, n. Emergency vehicle that picks up someone who has been run over by a steamroller.
10. Balderdash, n. A rapidly receding hairline.
11. Testicle, n. A humorous question on an exam.
12. Rectitude, n. The formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists.
13. Pokemon, n. A Rastafarian proctologist.
14. Oyster, n. A person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddishisms.
15. Frisbeetarianism, n. The belief that, after death, the soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.
16. Circumvent, n. An opening in the front of boxer shorts worn by Jewish men