Anyone else out on it tonight, up that London Bridge with a few pals, All bar One the pub just outside the station!! Meeting in the meerkat porter at half 5!! Got a lift in to work this morn, and i am raring to go!!
Then got me work crimbo do in the Cafe Sol Greenwich, then on the pizz all day Sat for the spanners!!
Anyone else??
Dinner, bar, cocktail bar.
doing shots in the restaurant will give you an idea of how messy it was.
Have drinks to go to pretty much every night untill xmas! ouch!
Forever 27..........!
Im saving myself for saturday on the drinking front, then venue at night probo bump into a few milwall yay! :-)
Shall I ask him and see if he wants to buy Charlton?... ;-)
LOADS of free booze & £50 each for a cab home
The really galling thing will be the 3 top sales guys/gals winning fully expensed Aston Martins for a year... I know these guys earn the money to pay our salaries, but the support functions always get forgotten...