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Latest Films



  • [cite]Posted By: Carter[/cite]Last time Itooka girl to see a film (put my hand in my pocket) it cost me nearly £30 for 2 tickets a couple of beers and a couple of bottles of water. Then the cheeky fuggers have got the cheek to put an advert on telling me not to spend £3 on a pirate DVD to watch at home!

    Anyways I'm going to the pictures tomorrow and want to know what's worth watching with a doris. I was eyeing up the vampire one but I don't want to scare the shite out of her. I'm not sure I could handle a birds film and still be all man afterwards

    I took a bird to watch 'The Notebook' a couple of years ago. Not a good idea.
    ''Why are your eyes all red?''....
  • I will go and see The Road at the weekend so, I read the book this week as I work on the theory; the books always better than the film.
    Hope my theory is wrong, didnt enjoy reading the book.
  • [cite]Posted By: supaclive[/cite]

    Simultaneous distribution in cinema with platforms such as i-tunes, sky box office, filmflex, blinkbox, lovefilm etc - that is where REAL independent films will end up - as that will ensure a very good indie film has the opportunity of reaching as many people as possible all at the same time.... just my humble, in the business, opinion though ....

    Every Indie film is simulataneously distributed on release via the internet already. Invariably a screener is circulated in the week of release or even before and its made into an AVI in a heartbeat. It's unfortunate that the demographic most likely to be into Indie films are the same demograhic who are going nick them.
  • Thanks for the insight Supaclive, I guess I already guessed most of that but I didn't realise so little went to the distributors. However, when you get a film like 'An Education' that's just been nominated for 8 Baftas and got rave reviews on, for example, the FiveLive film review (which has a pretty large following) I'd just have thought a few more cinemas/distributors (whichever is the one calling the shots) would have taken a punt on it.

    It would be nice to see the big Multiplexes putting one of their 10 to 15 screens aside for Indie films as well. I don't have your inside knowledge but I'd have thought that might be economically viable - the audience may not be huge for some of these films, but surely there are enough people out there to make a good number of them profitable? I'd have thought the run-away success of something like 'Slumdog Millionaire' would have encouraged the industry a bit.
  • Exiled - you would hope so - however, the saviour for indie cinema - "digital" screens - where you can just make a digital copy of the film for a fraction of the cost of a an old style film "print" does save you a tidy penny.

    And then Avatar comes along, takes £4m a weekend even a month after release and so all the cinemas turn down all the indie films that have set themselves up for digital release because they know Avatar in 3D which by the nature of 3D has to be on a digital screen, is making them more money.

    Don't get me wrong - good films will make their way through, but it's getting more and more difficult as the majors apply more pressure to cinema chains to support them through thick and thin.
  • Good discussion. Any other recommended films other than 'An Education' and 'The Road'?
  • Up In The Air
    Sherlock Holmes
    Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll
    Nowhere Boy
    The White Ribbon - if you can do black and white foreign language movies
    Paranormal Activity for sheer tension
    Harry Brown - Michael Caine as a geriatric arse kicker
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: supaclive[/cite] The White Ribbon - if you can do black and white foreign language movies

    If you can do b/w foreign movies it is the best one I've seen for years. Not everyone's cup of tea and what do I know, I thought Avatar was technically brilliant but childish pap in every other department.
  • Watched Made in Dagenham last night. Very watchable film. I thought it captured the feel of the era very well - apart from some very modern looking beer taps in a hotel bar scene!
  • I watched it in Toronto and it's very good!
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  • Just came back to this thread and thought I'd add that I used 'An Education' with great success in a few of my English classes back in February (thanks to you guys). My students loved it. Then I found that it was out on general release in France. I get the impression sometimes that the French appreciate films like this more than the English.

    I'm not sure that some of the other films touted on here fall into the same class. I know that that's the case for Sherlock Holmes and Up In The Air. Going to try Nowhere Boy though.

    One excellent film on French TV recently was Irena Palm. Has anyone else seen this?
  • Yesterday we went to Picturehouse and saw "of gods and men" one of the best films i have ever seen and we see lots. Beautifully filmed, looked almost like a painting at times, real characters and very spiritual and moving. If you like action films and Avatar you will probably hate it, if you like subtitled, thoughtful films go and see it. Would be interested in your thoughts
  • Girl who kicked the Hornets Nest - Brilliant
  • The Expendables - watched it on the plane to New York last week - it's quality. 94 minutes of brain numbing entertainment - just fun, nothing else!

    Watch out for a documentary called "Babies" coming out in January - no spoken word, but it's actually VERY, VERY good!
  • The Secret In Their Eyes - my film of the year and I think it won the Best Foreign Film Oscar.

    It has a 7 minute long take, which starts in a helicopter above a packed Argentinean football stadium, turns into a chase scene, and ends in the bowels of said stadium. Without a single cut. They literally dropped the camera out of the chopper! And it's the characters that make the movie great!!! Can't recommend it highly enough.
  • [cite]Posted By: JiMMy 85[/cite]The Secret In Their Eyes - my film of the year and I think it won the Best Foreign Film Oscar.

    It has a 7 minute long take, which starts in a helicopter above a packed Argentinean football stadium, turns into a chase scene, and ends in the bowels of said stadium. Without a single cut. They literally dropped the camera out of the chopper! And it's the characters that make the movie great!!! Can't recommend it highly enough.

    Agreed. Stunning film.

    Another one is - The Kite Runner
  • Saw Paranormal Activity 2 last night (films take a while to come out here). Great film. Really cleverly linked as a prequel to the first one. Bloody terrifying!

    Highly recommended.
  • edited February 2011
    Is it miles better than the first because I thought the first was an absolute pile of dog poo
  • saw true grit , good remake and the young girl in it is a great actress.

    also saw PU-239 which is a HBO film with Paddy Considine in it where he steals some plutonium and tries to sell it. Good film but then all films with Considine it are especially dead mans shoes
  • I saw Paul last night, Brit nerd Alien US rd trip comedy, quite amusing boyish humour - hate the annoying tw*ts you seem to get at the O2 and the odeon greenwich nowadays, who just want to chat and behave like idiots though
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  • Sorry all you young guys out there, but it has to be Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. I like feel good films. I asked my old Aunt the other day what she thought of all the sex in the Cinema today. She said " I can't see it dear, I'm always in the front row. "
  • Razil I try to avoid going to the O2 and the odeon at grenwich and instead go to the picturehouse. Can't remember the last time I went to a big multi screen cinema and didn't have to tell someone to shut the f up.

    Plus at the pictuehouse you can have a nice cold beer in you seat , lovely .

    Saw the fighter there a couple of saturdays ago which I really enjoyed and had no feeling anxious as I may have to tell someone to button it
  • i took my neices to watch 'tangled'. quality disney film for the nippers. i enjoyed it too.

    'Just go with it' is pretty decent for adam sandler, some funny bits in it and Jennifer Aniston is looking unbelievable. its not really my cup of tea but easy to watch.

    'the next 3 days' with Russel Crowe is disappointing. all the action is in the trailor and ur never really delivered the twist or drama that is expected.
  • [cite]Posted By: buckshee[/cite]Razil I try to avoid going to the O2 and the odeon at grenwich and instead go to the picturehouse. Can't remember the last time I went to a big multi screen cinema and didn't have to tell someone to shut the f up.

    Plus at the pictuehouse you can have a nice cold beer in you seat , lovely .

    Saw the fighter there a couple of saturdays ago which I really enjoyed and had no feeling anxious as I may have to tell someone to button it

    yeah even blue water isn't as bad as the two mentioned, picturehouse doesn't tend to have the movie on I often want to see, was hoping the Well Hall one would help with that - not sure it's open yet or if it's doing that kinda thang?
  • Went to see The Kings Speech yesterday - brilliant.
  • [cite]Posted By: Algarveaddick[/cite]Went to see The Kings Speech yesterday - brilliant.

    Bit of a stuttering start but it got better......
  • Watched Black Swan a couple of weeks ago ... wasn't sure whether or not I'd like it but turns out it was excellent ... mesmerising acting by Natalie Portman
  • Watched Black Swan, True Grit, The Fighter, The King's Speech and Winter Bone in the last couple of weeks. They are all brilliant. Black Swan blew me away, Natalie Portman was amazing but so was the girl in True Grit and Winter Bone. Winter Bone kinda went udner the radar but it's definitly worth checking out.
  • Saw Black Swan last night and it was amazing, both my daughter and I lost for words.
    Natalie Portman a cert for the Oscar. I sneaked off to see Hereafter last week and it was pretty poor.
  • [cite]Posted [/cite] *

    * CommentTimeJan 19th 2010

    quote# 33
    Please, No more poxy Vampire movies!!!

    Where have all the good thrillers gone? Films like Usual Suspects or Memento. Original stuff. If it doesnt have explosions, SFX or vampires then it seems it doesnt get commisioned anymore! .

    Watch 'El secreto de sus ochos', it's bloody brilliant.
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