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Latest Films



  • Is 'Drive' any good?
    Yes it is. Pretty violent though.

  • Finally caught up with the Cohen brothers True Gritt. Thought it was very good.
  • edited February 2012
    Watch out for "Your Sister's Sister" when it comes out. Saw it as opening film of Glasgow Festival on Thu. A very good story realistically filmed - not scripted, uses improv dialogue which really helped the flow and emotion. About human relationships, so not for the all-action/ horror fans out there!
    Is it true The Covered End Choir sing the theme tune with a title like that ? :-)

  • Very good, Len - you're on form today!
  • Watched 'The Guard' last night and really enjoyed it. Brendon Gleason's character is funny as and Don Cheadle didn't let himself down. Deffo worth a watch.
    Got 'Elite Squad' and 'Cell 211' to view but not sure if I'm in the mood for subtitles.
  • Is 'Drive' any good?
    Good but pretty graphic (gory)
  • Went to see Woman in Black. Took my 13 year old son who spent much of the time with his hands over his eyes and clutching my arm! He enjoyed it but he was very scared.

    I am not a particular lover of the genre but I enjoyed this a lot. It jumped me a few times and certainly its a bit hairy for children of 13 or below. Can't for the life of me understand how they gave this a 12A and Insidious for example a 15.

    Excellent performances including Daniel Ratcliffe - only criticism was that he was a bit young for the role.
    Having seen the stage version a couple of months ago , I'm looking forward to this . Good write ups although, as you stated, Bing, unsure about the 12A status.

  • Went to see Chronicle with the eldest son, clever idea and a couple of "I didn't see that coming" moments. It draws you in to understand and empathise with the main character, it's a little bit cliche'd in parts. Shot like Cloverfield, clever but not perfect. 7/10
  • Watched 'The Lives of Others' last night, as recommended by someone on here earlier in the thread. Very good film.
    Also watched 'Oranges & Sunshine' as recommended also on here. This story is an absolute disgrace to Britain.
    I feel that I'm starting to watch more and more drama-like, foreign and /or serious issue films but with Hollywood going the way it is then that doesn't surprise me. I would like to find some decent lighthearted / comedies to even out the balance of what we watch but it seems harder and harder to get anything decent. The last truly good comedy was 'Keeping Mom' in my opinion. 'The Hangover' was pretty good compared to the other Hollywood dross served up these days.

    Please keep the recommendations coming.

    Finally, I tried signing up to Lovefilm but although they accepted my UK debit card and UK address it won't work because it recognises my French IP address. Can anyone help with this?
  • Watched 'The Lives of Others' last night, as recommended by someone on here earlier in the thread. Very good film.
    Lookijng forward to watching this later.

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  • Went to see Woman in Black. Took my 13 year old son who spent much of the time with his hands over his eyes and clutching my arm! He enjoyed it but he was very scared.

    I am not a particular lover of the genre but I enjoyed this a lot. It jumped me a few times and certainly its a bit hairy for children of 13 or below. Can't for the life of me understand how they gave this a 12A and Insidious for example a 15.

    Excellent performances including Daniel Ratcliffe - only criticism was that he was a bit young for the role.
    Having seen the stage version a couple of months ago , I'm looking forward to this . Good write ups although, as you stated, Bing, unsure about the 12A status.

    Saw it last night ... not bad but preferred the stage version, more atmospheric ... plus the film drastically altered the story from the original book
  • Recently seen

    The Descendents - good, but not as good as the press it's been getting
    Carnage - Terrible, one of the worst flims I've ever seen and nowhere near as clever as it thinks it is
    Woman in Black - Really enjoyed it. I've seen the play about four times and studied the book in my A-Level elective so know the story well and this was a good version. Radcliffe was really good I thought.
    A dangerous method - Didn't particuarly enjoy it, thought one of the best moments at the end (wont spoil it) was criminally undersold. If you think Keira's a sort then you'll probably enjoy it.
  • Is 'Drive' any good?
    Good but very violent

  • Recently seen

    The Descendents - good, but not as good as the press it's been getting
    Carnage - Terrible, one of the worst flims I've ever seen and nowhere near as clever as it thinks it is
    Woman in Black - Really enjoyed it. I've seen the play about four times and studied the book in my A-Level elective so know the story well and this was a good version. Radcliffe was really good I thought.
    A dangerous method - Didn't particuarly enjoy it, thought one of the best moments at the end (wont spoil it) was criminally undersold. If you think Keira's a sort then you'll probably enjoy it.

    Disagree about Carnage, thought it was good but not as good as the play

  • Saw Woman in Black on Friday evening, was quite scary, i can understand why they graded it a 12A because it doesn't have much gore, little to no violence, swearing, or nudity, just waht they would probably class as "mild horror", although I would've been terrified if i'd watched it under 15. Me and my friends were creeped out by it, and there are some seriously jumpy bits, my friend, whose terrified of dolls and clowns, had particularly problems with some parts!
    Not sure how close to the book, but thought it was really good, i imagine a well done play would be better though.
  • Why is everyone who mentions Drive, feel the need to say its very violent. There is violence in it but its not like its not stop violence throughout.
  • Why is everyone who mentions Drive, feel the need to say its very violent. There is violence in it but its not like its not stop violence throughout.
    The deranged side to the character comes out about half way through the movie. I wasn't expecting it so for me it was a bit of a shock. Teaches me to check out a movie before I go. It is good though.
  • edited February 2012
    Watched The Lives of Others last night. Superb story and great acting. Just watched The Adjustment Bureau. A nice idea poorly executed. Probably the worst Matt Damon film I have seen. Acting was wooden and the script was knocked up on the back of a postage stamp. I give this film the finger for wasting an hour and a half!
  • Why is everyone who mentions Drive, feel the need to say its very violent. There is violence in it but its not like its not stop violence throughout.
    Obviously in case someone doesn't like violence.
  • I wasn't sure about going to see wormen in black reading some of the review seem like a decent movie.
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  • edited February 2012
    I watched The Iron Lady last night , not expecting to like it because of the subject matter but i thought is was really well done.
    Meryl Streep is fantastic and totally deserves her nomination for an Acadamy award.

  • Was given a copy of "Unthinkable" today by a fella who was raving about it:
    Any Good ?
  • Not sure if it is already mentioned here, but I just watched Warrior and it one of the best films ive seen in a long time.
  • Am I the only person who thinks Drive is style over substance? Didn't really enjoy it.
  • Am I the only person who thinks Drive is style over substance? Didn't really enjoy it.
    No - I thought exactly the same thing (I said exactly that to a mate a few weeks back). It's extremely well done - but I thought it was seriously lacking in anything (soundtrack is great though)

  • I finally saw the Old Bat Iron lady on Saturday. I thought it was dire. Actually so did my wife. A cv put to film, as she said. No insights at all into the effects of her policies, indeed I had to explain to my wife what the Poll Tax actually was. Of course there was no room for any insight, because of the film's insistence on focusing on her dementia (which I find utterly tasteless while she's still alive) and what a great husband Denis was. Yes of course Meryl Streep was brilliant,in the same way as Allan Simonsen was brilliant for Charlton in the 80's, if you get my gist
    And somebody has spent a great deal of money in the Czech republic promoting this steaming pile of turd
  • I finally saw the Old Bat Iron lady on Saturday. I thought it was dire. Actually so did my wife. A cv put to film, as she said. No insights at all into the effects of her policies
    oh dear...
  • Saw Moneyball, it's good but I'm not really sure why it was so highly praised. It has good performances and is a decent story but nothing great. Not sure why Jonah Hill got an Oscar nomination either.
  • vffvff
    edited March 2012
    Arn: The Knight Templar (2007) - Swedish film was entertaining.

    Ponyo - Japanese animation (Studio Ghibril) is a good family film for your younger kids and older adults - English actors doing the lines.
  • vffvff
    edited March 2012
    Saw Woman in Black on Friday evening, was quite scary, i can understand why they graded it a 12A because it doesn't have much gore, little to no violence, swearing, or nudity, just waht they would probably class as "mild horror", although I would've been terrified if i'd watched it under 15. Me and my friends were creeped out by it, and there are some seriously jumpy bits, my friend, whose terrified of dolls and clowns, had particularly problems with some parts!
    Not sure how close to the book, but thought it was really good, i imagine a well done play would be better though.
    Plot is different to the book as his missus passes away in the beginning, and there is a different ending. I am trying not to talk too much about the plot as, I don't want to spoil it for those that have yet to see it. The story has been beefed up for the film. Not a bad job, but it marginally probably detracted rather than added to the basic story and atmosphere.

    Overall the film though is a pretty good job, just go with realistic expectation and you won't be disappointed. More ghost than horror. Good Ghost stories are just as scary when you think about them after as when you see them at the time. After the film, I was thinking about the additions to the plot which didn't work, which bugged me, rather than how scary the film was.

    The book is a good read, short book. The play is pretty good as well, saw it in the Fortune Theatre off Covent Garden, years ago. We were sitting high up on the balcony and the narrow, cramped and high steps with the low balcony and steep drop was a bit nerve racking. Play better reflects the book than the film, as it strips it down to the basic story.

    Well worth reading and the play worth seeing.

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