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  • Prometheus - just to echo what others have said. Plot messy, underdeveloped characters making unlikely decisions, Theron there for no apparent reason, poor acting. Some good cinematography and an attractive premise bump the score up to 3 from 10.
  • Dragged along to Snow White and the Huntsman, but it was pretty good. Sort of felt like it was trying to be the real story, before it was sanitised - so much of the plot was the same only different e.g. there were 8 dwarves only one got killed making it 7.
  • I saw Prometheus the other day in 3D. Absolute Tosh from beginning to end. I don't think I have ever been so bored by a film. I would give it 1 out of 10 for the 3D effects.

    trailer for the new tarantino film. Looks brilliant!
  • Watched 'The Grey' with Liam Neeson at the weekend on blu ray , it certainly lived up to its name , plenty of snow , & blood thirsty wolves.
  • Watched 'The Grey' with Liam Neeson at the weekend on blu ray , it certainly lived up to its name , plenty of snow , & blood thirsty wolves.
    Did Liam like it?
  • Enjoyed Prometheus apart from the hokey end. 3D worked well with the vistas particularly. Getting bored of the Kermode-inspired 3d is shite mob, although I agree that retro fit jobs like the avengers just darken the film.
  • anyone seen the Dictator, the scene in the helicopter is hilarious

    also though the American Pie Reunion was pretty funny as well
  • MIB with the kids; entertaining. Prometheus tonight: weak characters, ok story, laughable self operation and recovery scene!
  • Saw MIB 3 2D Version last night. Really enjoyed. Funny and well acted. Effects pretty much what you'd expect. Certainly a good follow up.
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  • finally , I got to watch Melancholia last night, I thought it was quite spellbinding, great filming,and powerful sense of oncoming doom, alongside some brilliant acting.
  • finally , I got to watch Melancholia last night, I thought it was quite spellbinding, great filming,and powerful sense of oncoming doom, alongside some brilliant acting.
    I saw it and thought after the first 8 minutes it was boring, drawn out and utterly pointless. You knew what was coming then.

    Kirsten Dunst acts well however and gets naked so 3*s
  • finally , I got to watch Melancholia last night, I thought it was quite spellbinding, great filming,and powerful sense of oncoming doom, alongside some brilliant acting.
    I saw it and thought after the first 8 minutes it was boring, drawn out and utterly pointless. You knew what was coming then.

    Kirsten Dunst acts well however and gets naked so 3*s
    yep if your solely into action and surprises, then its probably not the film to watch

  • I don't have to watch action movies but a little surprise or twist would have been nice.

    I just found it all too weird. Melancholia being a state of Bi Polar I thought they would concentrate on that some more, rather than just show you how someone with it might act before an impending doom.
  • Don't hold out any hope that The Amazing Spider-Man will scratch the action itch. 60 decent minutes followed by 40 rubbish minutes. The crane sequence is one of the worst scenes in a comic book movie since Ben Affleck danced around a playground in Daredevil. Watch it, and then feel the urge go buy the Raimi trilogy. Even Spider-Man III will appeal after this. Andrew Garfield is very good though.
  • I don't have to watch action movies but a little surprise or twist would have been nice.

    I just found it all too weird. Melancholia being a state of Bi Polar I thought they would concentrate on that some more, rather than just show you how someone with it might act before an impending doom.
    It didn't do it for me either. Far too pretentious . 4 out of 10
  • Saw END OF WATCH last night. Absolute cracker of a movie. A cop-buddy movie where the laughs only come thanks to the incredible tension. Gyllenhaal is very good, although Michael Pena probably steals the show. The use of in-context cameras is slightly odd, but far more immersive than any 3D you will see this year. Reviews are embargoed for a while, so I would love to get in there first and recommend this one!

    It's not perfect, but it is in the top ten for the year so far. That and LAWLESS are a refreshing reminder that not every movie has to be based on a comic book/ sequel/ TV show/ child's toy. Lawless is the top film of the year without a doubt. At least until TDKR next week...

  • Went to see TED last night.

    If you have seen the trailer then you have seen the first 20 minutes. If you havent seen the trailer then you will find the whole film hilarious, provided you are into the family guy type comedy.

    Thought it was a fun crude film and the CGI with Ted is spot on.

    Some of the jokes are quite 'american' and will go over a few heads, but all in all was a good nights entertainment.

  • The Expendables 2 is the most fun I have ever had at the cinema. We're embargoed from reviewing it, but I had to tell someone. It's so much fun.
  • would recommend," searching for sugar man "? still not sure whether it was another spinal tap without the laughs.

    if true, quite incredible and wonderful, that it finally came to fruition.
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  • Went to see TED last night.

    If you have seen the trailer then you have seen the first 20 minutes. If you havent seen the trailer then you will find the whole film hilarious, provided you are into the family guy type comedy.

    Thought it was a fun crude film and the CGI with Ted is spot on.

    Some of the jokes are quite 'american' and will go over a few heads, but all in all was a good nights entertainment.

    See...I couldn't disagree more. Absolutely love Family Guy, saw it last night and was very disappointed. They left the funniest bits out of the trailer, unfortunately there was only a handful more of real laugh out loud moments that weren't in there. Some good one liners, but was rather underwhelmed. Definitely one to wait for on DVD.

  • Ted. Quality film. May not suit all tastes, but certainly ticked most of my boxes where my sense of humour lies.
  • Saw Expendables 2 over the weekend... essentially exactly what it looks like: a bunch of 80s action meatheads plus Thor's little brother shooting a bunch of generic nameless goons lead by a moustache-twirling armband on sleeve European villain [MINOR SPOILER: This guy's name IS Vilain (with one L but a French pronunication so this doesn't make much difference). Don't get much more cut and paste than that.]

    Not that this is a bad thing mind you but those lifers who are more interested in artistic, thought proving auteurs' work should avoid. Those who want 90 mins of brainless testorone poisoning to kill a few brain cells (like me) this is exactly the film for you!
  • edited August 2012
    Watched Cabin in The Woods and enjoyed it emensely. A very different type of horror movie.
  • Thought ted was pretty poor, one or two good scenes but the whole thing was completley disjointed, really badly directed as well. People say it was like one long episode of Family Guy but it wasn't really. Most of the references don't work when you can't show them like they do in Family Guy.

    Also watched The Prophet, pretty grim but superb all the same.
  • Into The Abyss. Released in 2011 and didn't hear about it until recently but thought it was a really interesting documentary from Werner Herzog about a death row man days away from his execution for murdering 3 people. Well worth renting if bored of blockbusters etc.
  • Just watched Prometheus not expecting too much going by the reviews but i loved it. Extremely entertaining .
  • a prophet - great film - anyone seen tell no one - french film - really enjoyed it.
  • The raid: 'redemption' is great for a laugh
  • Watched Cabin in The Woods and enjoyed it emensely. A very different type of horror movie.

    Watched it last night as I had heard the same.


    I'll probably be accused of missing the point of how different and clever this film is. I'm all for clever horror films. I thought the first ' saw ' was excellent for example. This however was shyte. Horror on acid. Very very cheap acid.

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