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[cite]Posted By: dabos[/cite]GATE Appended on the end of any word to describe a scandal. Does my head in. Blood-gate Lie-gate Crash-gate Expense-gate
[cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]cool meaning good rather than cold.
[cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]wicked meaning good rather than bad. cool meaning good rather than cold. sad meaning unfashionable rather than unhappy
Does anyone even remember what happened during Watergate-gate? ;-)
I like the "LIKE" suggestion from the previous page too, because like every like second like word that like people use nowadays is like "like" like.
cool meaning good rather than cold.
sad meaning unfashionable rather than unhappy
Fug me Len, what decade are you referring to there?!
Ha ha Len - This could have been the 90's (or maybe even the 80's). ;o)